Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 405 Do you have witnesses? Do you have evidence?

"Comrade police, the two of us have been together all day."

Zhu Laoliu mustered up the courage to step forward and said in a nervous tone: "So there is no way that Lao Shen will have time to attack this kid!"

"are you sure?"

"I am sure!"

Chen Feng spread his hands and continued: "In that case, why do you think that Shen Wei will be the murderer of me?"

Zhu Laoliu: "?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "I don't think I said Shen Wei is a criminal from the beginning to the end."

Zhu Laoliu: "..."

This question instantly silenced him.

Before coming, they had rehearsed in advance and spoke in unison.

Chen Feng's question was completely different from what he had rehearsed before, which also made his brain circuit a little unable to respond, so he could only turn his eyes for help to Shen Wei beside him.

Shen Wei immediately said: "Little brother, with so many of you coming to my house to investigate, it is reasonable for him to think so."


He then looked at the fellow police officers around him: "Do you think this is correct?"


Chen Feng nodded and asked another question: "Then why are you so sure that you didn't have time to commit the crime?"

"Maybe... you committed the crime as a group."

There is no doubt that Shen Wei is the murderer.

As for the accomplice, if nothing else, it should be Zhu Laoliu.

There were two murderers who committed the crime at that time.

Judging from the murderer's body shape, he matched the two of them very well.

And from Shen Wei's eyes, it can be seen that he maintains considerable confidence in the crimes he committed.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Shen Wei couldn't help it at that time, pointed at Chen Feng, and then looked at Yang Canghai: "Comrade police, look at this kid talking nonsense without evidence. He is obviously slandering us!"

Zhu Laoliu also agreed very much: "That's right, there is no evidence, why do you say we did it? This is slander!"

"You two, don't be impatient."

Yang Canghai persuaded and then continued: "Since you claim that you have been out all day, do you have any evidence?"

"Of course!"

Zhu Laoliu said without hesitation: "We went to fast food restaurants, movie theaters, hotels, and banks today. These are all alibi!"

【So many games in one day? 】

[It’s quite fun to play. 】

[Why do I feel like they did it on purpose? 】

[Sodom fell, have I seen this plot somewhere? 】

[What I'm more concerned about is that they go to the cinema and the hotel. Gee, do they have a preference? 】


This side of the scene.

After listening to what Zhu Laoliu said.

Yang Canghai's eyes became more cautious.

"Why do you think that these places can prove that you have been there?"

Shen Wei was about to speak.

Zhu Laoliu suddenly replied: "Because there are surveillance cameras inside. If you check it at will, you will definitely find that we have been there."

You know, they always choose places with surveillance cameras for their activities. Even if they are investigated by the police, they will not panic at all.

"They all have surveillance cameras? You guys really know how to pick places."

Yang Canghai's brows tightened.

And the next moment.

Just as Zhu Laoliu was about to speak, he suddenly felt a stinging pain on his toes.

Shen Wei stepped on him hard and signaled him to shut up.

What a crazy pig teammate!

Yang Canghai was obviously trying to trick them!

As the saying goes, trouble comes from the mouth, and now the police's suspicion of them is even deeper.

Immediately afterwards.

Yang Canghai asked the surrounding police colleagues to retrieve these surveillance cameras.

Although the time was a little off, the surveillance cameras of fast food restaurants, movie theaters, hotels, and banks all captured the two of them.

It can be said that this is a pretty perfect alibi.

"Comrade police, you have also seen the surveillance. We have been out all day. There is no time to commit the crime." Shen Wei smiled. He still had great confidence in the alibi.


Yang Canghai said nothing, looking at the surveillance video with solemn eyes.

Precisely because it was so perfect, this made Yang Canghai even more suspicious.

For example, when watching a suspense movie, the more people have a perfect alibi, 99% of them are the murderers!

This is not a problem with the movie, but the normal psychology of the criminal.

After all, only the murderer who committed the crime would care about alibi.

As for these surveillance videos, it is not so much filming as it is that the two deliberately chose places with cameras to create alibi.

Especially the movie I watched was actually a love action movie!

Two grown men went to the cinema to watch a romantic action movie...

Is this normal?


The most outrageous thing is that when they go to a fast food restaurant and order a glass of boiled water, they have to issue a receipt, as if they are afraid that others will not recognize them.

This series of imagination is enough to show that there must be something wrong with them!

Chen Feng smiled and said to Shen and Wei.

"The surveillance did capture the two of you, but the time didn't match up."

"Look carefully, these are the times after the incident."

"That is to say, the time ahead is blank."

"And during this blank period, you have every chance to commit crimes."

Seeing that Chen Feng kept biting him, Shen Wei gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean, kid? You think I stole your lottery ticket, right?"

"I tell you, I don't even care about a broken lottery ticket!"

Zhu Laoliu also added: "That's right, I don't even want a dog."

Yang Canghai frowned and said: "You two, please cooperate with our work!"

Chen Feng's question was also what he wanted to ask.

The time of these surveillance videos was in the afternoon and evening, and the morning time was blank, and Chen Feng was robbed in the morning. In other words, these videos were all overturned.

"Do you have evidence?"

"What evidence do you have to say that you were robbed in the morning?"

Shen Wei sneered and pointed at Chen Feng: "Who knows if this kid is talking nonsense and deliberately said the time was in the morning to frame us?"

You know, when the crime was committed, there was no surveillance around, and no one saw it, so there was no evidence to prove the correct time of the crime.

After all, there is nothing, it is impossible to use your mouth as evidence, right?

Thinking of this.

Shen Wei suddenly became more proud.

"Do you have any evidence to prove that the time you said the crime was correct?"

"Do you have a witness?"

"Do you have evidence?"

"You are just talking nonsense without anything. Do you believe I will send you a lawyer's letter?"

It can be seen that he has already determined that Chen Feng cannot produce any evidence.

[Still stubborn even when death is imminent! ]

[What about human witnesses? He doesn't treat us as human beings, right? ]

[Actually, it's not his fault. Maybe he still doesn't know the whole process of his robbery, which has been broadcast live on the entire network. ]

[It's just a human witness. Please tell me the address and I'll come right over! ]

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