"What? You want a lottery ticket?"

Chen Feng's tone was very calm.

To be honest, he had already guessed the other party's purpose.

After all, there were many people who knew that he had won the lottery.

And this 30 million lottery ticket is very tempting for ordinary people, so it is not ruled out that some people will have bad intentions.

"What? You seem disappointed?"

Shen Wei frowned slightly.

Chen Feng's calm look was a little unexpected to him. After all, if a normal person encountered a robbery, would he be like this?

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng immediately pretended to be shocked: "What! You actually want to steal my 30 million lottery tickets?"

"Okay, stop pretending."

Shen Wei saw through Chen Feng's acting skills at a glance, which was simply terrible: "I know you are a rich second-generation, very rich, and these 30 million lottery tickets are not important to you. Since this thing is not important to you, you should hand it over obediently, and I can spare your life."

Since the other party saw through his acting skills, Chen Feng simply stopped pretending: "In other words, you want to steal my lottery tickets, right?"


Shen Wei's tone was firm.

At the same time, he also touched the pistol on his waist. If Chen Feng dared to make a trick, he would immediately take out the pistol and kill Chen Feng.


Chen Feng showed a harmless smile, without thinking too much, he took out the lottery ticket directly, and then handed it to Shen Wei obediently.

After getting the lottery ticket

Shen Wei quickly confirmed the winning number, and then looked at Chen Feng, who had a calm face: "You... just gave me the lottery ticket?"

It's no wonder he asked this question. After all, the process was too smooth. If it were a normal person, he wouldn't think there was anything wrong, but for him who has read thousands of suspense novels...

The smoother it is, the more strange it is!

"What else?"

Chen Feng asked helplessly: "How about you give me the lottery ticket back, let me resist a little more, so that you can feel a little accomplishment?"

Shen Wei remained cautious: "Then why did you run just now?"

Chen Feng said simply and directly: "If you chase me, I will definitely run."


Shen Wei looked at Chen Feng with suspicion. Although Chen Feng cooperated very well, he always had a bad premonition for some reason.


Chen Feng added: "Who knows if you want to molest me."


Shen Wei's mouth twitched slightly.


He exhaled lightly.

That's right.

After all, this is not a novel. How can there be so many reversals in reality?

A normal person would be scared if he saw a knife in his hand.

What's more, Chen Feng is a rich second-generation with a delicate body.

Shen Wei pursed his lips and was about to speak.

Chen Feng answered directly: "Don't worry, I promise that what happened today is known to heaven and earth, you and me, and no third party will know!"

"And this is a dead end, and there are no surveillance cameras."

"Not only are there no cameras, but there are no witnesses!"

"You can say that there is no evidence at all!"

"As long as you let me go, this 30 million lottery ticket is yours!"


Shen Wei was speechless for a while.

Because Chen Feng said everything he wanted to say in one breath.

He had a gun in his hand, and he could choose to kill Chen Feng on the spot.

But if someone died, the police would definitely not let it go.

Because of this, killing Chen Feng was only a last resort.

And now.

This is a remote alley.

There are no pedestrians around, and there are no surveillance cameras.

More importantly, Chen Feng didn't seem to have much desire for the lottery.

It can be said that letting Chen Feng go is the lowest risk option.

Little did they know——

At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room.

This scene was clearly seen by the water friends through the camera.

[Hahahahaha, only God knows, you know and I know! There are no witnesses! Are you trying to make me laugh to death? ]

[Are all of you here not human? ]

[Although there are no surveillance cameras, there are live broadcast cameras! ]

[If you look for witnesses, you can probably find a lot of them! ]

[I guess he will never know that he is broadcasting the whole process live, right? ]

The live broadcast room is full of barrages.

Although they don't know what Chen Feng is up to, they are very curious.

After all, Chen Feng's operation has never let them down.

Shen Wei collected the lottery ticket and searched Chen Feng's belongings again: "Hand over the valuables on you immediately!"

"I don't have anything valuable."

Chen Feng shook his head and said innocently.

Shen Wei sneered: "No? Who are you kidding? I saw you driving a Rolls-Royce with my own eyes. I warn you, if you don't tell the truth, I will kill you with a knife?"


Chen Feng had no choice but to hand over the valuables on him.

Money, mobile phones, watches... and other things.

Among them, a black plastic bag caught Shen Wei's attention.

There was some tape on it, and it seemed that there was something inside.

Shen Wei took the bag curiously and planned to open it, but because he was wearing gloves, it was easy to slip when tearing the tape, so he took off his gloves and tore the tape fiercely, only to see a thick stack of lottery tickets inside.

"Lottery tickets?"

"You still have so many lottery tickets?"

Shen Wei was a little surprised, but when he thought about it, Chen Feng did buy a hundred lottery tickets in his lottery shop.

After the lottery was drawn, he checked these lottery tickets one by one, and the result was that, except for the one with 30 million, the other ninety-nine lottery tickets did not win the prize.

Thinking of this.

Shen Wei threw away the lottery tickets that did not win the prize, put away the valuables, and warned Chen Feng:

"Boy, you know what's good for you, I'll let you go today!"

"In addition, you'd better pretend that nothing happened today!"

"If I find out that you called the police later, I will kill you!"

After saying that.

Shen Wei was ready to leave.

But he didn't take a few steps.

He turned back again.

Looking at the tape on the ground, Shen Wei narrowed his eyes, as if he thought of something: "Haha, kid, you are really shrewd!"

"I almost fell into your trap!"


Seeing Chen Feng didn't speak, Shen Wei showed an expression of seeing through everything: "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking! You want to collect my fingerprints through the tape I tore off with my bare hands, right?"

After all, he is also a person who has read thousands of suspense novels.

If there is a level classification for reading novels, he is undoubtedly a Doudi strongman!

He was puzzled just now.

Just now Chen Feng could have run, but why did he turn back?

It turns out that all this is a trick!

You know, tape is easy to stick fingerprints, Chen Feng must have calculated that he would tear the tape with his bare hands, leaving fingerprints on the tape!

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