Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 407 Brother Feng, are you going to be a saint?

[Turn yourself in? ]

[Is this guy crazy? ]

[There are all kinds of evidence, what kind of surrender is this? ]

[That's right, I went in and came out, is that the same as not going in? ]ŴŴŴ.

[Brothers upstairs, please put on handcuffs before driving. ]

[This is a green and civilized live broadcast room, no trembling. ]

Just when the live broadcast room was flooded with comments.

Shen Wei could only admit it honestly.

"Police comrade, I admit that we did it, we were wrong, it was our fault, but we were also blinded by money for a while, and we committed the crime in a moment of confusion."

Shen Wei was like a drama queen, with a hint of tears on his face, pretending to be very pitiful, trying to win sympathy.

"You don't know... I have an 80-year-old mother and a baby who was born a few months ago. I haven't had milk powder for several months. I have no choice but to do this."

Said this, Shen Wei also gave his wife next to him a look.

Zhang Jinlian also cried: "Yes, we are also forced by life. Otherwise, with my husband's character, he would never do such a bad thing as robbery. Moreover, my husband's character has always been very good. He has never committed a crime for so long..."

Just like this, the couple wiped their tears and cried.

That look was as miserable as it could be.

About a few minutes later.

Shen Wei wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: "Little brother, how about this, I return the money to you, and this matter will be regarded as never happened?"

As soon as the voice fell.

Before Chen Feng could speak.


A young man with colorful hair and hands in his pockets walked into the lottery shop. He was thin, with a bowl cut, and a green dragon tattooed on his left arm and a white tiger tattooed on his right arm.

At first glance, he looks like a spirited young man.

"Dad, Mom, what happened?"

"Why are there so many policemen in the store?"

The spirited young man glanced at the policemen around him, his face full of surprise.

"Are they your parents?"

Yang Canghai frowned and questioned the spirited young man.


"Only child?"

"Of course."


Hearing this, Yang Canghai turned around and looked at Mr. and Mrs. Shen Wei: "Didn't you say that your son was just born a few months ago?"

Mr. and Mrs. Shen Wei: "..."

[He was a spirited young man just after birth? ]

[Hahaha, Nezha? ]

[Slapped in the face at the speed of light, and was stabbed in the back by his own son! ]

[I knew that these people must be acting. ]

[The Oscars are in need of talents like you! ]

[To be honest, it would be a waste if you don't act with this acting skill. 】


The young man looked confused about the situation and asked, "Comrade police, what happened?"

"Your parents robbed."

Yang Canghai told the truth.

"Robbery? Impossible, did you make a mistake?"

The young man immediately said, "My grandmother died a few months ago, and my parents inherited her property and house, which is worth at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is no reason for him to rob."


Another loud slap!

Being stabbed in the back by his own son.

Mr. Shen and Mr. Wei's faces were also extremely ugly.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Yang Canghai took out a pair of handcuffs and planned to handcuff Mr. Shen and Mr. Wei and Zhu Laoliu: "If not, go back with us."

"No, comrade police, listen to our explanation!"

Mr. Shen and Mr. Wei, Zhu Laoliu were full of despair.

"If you have anything else to say, please go back with us and talk slowly!"

Just when Yang Canghai was about to handcuff the three people.

Chen Feng suddenly stood up.

"Okay, if you return the money to me, I won't file a case."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

【? ? ?】

【Not filing a case? What's going on? 】

【They're going to send the person to jail, why don't they file a case? 】

【Brother Feng, are you going to be a saint? 】

【It's impossible, the god of death will never be a saint. 】

【I have a bad feeling...】

At the scene.

"Are you serious?"

Shen Wei was immediately delighted. Chen Feng was the party involved in the case. If he didn't pursue the case, the police would naturally withdraw the case.

"I always keep my word."


Shen Wei didn't think much about it.

With so many people at the scene, Chen Feng couldn't go back on his word.

Then, he took out a bank card from his trouser pocket and handed it to Chen Feng: "The money from the lottery is all here, not a penny less!"

After doing these things, Shen Wei smiled at Yang Canghai: "Police comrade, you have to testify with me. He said that as long as I return the money, I will not be held responsible."

Just in case, he also asked the police to testify for him.


Yang Canghai did not speak, and turned to Chen Feng with a strange look.

And what he found strange was that Chen Feng would let it go like this?

You know, if it was usual, Chen Feng would definitely be serious to the end!

This time it was indeed a bit against common sense.


Yang Canghai sighed lightly.

Then he waved to his colleagues around him and prepared to go back.

After all, Chen Feng was the person involved.

If the parties involved do not pursue responsibility, then they can only follow Chen Feng's wishes.

And the next moment.

After checking the money in the bank card, Chen Feng suddenly said: "No, the money in your bank card is not right."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Shen Wei directly retorted: "I didn't touch the money at all, don't frame me! There are police here!"

In fact, he didn't have time to spend the money. After all, it has been less than a day since the incident, and the money in it cannot be less.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "The amount I won is 30 million, and you only have 24 million, a difference of 6 million."

Hearing this,

Shen Wei sneered, his eyes were like looking at an illiterate, and he said: "Boy, is this your first time playing the lottery? You don't even know this common sense? Do you think that if you win 30 million, you can get 30 million by claiming the prize?"

"Let me tell you!"

"So according to relevant regulations, when the winning amount exceeds the tax-free amount, personal income tax should be paid at a rate of 20%."

"This is after-tax money!"

Chen Feng pretended not to understand: "So what does this have to do with me?"

"Pay taxes!"

Shen Wei was anxious: "You won a lottery worth 30 million, don't you have to pay taxes? After deducting 20%, it's 24 million!"

"Pay taxes?"

Chen Feng pursed his lips lightly: "I only know that you robbed something worth 30 million, so of course you have to return 30 million to me."


ps: There is only one update today, I can't stand it anymore. I have a sore throat early in the morning, and now I feel a little fever. I don't know if I've been infected.

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