"Proof, right?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng took out a video and placed it in front of Shen Wei.

"You should know this, right?"


Seeing this video, Shen Wei's originally proud expression suddenly froze.

He shook his head forcefully.

"do not know."

"Don't know me? How about you take a closer look?"

Chen Feng's smile continued, and he pressed the play button of the video.

In this way, the video was played quickly in front of Shen Wei.

After reading this.

Shen Wei's face was full of disbelief!

Because this video recorded the entire process of committing the crime!

To know.

He personally checked the scene and did not find any cameras. He had no idea where this video came from!

"Why do you have this video?" Shen Wei couldn't help but ask.

As soon as this video came out, it was like a bomb, directly overturning all his previous alibi. After all, it happened in different time periods, so these alibi naturally became invalid.

"This has nothing to do with you."

Chen Feng smiled and pointed at the gangsters above: "These two are the gangsters who committed the crime. The tall guy among them is you, right?"

Shen Wei took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He snorted coldly: "Didn't you see that they all have hoods on their heads? Since they are wearing hoods, why do you think this person is me?"

"Physical characteristics?"

"Please, stop joking!"

"Don't talk about body shape, even in appearance, there may be exactly the same people in this world, so this doesn't mean anything."

Regarding the evidence presented by Chen Feng, Shen Wei quickly found an excuse. Fortunately, he was wearing a hood at the time, otherwise he would have been in trouble.

And if you want to prove their crimes, you must find a conclusive evidence!

At the same time, everyone at the scene and the fans in the live broadcast room stared closely at Chen Feng, and the atmosphere became a bit tense.

Chen Feng said without any hurry or delay: "Then let me ask you one last time, where have you been during this morning?"

"I...we went..."

Shen Wei rolled his eyes: "I have been at Lao Liu's house."

"always there?"


"are you sure?"


"Is there any evidence?"

"At that time...we were the only two at home, so there was no evidence."

"Then what did you do in the same room?"

"We...were playing cards." m.

"Two people fighting?"




"How about if you think about it carefully, what else do you do besides playing poker?"

"Are you done yet?"

Shen Wei roared angrily and said impatiently: "I told you, we stayed in the house all morning and never left even half a step!"


Chen Feng nodded, then looked at Yang Canghai: "Officer Yang, did you hear everything? They were all in the same room this morning."

"Yeah, I heard it."

Yang Canghai confirmed and affirmed that although he didn't know what Chen Feng was planning, he was certain that his routine had begun.

At this moment.

Everyone's eyes turned to Chen Feng.

I saw Chen Feng intercepting a video recording.

And this video is exactly the clip of Zhu Laoliu falling into the septic tank.

Back and forth, Chen Feng played it more than a dozen times in front of everyone.


Seeing this, Zhu Laoliu's face turned livid, and he looked at Chen Feng with hatred in his eyes, as if to say: Are you humiliating me?

To put it bluntly, this is definitely the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to him in his life!

But Chen Feng actually played this video in front of so many people.

And it still goes back and forth, endless brainwashing loops!

Isn't this insulting?

"Old Liu, calm down."

Shen Wei suppressed the smile on his lips and patted Zhu Laoliu on the shoulder.

In his opinion, Chen Feng must not be able to find evidence, so he used provocation to anger Zhu Laoliu and expose his flaws.

As long as Zhu Laoliu can keep his composure, they will win this game.

【Ha ha ha ha. 】

[Brother Feng, is this humiliating someone? 】

[It’s embarrassing enough to fall into a septic tank, but he actually played it in front of everyone! 】

[Just play it, it’s still a brainwashing loop! 】

[Killing people is killing people, killing people is killing people! 】

[One thing to say, this video can definitely be made into a ghost. I guarantee that the popularity will definitely not be lower than that of "Just Because"! 】

Just when everyone was talking.

Chen Feng suddenly asked:

"After watching it so many times, what do you all see?"


Everyone was silent.

Other than being funny, they really don't see anything wrong with it.

"What can this tell? You are just delaying time on purpose!"

At this time, Shen Wei spoke up: "Lao Liu... No, this gangster is a bit stupid, but he is wearing a hood on his head. What can you tell? Or do you have clairvoyance? Can you tell his identity?" ?”

Chen Feng paused, then shook his head with a smile: "I don't have clairvoyance, and I don't know the identity of this gangster. I only know that he fell into the septic tank."

"so what?"

Shen Wei became increasingly impatient: "So what does this mean?"

Seeing Shen Wei was anxious.

Chen Feng didn't sell out anymore.

"As far as I know, human excrement has a certain degree of stickiness. In this case, the murderer who fell into the septic tank must still have a certain amount of excrement on his body, right?"


This sentence.

It instantly woke everyone up.

Yes! Anything with a smell must have a certain degree of stickiness, not to mention that this is a pile of human excrement!

Once the stench of excrement is contaminated, it must be difficult to remove in a short time.

As long as there is a residual smell, it can be checked by instruments.

Thinking of this.

Yang Canghai said nothing and directly instructed his colleagues beside him: "Go collect samples from the septic tank and compare them with them immediately!"

If the data match, this will be irrefutable evidence!

At this moment.

Shen Wei and Zhu Laoliu were sweating profusely.

Especially Zhu Laoliu!

After coming out of the septic tank, he just washed it casually with water. Until now, there is still a faint fragrance on his body.

No instruments are needed at all, and you can basically tell it by smelling it.

Seeing that the two of them didn't say anything, they didn't quibble.

Chen Feng's calm voice came out slowly: "You'd better not tell me that you were playing poker at home and suddenly hit the septic tank."

Now the evidence is irrefutable.

It's not their turn to deny it!


"I'm screwed!"

"I admit it!"

"I took the lottery ticket."

"I surrender!"

Shen Wei's whole body was soft, like a deflated ball.

Now all the evidence shows that he is the murderer.

Even if he doesn't admit it, it's useless.

The point is that as long as he voluntarily surrenders himself, he can only be charged with robbery at most, and the sentence should not be too heavy.

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