"Mr. Shen, I will only ask you once, and it will be the last time."

"How did you get this gun?"

At this moment, Yang Canghai showed unprecedented seriousness.

He really didn't expect that the robber he had been searching for for fifteen years would actually appear in front of him today.

If Shen Wei is the prisoner, then everything can be explained.

He was one of the jewelry store robbers fifteen years ago!

"I told you, this gun was left to me by my grandfather."

Shen Wei continued to quibble: "Oh, by the way, I discovered it not long ago and was about to hand it in, but no, you found it in advance."

"Your grandfather?"

Yang Canghai snorted: "Then where is your grandfather now?"

"I am escorting my grandma on her way to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures."

"speak English!"


"When did this happen?"

"Twenty years ago."


Yang Canghai quickly grasped the suspicion: "This pistol was a pistol that was lost by a clerk in my office fifteen years ago. You'd better not tell me that your grandfather's ancestors showed up and stole the gun." "

Shen Wei patted his head: "Comrade police, I remembered it wrong just now. It should have been fifteen years ago. My grandfather died fifteen years ago."

"Not honest yet!"

Yang Canghai stared at him sharply.

He couldn't believe even a single punctuation mark about Shen Wei's testimony.

"This is your last chance. If you confess earlier, you may still have a chance at sentencing. If you continue to be dishonest, you will have no chance."

As soon as these words came out.

Zhu Laoliu beside him was already panicking. If he had known that things would turn out like this, he would not have allowed Shen Wei to grab the lottery tickets even if he were killed. In the end, not only did he not get the money, but he also won six million.

Even crimes committed fifteen years ago may be exposed.

The most annoying thing is that the two crimes were committed in vain.

Fifteen years ago, he failed to rob a jewelry store and was convicted.

Fifteen years later, he failed to grab the lottery ticket, but he still won six million in return.

Is there anything worse than this?

Think of this.

Zhu Laoliu immediately turned to look at Shen Wei: "Old Shen, how about..."


Shen Wei gritted his teeth.

Finally he admitted: "I admit it! I took this gun!"

Since I can't find an excuse, I might as well stop looking for it.

After all, with the police's investigative capabilities, it would be a matter of time before he was found out.

Yang Canghai said: "Since you were the one who took the gun, do you also admit that you were also responsible for the robbery fifteen years ago?"

"As far as I know, the gun was used in a jewelry store robbery a month after it was lost, and then disappeared with the robber."

[The jewelry store robbery fifteen years ago? 】

【Fuck! Isn't this the case in the news that failed to rob a jewelry store and fled for fifteen years? 】

[A lottery robbery actually led to a major case that lasted fifteen years! 】

[Hahaha, I remember that Officer Yang was still having a headache about this case just now. Now it’s better. The prisoner was delivered directly to the door. 】

[Isn’t this good luck? 】

[It’s not good luck, it’s the stolen effect of Brother Feng’s physique. 】

[Brother Feng: Ji Cao, don’t be six, sit down. 】


This side of the scene.


Shen Wei nodded generously: "We did this case."

"Since you admit it, then come back with us and accept the investigation."

Yang Canghai was slightly surprised. He thought Shen Wei would continue to quibble, but he didn't expect that he would admit it so simply this time.

"Comrade police, although we did it, you can't arrest me."

Shen Wei crossed his arms and looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. The time was exactly twelve o'clock in the morning.

The robbery started fifteen years ago today.

In other words, their legal recourse period has now expired.

He seemed to be quibbling just now, but in fact he was stalling for time. The purpose was to delay until twelve o'clock, when the legal prosecution period expired.

"Can't I arrest you?"

"That's right!"

Shen Wei said confidently: "Comrade police, as police officers, you should be very clear that this case was committed fifteen years ago, so there is a legal prosecution period." Tianlai Novel Network

"And today, unfortunately, is the last day of the legal prosecution period."

Speaking of which.

Shen Wei is becoming more and more proud.

"It's past twelve o'clock now, that is to say, today has passed, and we have returned from wanted criminals to civilian status. As civilians, you have no rights over us!"

And heard these words.

Zhu Laoliu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was just past twelve o'clock, otherwise these fifteen years would have been in vain.


It doesn't take long for the two of them to be proud.

Yang Canghai responded: "No rights? Did you make a mistake somewhere?"

"Yes, the legal prosecution period has indeed passed, but have you forgotten what you did today? You robbed!"

"According to legal provisions, if another crime is committed within the prosecution period, the prosecution period for the previous crime will be calculated from the date of the subsequent crime."

"That is to say, from the moment you robbed the lottery tickets today, the legal prosecution period has been refreshed!"


Hearing this, Shen Wei's face froze instantly, and the original smug smile disappeared, replaced by a pale face.

"No, police comrade, I have already returned the lottery money to that kid, so this can't be considered robbery at all."

"Can't be considered robbery?"

Yang Canghai sneered: "Indeed, this is indeed not considered robbery, but the premise is that the criminal law manual must be written by your grandfather!"

After saying that.

Yang Canghai was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly asked his colleagues to take Shen Wei and others to the police car.

After Shen Wei was sent away.

Yang Canghai took a deep breath and felt much more relieved.

This case that has troubled him for so many years has finally been solved.

Then, Yang Canghai came to Chen Feng and thanked him: "Brother Chen Feng, this time it is really thanks to your assistance."

If Chen Feng hadn't led out this prisoner who had fled for fifteen years, it would have been very difficult to catch him, and by then, this fifteen-year case would have been completely buried in the sea.


Chen Feng's face was a little embarrassed, but he still said a few polite words.

He really didn't expect that a small lottery robbery would lead to a jewelry store robbery fifteen years ago.

In order to express his apology.

Yang Canghai also specially invited Chen Feng to a local specialty restaurant for a meal. After the meal, the two went their separate ways and went home.


[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing option three! ]

[Reward: Top pharmacist skills. ]

"Top pharmacist?"

Seeing this series of system prompts, Chen Feng was stunned.

Another new skill!

Chen Feng looked at the skill description with excitement.

[Top pharmacist: can analyze the ingredients of various drugs in detail. ]

The meaning is not difficult to understand, in fact, it can see whether the medicine is fake or not.

Thinking of this.

Chen Feng nodded slightly.

Although it is not used for the time being, it is still necessary to have an extra skill for self-defense, at least you don't have to worry about taking fake medicine in the future.

And in the next few days.

Chen Feng has been busy with the lottery. Although the money is to be returned, the money is considered as evidence before the case is fully settled. Today, the matter has finally been dealt with.

After dealing with these matters, Chen Feng also went back to the law firm to take a look.

"Brother Feng, I heard that you recently assisted the police in solving another case!"

Seeing Chen Feng return to the law firm, Zhang Yida immediately greeted him with a smile.

These days, the news that the wanted criminal who had been on the run for fifteen years was arrested has been widely circulated on the Internet.

Tsk tsk.

The wanted criminal who had been on the run for fifteen years actually came to the door on his own initiative. This kind of plot is not something that can be written in a novel.

After the two chatted for a few words, Zhang Yida reported to Chen Feng the performance and revenue of the law firm these days.

Since Chen Feng became a shareholder of the law firm, the business of the law firm has been booming, and the monthly revenue is in the billions.

Looking at the business situation of the law firm, Chen Feng was slightly surprised.

The reason why he was surprised was not because of the revenue, but because Zhang Yida had taken several lawsuits these days, and he won every one of them!

It seems that Zhang Yida would not only send the client to jail.

However, he didn't know that ——

The reason why Zhang Yida won was actually because the other party was afraid that if Zhang Yida lost, they would most likely have to face Chen Feng later.

In order not to face Chen Feng, they could only solve it in a peaceful way.

Just at this time.

The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a man rushed in.

"Get out of the way!!!"

"Don't stop me!!"

"I want to find Chen Feng!"

Facing the security personnel around, the man insisted on rushing in.

Seeing the man who broke in, Zhang Yida said helplessly: "Sir, I have told you very clearly that we can't take your case."

"Impossible to take?"

The man was directly angry: "Other people's cases can be taken, why can't my case be taken?"


Zhang Yida sighed lightly, really not knowing what to say.

"What's wrong?"

Out of curiosity.

Chen Feng, who was watching, couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yida hesitated for a moment, and then told Chen Feng everything.

After learning what happened.

Chen Feng's face was a little strange.

There are strange cases every day, but this is the first time he has seen such a strange one.

The reason why this man found a lawyer was that he followed the trend to buy lottery tickets, and finally lost a full 120,000 yuan. Because he was not convinced, he thought of entrusting a lawyer to sue the owner of the lottery shop.

To put it bluntly, he just couldn't afford to lose, and he didn't have the spirit of a gambler at all.

"Your name is Chen Feng, right?"

"I've heard of you, known as a lawless madman."

"I won't talk nonsense with you."

The man said to Chen Feng unceremoniously: "It's like this, a few days ago during the World Cup, I bought a lottery ticket worth 120,000 yuan in the lottery shop. After I bought the lottery ticket, the owner of the lottery shop told me the rules. This is obviously a hindsight. I hope you can help me sue the owner of the lottery shop and let him return the 120,000 yuan to me!"

After saying that.

He also put a whole snakeskin bag of lottery tickets in front of Chen Feng.

This whole stack of lottery tickets turned directly into pieces of waste paper.

This was heartbreaking for him.

Zhang Yida scratched his head and said, "Sir, I have already told you that your case... is absolutely impossible to be established."

"What is impossible to be established?"

The man was still unconvinced: "This is obviously the problem of the lottery shop!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "How about this, I can help you get the money back."

"You should also know how difficult this case is, right?"

"You only need to give me a commission of 200,000 yuan, and I will help you get 120,000 yuan back."

"If it can't be recovered, I will claim 120,000 yuan from you personally."

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