Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 402 That year I put my hands in my pockets and didn’t know what an opponent was (1/2)

【Fuck! Awesome! 】

[Not to mention, I really didn’t pay attention. It turns out that the tape can also stick to fingerprints. 】

[He can actually notice such small movements. I have to say that this time the villain’s IQ is indeed online. 】

[Hahaha, this is definitely the smartest gangster I have ever seen! 】

[Brother Feng has finally met his match! 】

【opponent? nonexistent! 】

[That’s right, what is Brother Feng’s identity? 】

[Brother Feng: That year I had my hands in my pockets and didn’t know what my opponent was! 】


This side of the scene.

The corners of Shen Wei's mouth raised. He picked up the fingerprint-stained tape on the floor, and then put on a face that looked through everything like Conan.

At this moment, the classic BGM of Detective Conan seemed to be playing.

"I was surprised."

"You kid could have run away just now, but why didn't you run away?"

"If my reasoning is correct, you should have guessed our identities from the moment you walked into this alley. If you guessed our identities, you must also guess that we have weapons on us."

"If that's the case, then why do you risk coming back?"

"The reason is simple, you must have done it on purpose!"


Shen Wei immediately took out the tape, and his fingerprints were clearly printed on it: "The evidence is your fingerprints on these tapes!"

"You and I both know."

"With crime gloves on, it's impossible to remove the tape."

"So, you figured this out!"

"You bet I will take off my gloves and tear off the tape!"

"You just want to collect my fingerprints!"


Shen Wei sneered and continued to Chen Feng in a serious tone: "And your purpose of leading me into this deserted alley is actually very simple. You just want to take advantage of the fact that there are no surveillance cameras or pedestrians around, trying to Let’s let our guard down!”

"In this way, your success rate will be greatly improved."

"am I right?"

It was obvious that he was very satisfied with his reasoning.

In the novel, the murderer usually wears gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints when committing a crime, because once the fingerprints are left on the scene, it is only a matter of time before the police solve the case.

Having read thousands of novels, he knows very well that although there is no perfect crime, the risk of being discovered when committing a crime can be minimized.

Because of this, every detail of the crime at the scene cannot be spared!

And as soon as these words came out.

I couldn’t bear the barrage in the live broadcast room at that time.

[This gangster’s reasoning... I was speechless for a moment! 】

[I just want to say that this gangster has something. 】

[How many mystery novels have you read? 】

[Even Brother Feng’s motive for committing the crime was found. Isn’t it too detailed? 】

[I thought the two of them were stupid at first, but I didn’t expect that one of them had a good mind. Alas... I was mistaken. 】

[Is it possible that the gangsters are overthinking this? 】


Chen Feng expressed his helplessness. Who would have thought that the tape he inadvertently put on could actually cause the gangster to deduce such a thing?

But I have to say that what this gangster said does make some sense.

Among the gangsters he has seen, he is also one of the smarter ones.

Seeing Chen Feng's silence, Shen Wei felt more and more that he had guessed correctly.

"I advise you not to make any small moves under my nose."

"I'm telling you, it's useless!"

"I have read thousands of mystery novels, am familiar with more than 700 kinds of secret room murders, and can create more than 1,000 kinds of alibis!"

"You just want to trick me with these little tricks?"


After saying these words.

Shen Wei didn't think much, just picked up the tape on the ground and put it away.

As for the lottery ticket, he didn't even look at it and just threw it aside.

After making sure everything was okay, Shen Wei left in a hurry.

Seeing Shen Wei walking away.

Chen Feng sat down on the ground and interacted with friends in the live broadcast room.

Seeing Chen Feng's leisurely look, everyone in the live broadcast room became even more anxious.

[Brother Feng, why didn’t you call the police? 】

[The gangsters have gone away, please call the police quickly and get the money back! 】

[Yes, yes, if it is inconvenient for you, you can put your current address on the public screen and we can help you fight the monsters! 】

[If necessary, we can also be your witnesses! 】

"Call the police? What's the rush?"

Chen Feng raised his head slightly, and his smile gave people an inexplicable feeling: "Call the police now, they will definitely not have time to redeem the lottery tickets."

at the same time.

Shen Wei took the 30 million lottery ticket and soon met Zhu Laoliu. Even though Zhu Laoliu had cleaned all the shit on his body, an indescribable fragrance still remained on his body.

"Old Shen, how's the matter?"

"Aren't you still worried about me doing things?"

Shen Wei took out the lottery ticket and raised it.

Zhu Laoliu was instantly happy: "Hey, Lao Shen, you are still as reliable as before! By the way, have you killed that kid?"

The person he was talking about was naturally Chen Feng.

Thinking of Chen Feng, the anger in his stomach instantly rose.

If it weren't for Chen Feng, how could he have fallen into the cesspit?

And he also attacked from behind!

There is simply no sense of martial ethics!

"Lao Liu, listen to me..."

Shen Wei thought for a while, and then briefly explained the matter.

"Old Six, I know you have a grudge against that guy, but think about it carefully, we robbed 30 million from him."

"Compared to this money, what's the big deal about falling into a manure pit?"

Although he knows many ways to kill people in a closed room, none of them are perfect.

If it is not a perfect crime, there will definitely be loopholes.

The point is that murder and robbery are completely different things. Tianlai Novel Network

In other words.

Murderers dare to rob.

But robbers may not dare to kill.


Zhu Laoliu did not speak.

You know, it's not just as simple as falling into a manure pit.

He even drank several mouthfuls of feces in it.

Until now, his stomach is still full of the smell of shit.

Zhu Laoliu took a deep breath. Since Shen Wei said so, he could only forget it: "Old Shen, then our actions have not been exposed, right?"

The current action is completely different from their previous plan.

At first, their plan was to snatch the lottery ticket when Chen Feng was walking to the lottery center, but who would have thought that Chen Feng would lead them into an empty alley alone.

Shen Wei patted his chest: "Don't worry, I have checked around the alley. There are no surveillance cameras and no one else saw it."

"However, this kid did play a little trick in the end."

"It's a pity that I found out!" Shen Wei smiled and took the tape out of his pocket, then crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the small river next to him. In this way, the only evidence disappeared completely.

"Now the only people who know about this are you and me!"

As long as their identities are not exposed, it will be useless even if Chen Feng calls the police afterwards. After all, they are professionals in escaping.


Zhu Laoliu raised a thumbs up with admiration, as if to say: As expected of someone who has read thousands of novels, it is completely leak-proof!

And then.

In order to avoid more trouble, the two went directly to the local lottery center to claim the prize, and they also wore a mask on their faces.

After all, it is normal for winners to claim the prize with masks.

"You said you were robbed?"

About an hour later.

Chen Feng called Yang Canghai.

And after receiving Chen Feng's report.

About twenty minutes later, Yang Canghai led the team to the scene.


Chen Feng nodded to Yang Canghai.

"Then what was the property you were robbed of?"

"30 million lottery tickets."

Chen Feng said simply and directly.

Although there were several thousand yuan in cash and watches and other items among the stolen property, compared with the lottery tickets, these were not very valuable, so he put the center point on the lottery tickets.


Yang Canghai was slightly startled.

He remembered that Chen Feng had reported a case yesterday, right?

And it was also because of the lottery tickets, but in less than 24 hours, this lottery ticket actually triggered another case!

It has to be said that this lottery ticket can really bring misfortune to people.

"Do you have evidence?"


Chen Feng handed the live video to Yang Canghai without hesitation.

It can be said.

This live video completely records the whole process.

After watching the live video, Yang Canghai frowned slightly.

The hoods on the heads of the two gangsters basically covered their faces, and the only thing that could be identified was their body shape and height.

But for some reason.

He always felt that the criminals in the video were a little familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere, but for a moment, he couldn't remember.

"Okay, I'll help you file a case right away."

Yang Canghai put away the video materials.

Then he continued.

"How about this, brother Chen Feng, you go back and wait for notification. When we arrest the criminals, we will notify you immediately."

Judging from the means of committing the crime, the two robbers must have planned it in advance.

In addition, more than an hour has passed, and the two gangsters are estimated to have exchanged the lottery prize and fled.

It is obviously very difficult to catch them in a short time.

The point is that he is a little busy today.

The reason for being busy is the robbery case fifteen years ago. As long as it is past twelve o'clock tonight, the legal prosecution period for the robbers will expire.

This means that the two robbers are at large.

That is why Yang Canghai must step up his efforts to find the two robbers before 12 o'clock tonight.

And the next moment.

Chen Feng suddenly said: "What if I know the identities of these criminals? Can you send police to arrest them immediately?"


Hearing this, Yang Canghai was stunned at first, and then said: "Of course."

As long as the identities of the criminals are known, it is only a matter of time to find out where they are hiding. By then, they can be arrested directly at their doorsteps.

After getting Yang Canghai's affirmation, Chen Feng smiled and said: "I don't know the identity of the other criminal, but one of the accomplices who robbed my lottery tickets is the owner of the lottery shop yesterday."

"Lottery shop owner?"

Yang Canghai was slightly shocked.

You know, the criminals are dressed in black, and they are wearing masks on their faces, so their identities cannot be judged by the naked eye.

Although he didn't know how Chen Feng knew it, he couldn't help asking: "Why do you think so? Do you have evidence?"

"Of course."

Chen Feng smiled and explained to Yang Canghai.

There are two pieces of evidence that allowed him to confirm the identity of the lottery shop owner.

The first point.

That is, Shen Wei threw away the lottery without even looking at it.

What does this prove?

This just proves that he knew that none of these lottery tickets won the prize!

If a normal criminal saw so many lottery tickets, regardless of whether the lottery tickets won or not, he would definitely take the lottery tickets away as soon as possible.

But what about Shen Wei?

He only took a glance and confirmed that none of these lottery tickets won the prize!

In addition to the lottery shop owner.

Chen Feng can no longer think of anyone else who has this special ability.

And the second point.

It is also the most critical point!

That is the system!

He has been wondering why the system task has not been prompted to be completed.

The task has not been completed, which means that the matter is not over yet.

Of course.

The second point must not be told to the outside world.

If this is said, he will definitely be sent to a mental hospital.

In broad daylight, suddenly saying that he has a system on him, not only will no one believe it, but he will even be regarded as a lunatic.

Except for Android and Apple systems.

Thinking of this.

Chen Feng straightforwardly told everyone the first doubt.

After listening.

Before Yang Canghai could speak.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

[This is a meticulous routine! Brother Feng... you are so scary! ]

[First, use tape to make the other party think that you want to collect his fingerprints, but in fact it is a trick to confuse the other party! ]

[Brother Feng: I'm really sorry, I predicted your prediction. ]

[To be honest, at first I thought Brother Feng was at the first level, but I never thought that he had already broken through the atmosphere! ]

[Again, I put my hands in my pockets that year and didn't know what an opponent was! ]


ps: Two chapters merged into one chapter, there is only one minute left until twelve o'clock, I'm too lazy to divide the chapters

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