Chapter 558: Trembling Hermes! The silent confrontation between Su Yang and the Lord God!!

Su Tian’s plan had been formed quietly.

This main god hall will be stained with the blood of the gods if it is not said today!

His gaze looked at Hermes, who was still in a daze.

At this moment, Hermes was suddenly alert, and he felt that he was being watched by some kind of terrifying gaze!

He is a deity of the head of the bird, shrouded in luxurious ornaments.

At this moment, he was far above the nine heavens, and he thought that Su Yang would face Zeus directly just now.

But he didn’t expect that Su Tian’s words directly led the calamity to his body.

At this moment, seeing the gods, they all cast their eyes on themselves.

He instantly felt his pressure multiply.

yes, that’s right.

In previous years, he presided over the day of the trial.

However, every 10,000-year trial of the human world is basically just a formality, and his role in it is actually very small, because the trial against the human world has basically reached a conclusion every time.

Except for some races with unique beliefs in the gods, they were able to survive the cataclysm.

The rest of the Terrans basically only have one path to choose from.

So Hermes, the titular host, did not play a role.

However, to this day, everything has changed.

Hermes suddenly discovered.

Every next word you say has the potential to change the direction of the meeting!

This made him feel very embarrassed.

After all, he can’t afford such a big responsibility.

After all, he is also one of the many main gods.

After all, his heart is still on the side of the gods.

But the result of doing so must be to blame Su Tian!

Offended Su Tian?

Then he Hermes is waiting to die!

After all, through hundreds of thousands of years of mutual understanding.

He knew all too well what the gods were.

Although these main gods seem to be harmonious on the surface.

But once they shake the pot, they play better than anyone else.

When it comes to selling teammates, Hermes has never seen anyone who can play these gods!

After all, he has also been like this in these hundreds of thousands of years of deception.

Hermes could already imagine when he chose to side too much with the gods.

His backhand was sent to the door as a victim to calm Su Tian’s anger…

So choose to offend the gods?

Hermes couldn’t make this decision to tilt his ass directly.

It is equivalent to directly opening an unprecedented giant tide irony in front of the gods!

He couldn’t imagine what the outcome of choosing this path would look like.

The good news is that at least he will not be betrayed by the gods.

The bad news is that there’s no value in using that kind of self.

At least for Su Tian.

Hermes, as the god of wisdom, did not have great force.

This is just a dispensable pendant for Su Yang.

The consequences of choosing this path are equally shaky.

But he can’t show any panic on the surface.

He slowly descended from the sky where the gods were.

The posture of the slow fall is very elegant, as if riding on an invisible wind.

He is as handsome as the pharaoh’s eagle!

In just a few seconds, he had landed on the stand in front of Su Tian.

As a god of wisdom, he had already thought of a countermeasure in just ten seconds!

That is…

For the sake of his small life, he cannot take sides with the gods and the Terrans on this day of judgment!

Hermes believed that it was possible to offend the forces of both sides at the same time.

In this way, he may still have a glimmer of life in the cracks.

If he completely offends either side, then there is only one way to die.

In the hundreds of thousands of years he has been a god, he has never been so nervous.

It was also the first time he was so close to death.

In the past, even when the Titan God Clan attacked the Kingdom of God.

He didn’t feel as horrible as he did today.

At this moment, he felt that there was only one word to describe it.

Thin ice!

The slightest mistake may result in a death sentence for yourself!

The change in his mentality was naturally in Su Yang’s plan.

Ganggang had already demonstrated his mighty force, and none of these main gods chose to act rashly after they came.

This is also the result of his military deterrence.

Otherwise, when Zeus was ignored by him just now, he would have directly lifted the Eternal Spear to start a group!

Otherwise, with his temper, where would he choose to endure?

Su Xiao smiled lightly, all the plans were operating on time according to the set goals!

Hermes stood in front of the stage and cleared his throat.

The routine trial message was read.

“The time of 10,000 years has come.”

“The fate of the Terrans has once again come to a crossroads of survival.”

“Survival? Or destruction. ”

“The fate of the Terrans is in their own hands” Hermes’ forehead already had fine cold sweat slowly beginning to fall.

He deliberately read the trial speech, which was only a few hundred words long, very slowly.

It’s like a student who speaks for the first time without preparation.

In previous years, the speeches that poured cups were like hot mouths.

He stuttered when he read it out of his mouth.

Hermes wanted to cry without tears.

He didn’t want to make a scandal like this, but the pressure on him from both sides was too great and it wasn’t his delusion to scare himself.

He could feel that the momentum of Su Yang and the gods was secretly competing in this hall.

And the place of the confrontation is on this altar where he is.

All, Hermes was sweating at the moment.

There is a feeling that the top of my neck is starting to get cooler and cooler.

This made him even more frightened, and he couldn’t even speak clearly at the moment.

Su Xiao smiled lightly.

The pressure on Hermes was also in his plans.

The more pressure is given to him now.

The more likely he is to make some unknown mistakes.

This is bound to cause doubts and gaps between the main gods.

At this time, it was Su Yang’s opportunity to propose the day of his banning trial.

After all, the Three Thousand Avenues also need to be confirmed by humans in order to continuously develop and the day of judgment falls.

It will be a terrible end for the Terrans.

At that time, it will be very rare for races to survive more.

Not to mention individuals who are suitable for cultivation and can cultivate the Three Thousand Dao.

Therefore, Su Yang can only let as many Terrans survive as possible.

Only then can it be possible to constantly improve your own three thousand avenues!

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