Chapter 559: Judging the Terrans? Did I Su Xiao agree?!!

Su Xiao smiled slightly, his plan was already quietly taking shape!

Time passed minute by minute.

Hermes finally finished reading the opening remarks of the day of the judgment with a majestic face.

His back was already drenched with sweat.

The originally gorgeous feathers were already messed up at the moment, but he had no way to sort them out.

It’s not that there is no way, but that you don’t dare…

He’s afraid!

He was afraid that if he moved slightly, the person would be gone.

After all, although he is a master god, the gap in strength is a heavenly graben!

His force is not worth it, in the arena of this god.

No matter how smart it is, it’s just a food delivery!

He finished reading the opening statement, but found himself embarrassed again…

What’s next?

Has anyone been able to tell me?

His heart was already in chaos.

Gradually, I couldn’t even figure out who I was and where I was.

Only himself was messy in the wind, and finally, he couldn’t help but speak.

His voice was as small as if a mosquito was flying by.

“Ahem, what’s next?”

His gaze looked timidly at Su Tian.

The day of judgment is no longer within his control.

He could have a hunch that the next hall of the gods would surely become a place where the gods competed.

And at this time, weak and intelligent gods like them are often unable to interject.

Su Xiao smiled lightly.

“Just follow the procedure, I also came to the day of the trial for the first time.”

“Do you still need to ask me about this kind of thing?”

Su Xiao knew that the next step was the trial of the Terrans.

But he still didn’t panic, because it wasn’t time to break out yet.

He understood that the gods were waiting for an opportunity.

An opportunity to reasonably launch a divine war.

And Su Yang himself is also waiting for this opportunity.

He is not afraid that these gods now will unite against him.

It’s just that if this is the case, then the current Lord God will all be destroyed by himself.

In that case, you will need to re-establish a new order yourself, which is too troublesome.

It is not the result that Su Yang wants to pursue.

Of course, if they are bent on death.

Su Yang didn’t mind giving them a ride in advance when he arrived.

In this hall of the gods, no god could compete with him.

Of course, it adds up too!

It’s like shooting a swarm of ants to death.

Of course, Su Yang can do that, but it will stain the floor.

He just didn’t want to clean up and be too troublesome.

Hermes was overwhelmed by Su Tian’s words.

He… He asked me to continue?

Keep talking. But it is the judgment for mankind!

Hermes was confused.

What exactly does Su Yang mean?

Is it a temporary abandonment?

Sure enough, compared to the words that offend those Lord Gods in heaven.

It is more reliable to sacrifice human beings.

Su Tian, you should think so…

In Hermes’ mind, all kinds of ideas are spinning wildly!

Su Tian’s words had just been spoken.

Hermes was already thinking about what he meant.

I shouldn’t be wrong with my idea, right?

In fact, he is also more fond of his heart.

After all, this is a wrong sentence.

If you offend any side, you will not be able to eat and walk around.

Finally, Hermes made up his mind.

Still, he decided to trust his own judgment.

That is, Su Yang was already ready to give up the Terrans.

So Hermes cleared his throat.

“So… The Day of Judgment continues… Next is the judgment for humanity! ”

When he said this, he also tilted his head to look at Su Tian.

It was found that he did not seem to have any special reaction.

Hermes gradually relaxed.

Begin to preside over the next trial of the Terrans.

It’s like standing on top of this hall of the gods every time for these hundreds of thousands of years!

A confident smile returned to his face.

I can feel it, it’s all back!

“Terrans, civilized and taught by the gods.”

“I have my own civilization and cultivation methods!”

“But it is precisely because of this dependence of themselves that they have also developed their own arrogance!”

“In their tears, the gods who created him are getting more and more excited, Helmes, who have become more and more excited.”

From his point of view, Su Tian’s appearance must have been pinched by the main gods.

At this time, Su Xiao faintly interrupted Hermes.

“Oh? Are human beings so evil? ”

“Do you have proof? I’d like to see it.”


As soon as these words came out, the audience was instantly silent.


Do the gods still need evidence to judge humans?

Su Tian’s words can be said to have created a precedent on the day of judgment.

All the gods were speechless and angry.

Finally, Zeus couldn’t help it.

“Su Yang, are you picking a thorn?”

“What evidence does the gods need to judge the Terrans?”

Su Xiao was not angry.

He glanced meaningfully at Zeus.

“If not, then why is there a day of judgment?”

“If humans are just appendages of the gods, wouldn’t they just let the gods fish and flesh?”

Zeus’s face turned red, and he had never thought about these questions that Su Xiao said.

After all, in his eyes, human beings are incomparably small.

For him it was nothing more than ants on the ground.

Su Yang told him at this moment that trampling these ants to death needed to be punished first.

Otherwise you can’t do that?

This sounds like a departure from Dapu to Zeus!

But when he thought about it…

Only then did I find out which supreme being set this rule!

Yes, the original day of judgment requires a corresponding explanation to be able to judge the Terrans!

Otherwise, the result of the trial cannot be effective.

Only later, the powerful god fell into a deep sleep.

The day of the trial they presided over also became more and more casual.

After all, this is only a human purge once every 10,000 years.

For the gods, the demise of humanity is for them.

It’s just the destruction of a colony of ants.

Except for those benevolent gods who are distressed.

Almost all the gods have gone through dozens of experiences.

I don’t feel anything about this kind of thing!

So, when Su Yang proposed this hidden rule.

All the gods were caught off guard!

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