
After hearing this, Shen Wei found that it did make some sense.

They were just robbing, not killing anyone, so there was really no need.

Besides, until now, they have created dozens of alibis. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Conan's ancestors came, they would not be able to find any flaws.

This is absolutely a perfect crime!

"Okay, let's do this for now."

As these words fell.

Zhu Laoliu breathed a sigh of relief.

And the next moment.

Suddenly a phone rang.

Shen Wei took out his phone and saw that it was his wife at home.

"Hey, wife, what's wrong?"

"Husband...the police came to look for us."

Hearing this, Shen Wei immediately became alert.

He thought about the police suspecting him.

But he never expected that his home would be found so quickly.

You know, when he committed the crime, he left no evidence at all.

"What did the police tell you?"

"They said...there are some aspects of the previous case that we need to assist in the investigation, and I heard it was very serious. Not only me, but also Lao Wang from the house next door also had a statement taken by the police."

"Then have they left?"

"Not yet, they said they will wait for you to come back and ask you to assist in the investigation."

"wait for me?"

Shen Wei frowned, thought for a few seconds, and quickly agreed: "Honey, don't panic, I'll go back now!"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Wei quickly turned around and said to Zhu Laoliu beside him: "Lao Liu, bring your battery car over right away."

"Battery car? What do you want to do?" Zhu Laoliu was a little confused.

"The police have found my home just now. I have to go back."

"go back?"

Zhu Laoliu immediately stopped in front of Shen Wei: "Are you crazy? Lao Shen, if we go back at this time, aren't we looking for death?"

They are all robbers.

All I have to do now is run as far as I can.

But Shen Wei actually said he wanted to go back.

Isn't this seeking death?

Shen Wei was calm and said slowly: "We must go back."


Zhu Laoliu looked confused and couldn't understand what Shen Wei meant at all.

Shen Wei smiled and said, "Only when we go back can we prove our innocence."

"Lao Liu, you can think about it carefully. If I don't go back, what will the police think of us? They must think that we are guilty of committing crimes and dare not go back. When the time comes, we will undoubtedly become suspects, and the police will definitely treat us. Start arresting."

Speaking of which.

Shen Wei choked up and said: "Lao Liu, do you still want to escape to another fifteen years?"


Zhu Laoliu remained silent.

Shen Wei continued: "As long as we go back and cooperate with the police's investigation, they will definitely not doubt us anymore, and by then, we can be aboveboard!"

"Then...what if our crimes are exposed?"

Zhu Laoliu plucked up the courage and said that what Shen Wei said was indeed very reasonable. He had already had enough of running away in fear every day.

Shen Wei was very confident: "What are you afraid of? There were no surveillance cameras at the place where we committed the crime, and no one saw it. Even the only evidence was thrown into the river and washed away by me."

"It can be said that they have no evidence at all in this case."

"If my guess is correct, they are at most doubting us now."

"Doubt is not absolute!"

"Don't forget, we still have so many alibi."

"Even if it's an investigation, we're not afraid!"

"After all, there is no way they would arrest someone without evidence."

As for the lottery payment account, it is a foreign account. In addition, when they receive the prize, they receive it anonymously while wearing a mask. Basically no one knows their ID information.

Think of this.

Shen Wei became more confident: "We are the perfect criminals!"

that's all.

Shen Wei took Zhu Laoliu's Yadi battery car and returned to the lottery shop.

Just got off the bus.

He saw several fellow police officers guarding the entrance of the lottery shop.

See it.

Shen Wei immediately took out a bag of Huazi and handed it to several police officers.

"No smoking during working hours!"

The fellow policeman refused the cigarette offered by Shen Wei without even thinking about it.


Shen Wei could only put away his cigarette in embarrassment.

"Are you Shen Wei?"

Seeing Shen Weicong appear, Yang Canghai's expression turned serious for a moment.

"Yes, I am Shen Wei."

Shen Wei nodded, then subconsciously glanced at the current time.

It's about an hour until twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Comrade police, it's so late, what do you want from me?"

"If it's not something important, how about we talk about it tomorrow?"

Yang Canghai looked at Chen Feng beside him: "Have you ever met him?"

Shen Wei rolled his eyes and pretended to have lost his memory: "He? Of course I know the little brother who won 30 million in my lottery shop yesterday."

Yang Canghai narrowed his eyes: "Just a few hours ago, his lottery ticket was robbed."

"Been robbed?"

Shen Wei continued to pretend to be unaware, and said with surprise: "What happened? Why was he robbed?"

"Don't you know?"

Yang Canghai looked at him.

"I'm a black chicken."

Shen Wei shook his head directly, his face full of innocence.

[Fuck! Best Actor!]

[With this acting skill, the Oscars should give him a little golden man.]

[Hahaha, I really won't watch this year's Oscars without him.]

[To be honest, if he was a gangster, he could just take the money and run away, but why did he come back?]

[This is the legendary reverse thinking.]

[I remember he said before that he had read tens of millions of mystery novels and was familiar with countless methods of committing crimes. I think the reason why he came back should be that he was very confident in his methods of committing crimes.]

[To be honest, if he hadn't met Brother Feng, he might have been at large.]

The live broadcast room was filled with crazy comments.

And the next moment.

Chen Feng suddenly stood up.

He smiled and asked: "How about you tell me, where did you go just now?"

Facing Chen Feng, Shen Wei always felt an ominous premonition.

He hesitated for a moment.

He answered confidently: "I went out to play with friends."

"Playing with friends?"

"With what friends?"

"Playing for a whole day?"

Faced with Chen Feng's three fatal questions.

Shen Wei pursed his lips and nodded: "Well, I was out playing with friends all day, and I have witnesses to prove it!"


Shen Wei directly pulled Zhu Laoliu over.

"This is a friend who played with me, he can prove it for me."

After the words fell.

Everyone's eyes turned to Zhu Laoliu.

Zhu Laoliu was stunned for a few seconds, and then kept nodding his head.

"Yes! I can prove it!"

"He was with me all day today! There is no way he could have committed a crime!"

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