Chapter 557: Su Xiao Suppresses the Lord God, and the Hall of Gods is silent!!

Above the sky, Zeus’s eyes were still staring at Su Tian.

After all, with his strength, there is no place between heaven and earth that is taboo.

That was naturally his own thought on Thursday.

Su Xiao smiled slightly.

This Zeus is the chief god of Northern Europe, and has spent his life in constant conquest!

But not a reckless man.

His wisdom honed in constant battles is also quite high!

At this moment, although Zeus said to ask Su Tian’s opinion.

But in fact, it is retreating.

Once Su Yang has any inappropriate reasons.

Then he Zeus is naturally the first presiding god to raise the anti-flag.

In fact, almost all the main god units that came here had almost the same idea as Zeus.

After all…

Su Yang is a god who has just made a name for himself in the world.

Although the strength is unknown, it is under the coercion of the Lord Gods present.

Is there any existence in this world that can be shaken?

Obviously, in their opinion, Su Yang is also a strong man at the moment.

Superficial calmness is just a mask for inner turmoil.

Su Xiao smiled coldly.

“These guys are coming, are they still thinking about these thoughts?”

With his ability, there was no problem in forcibly suppressing all the gods present, but Su Yang didn’t want to do it.

In this way, it will only make the gods hate and jealous of humans even more.

There is no benefit to human development.

Su Yang naturally knew this.

So he was going to come and let one person take charge of the big picture.

As for Zeus’ provocation.

He didn’t pay attention to it at all.

Su Tian’s expression was indifferent, and he didn’t pay attention to the sugar-coated cannonball thrown by Zeus at all.

“Hermes, you have presided over the days of judgment in previous sessions.”

“Today, according to the rules of the past, you will preside over the day of judgment of mankind!”

As soon as this word came out.

The faces of the gods present changed.

“You actually ignored Lord Zeus directly??”

“You see… Zeus’s face changed, so he lost his face in front of the gods.”

“I’m afraid it will cause hostility from the Norse gods.”

“What does he mean by letting Hermes take charge of the big picture?”

“yes, he summoned us here, isn’t it just to be his own home?”

Su Tian’s performance was too unexpected for all the gods.

After all, it was Su Yang who gathered them together from the stands.

And at this moment, after Su Xiao finished this sentence.

It was done again without saying a word.

His expression was indifferent, and his eyes were still looking straight ahead.

Apparently, since I just raised my eyes to look at them slightly.

Su Tian’s gaze was no longer on them.

“What an arrogance!”

“Damn, you dare to ignore us!”

All the main gods who had experienced countless divine battles regarded Su Tian’s attitude as insulting.

They are gods who have already made great achievements when heaven and earth are created.

Check out the history of the entire universe.

The great feats of the gods were enough to go down in history.

Glory accompanies them wherever they go.

And at this moment, such a small border place in the universe.

They were actually ignored by a rising star like Su Tian?

It’s beyond their imagination!

After all, their spiritual intelligence and body full of divine power are formed innately.

Before the universe was officially formed, their form was fixed!

And Su Tian…

As a creation after the formation of the universe.

Dare to have such an attitude towards his ancestors.

How can this not make a group of gods representing war angry.

Compared with the development route of war-type gods, the wisdom-shaped main gods are not the same.

Their attitude now seems much more rational, after all, they are the sum of all the reason and wisdom of this universe.

The emotions that belong to humans have been abandoned by them for many years.

Their goal has slowly drifted away from them over the years.

Either it has been achieved, or it has been forgotten by them.

Their dignity and purpose as gods were abandoned.

Therefore, Su Tian’s attitude did not mean anything else in their opinion.

However, as long as any of the gods present took the lead.

Their attacks will not fall a little late, either.

After all, losing human emotions doesn’t mean they become wantless.

It’s about arming yourself with a cool head before achieving your goal.

This is the truest portrayal of the hearts of these wise gods.

Su Tian’s expression was still indifferent, and the inner thoughts of the gods were only clouds in his ears.

Their plan Su Xiao was too lazy to forcibly intervene.

Even basic warnings are too lazy to post.

After all, it only takes one or two of them to lose in front of themselves.

Then, all these together sounds will be dimmed.

Su Xiao smiled slightly, he didn’t think it was a strange thing to kill chickens and scare monkeys, on the contrary, he thought that the shock effect achieved by the appropriate sacrifice of some human gods was extremely outstanding.

Therefore, Su Yang was waiting silently.

Wait for the first bird to appear.

However, after waiting for a long time, except for two low-level gods who could not withstand the pressure, they fled on the spot.

The gods present still did not act rashly.

Su Xiao laughed lightly.

Unexpectedly, even those gods who fought for a living forcibly suppressed their tempers.

Su Yang knew that they were all waiting for an opportunity.

The Day of Judgment meeting has not yet officially begun.

There is no reason why those gods of war want to attack.

After all, waging a war against any god requires a valid reason, whether it is invented afterwards or criticized by the world.

They all need this opportunity to wage more wars.

And Su Tian’s attitude towards humans is the reason why they can still be patient now.

They had already found out that Su Tian’s attitude towards humans was at odds with most gods.

In other words, Su Yang wanted to rely on his own strength.

Save the fate of mankind in this once-in-a-thousand years day of human judgment.

We don’t want all human life to be reshuffled.

With this alone, Su Yang was already on the opposite side of most gods, after all, almost all gods believed that human beings were a completely wrong product.

Therefore, only a certain god is needed to stand up and oppose Su Tian’s attitude.

Once Su Yang expressed his objection.

The Lord Gods can rise up and attack!

The so-called reason for starting a war has already been found by them!

Su Yang had already figured it all out.

His face was still calm, and a plan was quietly formed!

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