"Return 30 million to you?"

"Are you crazy?"

Shen Wei was furious.

He had seen shameless people in his life, but he had never seen such a shameless person.

As we all know, if the winning amount of the lottery is too large, taxes will be deducted.

Not to mention that Chen Feng won the 30 million jackpot!

Thinking of this, Shen Wei couldn't help but snorted: "Even if you go to the lottery store to claim the prize yourself, you can only get 24 million!"


Chen Feng nodded, then stretched out a hand: "In this case, then you return the winning lottery ticket to me, and I will go to the lottery center to claim the prize myself."

"Don't go too far!"

Shen Wei gritted his teeth.

He had already claimed the lottery ticket, and once the prize was claimed, it was basically equivalent to waste paper, so how could he take it out?

"Comrade police, this guy is obviously blackmailing me!"

Shen Wei really had no choice but to look to Yang Canghai for help: "You should also know that lottery tickets are subject to tax, and after deducting 20% ​​tax, it is 24 million."

"But this guy knew this, and actually asked me to claim 30 million!"

"If this is not blackmail, what is it?"


Yang Canghai thought for a while and said: "Mr. Shen, I understand your current mood, but I really can't help you with this matter."

The winning amount is too large, and it is indeed necessary to pay a certain amount of tax.

But the problem is that Shen Wei stole Chen Feng's lottery ticket, and exchanged the lottery ticket without his consent.

From a legal point of view, Shen Wei did rob Chen Feng of 30 million worth of property, so Shen Wei should naturally return the corresponding amount.

After all, who asked him to cash in the 30 million lottery ticket without authorization.

[Return 30 million? ? ? ]

[I remember that the lottery tax is 20%, according to the 20% tax, Brother Feng got 24 million. 】

【Brother, you don't understand this, right? This lottery ticket was stolen. Since it was stolen, the nature of the case is completely different. According to the law, Shen Wei stole property worth 30 million yuan. Even if he goes to court, he is still required to return 30 million yuan. 】

【Is there such a thing? 】

【There is no other way. Who told him to exchange someone else's lottery ticket? 】

【Not only did he get the money back, but he also made 6 million yuan for nothing! 】

【Brother Feng's routine is getting deeper and deeper. 】


Shen Wei's face looked as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

6 million yuan is a lot of money for him.

Although he runs a lottery shop.

But to be honest, he is just an employee. Where does so much money come from?

Shen Wei said directly: "Little brother, how about this, I will give you another 100,000 yuan as compensation, do you think it's okay?"

"Sorry, I never like to take advantage of others."

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head: "Either you return the money to me, or return my winning lottery ticket to me."

"Don't go too far, kid!"

Shen Wei said angrily: "I don't have 6 million, but I have a life!"

"I don't want your life, if you don't have money, you go to jail."

Chen Feng's words fell.

Yang Canghai quickly took out a pair of silver bracelets and handcuffed Shen Wei's wrist.

Before sending him into the police car.

Yang Canghai also searched Shen Wei and found a hard object on his waist. When he took it out, it turned out to be a pistol!

And it was a real thing!


Yang Canghai was a little surprised.

Not only him.

Even everyone present was stunned.

You know, personnel who are not equipped with official guns according to law cannot be equipped with guns.

Privately equipped with guns is an act of privately possessing guns and ammunition, which will be suspected of constituting the crime of privately possessing guns and ammunition!

[Even a pistol? ]

[This guy is amazing! He has made a killing book for himself! ]

[At first I thought it was an ordinary robber, but I didn't expect that this robber was quite powerful and even had a gun! ]

[According to the gun management regulations, those who illegally possess or privately possess guns and ammunition shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, detention or control, and those with serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years. ]


"Come on, tell me, what's going on?"

Yang Canghai frowned and said to Shen Wei in a serious tone.

Fortunately, Shen Wei was searched in time, otherwise if he had dangerous thoughts, the consequences would be unimaginable.


Shen Wei said in a panic: "Police comrade, don't misunderstand, this gun is left by my grandfather, oh, my grandfather was a bandit back then, no, I am about to hand the gun over to you."

Yang Canghai certainly couldn't believe Shen Wei's excuse.

As far as he knew, this pistol was still a police pistol!


Yang Canghai asked several colleagues to investigate the gun.


As long as the police lost the pistol, there would be relevant records.

After a series of screening, the results were quickly delivered to Yang Canghai. This pistol was the pistol lost fifteen years ago!

The gangster stole the pistol from a police officer through special means.

One month after the theft, the gun appeared in the jewelry store robbery!

In other words, Shen Wei was the jewelry store robber fifteen years ago!

Thinking of this.

Yang Canghai's face couldn't help but become a little solemn.

Could it be that the murderer who had been on the run for fifteen years was found by him today?

ps: I feel better today. If nothing unexpected happens, I will update normally tomorrow. My fever reached 40 degrees last night. I felt really bad on the second and third days. I felt much better on the fourth day. Don't panic even if you get pregnant. Remember to drink more water when it's hot. Drink more water in small amounts. You may not believe me, but I didn't take any medicine (I couldn't buy any medicine at all). I survived by drinking water. Immune system YYDs!

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