Creation furnace

Chapter 183 Hiding

"You didn't kill anyone from the Heavenly Demon Tribe before. Why did you want to kill the clan leader of that tribe just now?" On the way to the next tribe, Ji Die asked curiously why Xiao Diao wanted to shoot the clan leader to death.

"He besieged me before!" Xiao Diao raised his hand and brushed the black hair on his temples.

"..." Well, that makes sense...

Really——‘a grudge-bearing little mink’!

Ji Die secretly decided that he must keep that matter deep in his heart...

In the next half month, accompanied by such a terrifying and powerful figure as Xiao Diao, Ji Die became 'tyrannical' in the second district, and came to 'visit' the eight major tribes one after another.

Every tribe, after Xiao Diao forcefully broke the formation, knelt down and surrendered.

The result was naturally the same as the previous tribe. Those who had besieged her were slapped to death by her, and the remaining ones were planted with slave marks!

In this process, Ji Die gained a lot.

As the four tribes fell, he roughly calculated the number of soul pills in his lower body, his heart pounding.

"There are twenty-nine Soul Pills in the early stage of Golden Pill, five in the middle stage of Golden Pill, and two in the late stage of Golden Pill..."

Below the golden elixir, it has little effect on him and is basically ignored...

With so many soul pills, even if his power of consciousness is now at the late stage of the golden elixir, the effect of taking soul pills below the late stage of the golden elixir will be greatly reduced, but it can still allow him to at least reach the perfection of the golden elixir! !

"If all the soul pills stored in the eight divisions are in my hands, will it allow my consciousness to break through the Nascent Soul in one fell swoop?!" Ji Die became even more excited when he thought of this, looking in one direction, faintly excited,

Next up, the Fire Ghost Club!

"Hmph, have the Sky Demon Tribe surrendered? They actually betrayed Lord Bone Emperor and were given a slave mark. What a traitor!!"

Back in time a few days ago, there was a very hidden building complex hidden deep in the jungle.

An old wandering woman wearing a fiery red robe and a perfect golden elixir frowned and snorted coldly when she heard the news that the spies had just returned.

There are many wandering souls around, all of them are golden elixirs, and they looked happy when they heard the news.

"Fortunately, the clan leader had the foresight to prepare branches in the early years to prevent major changes within the clan.

Even the top leaders in the tribe only know about this place. It is impossible for the rest of the tribe to know, and the Charming Emperor will definitely not be found! "Wandering Soul, who had just returned from inquiring about the news, flattered him.

"Although the feeling of hiding 'underground' is not good, it is much better than being a slave forever like the demon tribe!" The remaining elders of the Fire Ghost Minister also agreed and praised.

"Hmph, don't worry. The Charming Emperor won't be able to jump around for long. As long as the clone of Lord Bone Emperor comes, we can see the light of day again!" This old woman is the leader of the Fire Ghost Tribe, and these words are also very useful.

Some time ago, she also took the strong men from her clan to the Blood Moon Tribe. But the power of Emperor Mei really scared her. Faced with the siege of the late Eight Golden Pills and the Great Perfection, he was able to crush him with force.

In the end, she was the only one of the strongest members of the clan who was brought back to escape! In order to avoid the revenge of the Charming Emperor, he immediately took the entire Fire Ghost Department and moved to the branch prepared earlier!

What happened next also proved how correct her decision was!

"Is Lord Bone Emperor coming?"

"As long as Lord Bone Emperor arrives, Charming Emperor will be nothing!"

"We just need to hide for a while!"

At the same time, the same scene happened in a canyon, cave, or swamp hidden deep underground...

A man named Jindan Dzogchen sneered and made the same sound.

It is the famous tribes in the second district,

In the blink of an eye, a few days later,

"Didn't you set up a formation..." Ji Die looked at the 'Fire Ghost Department' in front of him who had fallen into deathly silence from a distance, and pondered slightly,

This tribe is different from the previous tribes. There is no formation fluctuation on the outside, and it looks very quiet.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster! But with Xiao Diao, a terrifying and powerful person, he is naturally not afraid of an ambush.

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Xiao Diao snorted coldly, and in a few breaths, he arrived outside the tribe.

Ji Die followed her, holding Yunsu who was still awake, standing in mid-air, squinting his eyes slightly, letting out his consciousness, and soon froze,


Just now, he searched the ground with his consciousness and found that all the buildings in this tribe were empty.

At this moment, Xiao Diao suddenly raised his hand and patted a place. There was a roar, and a large hall was exposed under the broken ground. There were still formations left outside, which had been destroyed by the previous hit.

After a while, the two stood in the main hall. There were many wooden shelves in the hall, which should be the treasure house of the Fire Ghost Department.

However, there are only some dilapidated weapons left inside, most of which are magic weapons that have lost their power. All other valuables, elixirs, etc. have been evacuated.

There are only some bamboo slips scattered on the ground!

Apparently he was well prepared!

"You must have known I was coming and escaped in advance..." Ji Die looked at this scene and sighed,

Xiao Diao frowned and said nothing. He immediately left the hall and went to search nearby.

Ji Die couldn't help, so he stayed in the hall and walked around to make sure that nothing good was left behind. Then he left the hall and thought to himself,

Soon, Xiao Diao reappeared outside the palace and shook his head at him.

"I've looked hundreds of miles around, but I haven't found anything. It must have been moved in advance..."

"I've probably received the news, or I know you're coming. Let's go to the next tribe first. I don't know if the remaining three tribes have escaped..." Ji Die's eyes flashed secretly.

A few days later, the two of them were standing in a tribe again.

Like the previous Fire Ghost Tribe, this tribe was also empty of people, and there was no sign of them nearby.

Everything has been taken away,

"It seems that there is no need to go to the remaining two tribes. Anyway, these soul pills can also make my consciousness reach the peak of the golden pill, which is almost enough."

Ji Die sighed slightly, and he also knew that a person should be content and happy. Who in the late stage of foundation building could reach such a terrifying level of consciousness!

"Weird, I just went to a nearby small tribe to interrogate them, and they didn't know about the migration of this tribe!" Xiao Diao frowned.

"It stands to reason that for such a large tribe, wherever they can move to, they will inevitably reveal flaws after leaving this place, but no traces were found! I want to see how long they can hide without revealing flaws..."

"Such a large tribe may have prepared some shelters in advance to deal with the danger of annihilation... They shouldn't be available in the short term..." Ji Die saw this very clearly and was not very optimistic about her words.

"Humph!" Xiao Diao also realized this problem and said nothing more.

"Next, I will retreat for a period of time to improve my consciousness. She will ask you to watch over her for me first."

Those tribes were already hiding, and Ji Die didn't waste his efforts. Next, he planned to refine those soul pills before Yunsu woke up.

Then after she wakes up, she can leave the second area and go back to the first area to see if she can teleport away.

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