Creation furnace

Chapter 119: So ugly

It’s time again for new peaches to replace old talismans.

The white snow gives the whole forest a white head.

The top and bottom of the third peak are still the same as before. The monks take the concept of the New Year very lightly. Probably only those disciples who have just left the mortal world and are new to the world will vaguely think of the New Year.

"The blue spirit vine... grows in extremely cold places..." In the bamboo building, Ji Die held a bamboo slip and almost put his eyes on it, carefully observing the appearance of the blue spirit vine painted on the bamboo slip, as well as the spirit. Properties of medicines, introduction.

He even paid no attention to the details of whether there was any hair on the elixir and whether there were small thorns on the leaves.

After memorizing the information about this elixir, I moved my eyes downward and looked at the remaining elixirs. I followed the same steps and looked at them very carefully!

After all, there are some elixirs in this world that are very similar in appearance. If they are not distinguished carefully, it is extremely easy to confuse them.

For example, what is recorded on this bamboo slip is: Bone Cold Bamboo and Tianbing Bamboo. These two elixirs have almost the same appearance, but completely different medicinal properties. They are used to refine two kinds of elixirs respectively.

If you mistake Bone Cold Bamboo for Heavenly Ice Bamboo, or mistake Heavenly Ice Bamboo for Bone Cold Bamboo, and use it to make alchemy, it will naturally lead to the failure of the alchemy! A waste of medicinal materials for no reason!

Therefore, identifying elixirs is a basic skill for a qualified alchemist, and it is also the only way to become a master of this way.

"I've finally finished reading this last bamboo slip." An hour later, Ji Die put the bamboo slips back in their original positions and stretched slowly.

Over the past few months, he has finished viewing all the bamboo slips on the first floor. Now his understanding of elixirs has reached an outrageous level, with more than 100,000 elixirs stored in his mind! !

This is an astonishing amount.

After cleaning the bamboo building step by step, Ji stepped out of the bamboo building and walked on the snow-covered road.

"Speaking of which, I know a lot of elixirs, but I haven't refined a second-level elixir yet. I must find a chance to try it. With the strength of my consciousness now, I should be able to refine a second-level primary elixir. No problem.”

Ji Die whispered and went all the way back to the thatched cottage. In the following days, because he had already read the bamboo slips on the first floor, he gradually rarely stayed in the bamboo house, and basically left after cleaning every day.

That day after Ji Die finished cleaning, Yunsu took the time to leave. When he came back, he saw Ji Die outside the bamboo building, bored and building a snowman.

From her point of view, the snowman was simply ugly, and his body was very uncoordinated. The most important thing was that the head was a bit big and looked funny.

I don’t know where he found a wooden stick and two beads, stuffed them on it, and made a nose and eyes.

However, Ji Die smiled and clapped his hands, as if he was very satisfied with his masterpiece. After all, it was his first time doing this. I feel very ingenious!

Yunsu Xiaoqiao wrinkled her nose, walked over, and said, "Aren't you cleaning in the bamboo house? Are you doing these despicable things here?"

"It's been cleaned. Just wait for Senior Sister to come back for inspection." When Ji Die saw her, he coughed dryly and stood in front of the snowman calmly.

Although I am very satisfied with this snowman, it does not seem so... beautiful.

Yunsu saw it and felt a little embarrassed.

"After cleaning, you can look at those bamboo slips instead of wasting time on these meaningless things."

Ji Die was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect what she said, scratching his head and saying, "I have already memorized all the elixirs recorded in this floor."

When Yunsu heard his explanation, for some reason, her eyebrows furrowed deeper and she seemed a little angry.

"Remember it?! There are more than 100,000 kinds of elixirs recorded in the bamboo tower, and you have read them all in just a few months!? Do you think you can distinguish the elixirs if they are placed in front of you? Guaranteed Isn’t that wrong? What I hate the most is people who like to talk nonsense!”

Facing her scolding, Ji Die felt very confused.

He is just a servant. Even if he hasn't finished reading, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with her, right? !

What medicine did this woman take today?

Looking at things like this, it's not like you want to find an excuse to beat him.

If you really wanted to beat him up that day, you wouldn't talk to him so much and just do it.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Yunsu seemed even more unhappy.

"You are also an alchemist. You'd better change your habit of talking big. The most important thing for an alchemist is to know how much you weigh. Otherwise, if you practice for others in the future..."

"How does Senior Sister Yun know that I am an alchemist?" Ji Die's face was filled with surprise and uncertainty, and he suddenly captured an important piece of information from her words.

After he came to Tiandao Sect, he only admitted that he was an alchemist in front of the old man. Other than that, I haven’t told anyone! !

"Of course it's a guess!" Yunsu suddenly lost his arrogance and looked at him with dodge.

Guess...Ji Die was even more suspicious. Yunsu had already dismissed the guests and said, "Okay, you can go back and think about what I just said. Now that you have cleaned up, go back."

This further deepened Ji Die's suspicion. He didn't reveal anything, so he cupped his hands and walked back towards the thatched cottage.

"I always feel that she is hiding something from me." On the way, Ji Die pondered slightly, recalling what he just said, feeling like he was in a dilemma, so he simply grabbed a handful of snow, stuffed it into his mouth, and used the straight to the sky spirit cap. Feeling the coolness, I recall this journey and review it.

Later, the more I thought about my life as a servant, the more something felt wrong...

The third elder had asked him to serve as a servant for one year. At that time, his life was in his hands. Ji Die didn't think much about it.

Afterwards, he could only regard it as a temporary impulse of the strong man, after all, he didn't know what kind of personality the other party had. He couldn't judge whether what the other party did was "reasonable".

But now, the suspicion in his heart seemed to be ignited all of a sudden.

Once a person has doubts, everything he sees is wrong.

Why should he clean the first floor of the bamboo building once a day, and Yun Su would only come to check occasionally during the period, and he didn't forbid him to read the bamboo slips.

This really doesn't seem like the treatment of a chores, but rather like a gift.

Of course, this doesn't prove anything.

The biggest doubt is that Yun Su actually knew that he was an alchemist.

He only told the old man this news.

"If it's true, after reading the spiritual medicine, it's time to read the elixir." Ji Die's eyes flashed, and a guess suddenly emerged in his mind, but it couldn't be confirmed yet.



In front of the bamboo building, Yun Su was also restless. She watched his back as he left. It took a long time for her to calm down. She glanced at the snowman he built, and the more she looked at it, the more she disliked it. She gently raised her beautiful hand and was about to destroy it.

But after hesitating, she put it down and turned to walk towards a bamboo building, leaving only a light sentence,

"It's so ugly."

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