Chapter 556: The Gods Descend, the Day of Judgment Comes!!

Su Yang didn’t take Gilgamesh too seriously.

After all, this guy didn’t do anything out of the ordinary in the end.

Su Yang was more of a pity for this imperfect creation.

If you let Gilgamesh know what Su Yu thinks in his heart.

It is estimated that he will storm out on the spot!

After all, in his kingdom, anyone in his eyes is just an ant on the ground.

No one dares to despise him.

Because the consequence of doing so must be death!

But he couldn’t detect Su Tian’s thoughts.

This is a taboo existence for him.

Probably, once he detected even the slightest possibility.

What greets Gilgamesh is death!

The gap between gods and gods is thus manifested.

Finally, above the hall of the gods, there were waves of fluctuations in the space.

“It’s the god kings! They are coming! ”

All the gods present were in a state of noise.

The gods who created them or gave them great powers have finally descended on this great time and space!

“God, you haven’t forgotten us!”

Many of the gods present have begun to pray gradually.


The gods also pray and express their devotion like a loyal dog to the gods who are higher than themselves!

Su Xiao smiled slightly, watching this absurd performance with interest.

“As a god, but I believe in a god.”

“Everything in this world is so meaningless.”

Su Yang thought of the Cthulhu evil gods who were far away.

“It is precisely because these guys are too strong to put the power of faith.”

“That’s what makes that group of creatures constantly pouring out the real world.”

Su Xiao frowned slightly.

He wondered if there was a possibility of how completely Cthulhu could cut off the possibility of Cthulhu creatures coming to the real world.

Thinking about it, only the gods present are all able to pass the path of worshipping the heavens.

Su Xiao smiled slightly.

“Even the gods are so pathetic, what are those main gods doing? At this time, the vision in the sky has gradually calmed down.”

The sky above the hall of the gods is cloudless!

At this moment, above those nine heavens, there were hundreds of figures, large and small.

They may be hidden in the void so that they cannot detect their figures.

There is only a faint outline of it.

Or unimaginably large!

There are countless wind, fire, thunder and lightning all around these gods…

Above the hall of the gods, there are hundreds of millions of areas.

At this moment, there were already all kinds of strange noises, and all kinds of gods stopped in mid-air.

Fill up the realm of this space.

Some of them are so large that it seems that it is extremely difficult to descend to the second world!

However, they all did one thing in unison.

The gods all cast their gaze on Su Tian’s body in the center below.

The coercion of the main gods made the gods under them tremble!

With their appearance.

The gods in the field all worshipped on the ground with straight faces, not daring to look directly at those powerful gods in mid-air.

Those are the beings they will never dare to touch.

Even in the long course of history.

None of them ever mentioned the names of the Lord Gods to anyone else or the gods!

These names are taboo for them.

And at the moment!

Because of Su Tian’s summons, they once again descended in front of these low-level gods.

How can they not be excited!

After all, these powerful gods are already omnipotent true gods in their eyes!

There is nothing else in this world that can compare to the Lord Gods!

Suddenly, they were surprised to find that they were under the gaze of the Lord God.

Su Tian, who was sitting on the steps, still looked as usual.

The calm expression did not change in the slightest!

“This… How can it be?? ”

Moldy time, countless doubts sounded in the hearts of the gods!

Where is this Su Yang sacred? He was able to withstand the pressure of the gods!

Su Tian’s face was calm, and he was already looking ahead without squinting.

In his opinion, these heavenly gods are no different from the gods worshipped underground.

He could not understand the sorrows and joys of the gods, and did not want to understand.

Su Yang just felt noisy.

Whether it’s them, or the gods they believe in…

It’s all true…

Su Minji never felt that any of these gods in the sky would threaten him, of course, and the same was true together.

Su Yang just informed them to come here.

So they have to come here.

If it does not come, then the consequences will have to be borne by yourself, it is such a simple rule.

But this is a different experience for Xiaoqing behind Su Yang.

At the moment, he felt like he was sweating all over his body.

The coercion of the main gods made him feel that his heart could not bear to burst open each of these main gods in the sky was a supreme lord god who could create a world.

There are countless believers and followers in every plane world.

At the same time, many representatives were created in their divine realm.

The gods under them are one of their creations.

Su Tian’s divine consciousness was released.

After only a moment, it was all over this time and space!

He raised his head slightly, and finally looked at the gods in the sky squarely.

“It’s all here. The Day of Judgment has officially begun! ”

After Su Xiao said this, he didn’t say anything more.

After all, he also has his own thoughts about this day of judgment.

As soon as this word came out.

The gods present were in an uproar.

“That’s it. Straight started?? ”

The gods in the field looked at Su Tian, who was sitting on the main seat.

His gaze was still looking into the distance.

Obviously, I am not going to say anything more.

At this time, the hearts of the gods could not help but play some drums.

What kind of medicine is sold in this Su Yang’s gourd?

At this time, among the gods of heaven.

Odin, the main god from Northern Europe, spoke first.

“I wonder what you mean?”

“What do you want to do with the humans in this world now?”

He was originally a main god who finally ascended to the throne of the god king after countless struggles and battles.

I think I have seen a lot of bloody scenes.

He had also heard of Su Tian’s name.

But legends are only legends after all, and he also wants to see the truth of the rumors.

After all, with his strength, he can also rank number one among the main gods!

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