"Hey, what do you mean?"

The man was upset at that time.

"You charge me 200,000 for a lawsuit, are you a black shop?"

A case worth 120,000, and he charged 200,000 for the commission. Even if he won, he would still lose 80,000. It's a pity that Chen Feng could think of it.

"Brother, it's already very cheap for them to charge you 200,000." Zhang Yida couldn't help but interjected. You know, according to Chen Feng's charging standard, this 200,000 is not even a fraction.

"So what you mean is that you don't want to take my case, right?"

"Brother, we have made it very clear to you. As long as you can pay 200,000 for the commission, we are still willing to accept it."

Chen Feng said with a smile.


The man was furious, and turned around and left without saying anything.

On the other side, Zhang Yida covered his mouth and laughed.

I have to say that Chen Feng's trick is still high.

He sent this rogue away without any effort.

Zhang Yida seemed to remember something, and suddenly said to Chen Feng: "By the way, Brother Feng, I may need to trouble you for something."

"What is it?"

"It's like this, the weather is about to turn cold, and it is also the peak period for colds. In addition, this year's shortage of raw materials has caused supply problems, which has led to price increases and even unavailability of cold medicines. The outside world has paid a lot of attention to this matter these days, and the judicial department also hopes that we can come forward to solve it."

Chen Feng frowned: "Shouldn't we communicate with the manufacturer about this?"

Zhang Yida smiled bitterly: "The manufacturer said that every time the goods As soon as it was sent out, it was sold out inexplicably, as if it disappeared. "

"Sold out?"

"Yes, the price of medicine has been rising wildly these days."

Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "You can arrange for someone else to do it."

"But the judicial department has designated you to do it."


Facing Chen Feng's puzzled look, Zhang Yida pursed his lips and said, "They checked your case history and found that you have never handled a legal aid case. For a serious lawyer, this is really a bit unreasonable, so they entrusted the case to you."

Speaking of legal aid, Zhang Yida usually does it a lot.

In addition, this time it was arranged by the judicial department, so Chen Feng couldn't refuse.

Think about it, he has handled so many cases, but he has never handled legal aid. It is a bit unreasonable.

Then, Chen Feng simply learned about the case.

You don't know until you see it. This time, he was shocked!

A bottle of ordinary cold medicine has actually increased from the original price of more than ten yuan to several hundred yuan, which has increased dozens of times!

This is not just outrageous, it is simply outrageous!

You know, it is illegal to drive up the price of medicines. Cases like this basically don't need to go to court. Just report them as soon as you see them.

"You talk to the judicial department. I can handle this case."

After that.

Chen Feng got up and left the law firm, but he didn't go home. Instead, he drove to a local pharmacy to understand the situation.

Chen Feng walked into the pharmacy and saw a young man sitting on the counter, pressing the screen of his mobile phone with both hands, playing games very attentively.

"Hello, I want to buy medicine." Chen Feng said to the young man.

Hearing this, the young man looked up and supervised Chen Feng, his hands still pressing the screen and said: "What medicine do you want to buy?"

"Cold medicine."

"Over there."

The young man pointed to the left side of the pharmacy, and after leaving two words, he didn't care whether Chen Feng heard it or not, and continued to indulge in the game.

Chen Feng followed the direction pointed by the young man and came to the left side of the pharmacy.

Although there are many labels of cold medicines here, the shelves are empty.

"The shelves of cold medicine are all empty. Do you have any stock?"

"If it's gone, it's gone. They're all up there."

The young man said coldly, "You know, it's getting colder now, and there are more people catching colds, so it's out of stock for the time being."


Chen Feng didn't say anything.

Turned around.

Prepared to leave.

The next moment, the young man raised his head and called Chen Feng.

"Wait a minute, brother."

"What's the matter?"

"Or can you tell me why you bought the medicine?"


"Is it serious?"

"Yes, it's serious."

The young man rolled his eyes, then threw the phone aside, pretending to be reluctant: "Brother, I still have a box of medicine here, and it's the last box. I originally planned to keep it for myself, but if you want it, I can also give it to you at a low price."

As he said that, he took out a box of medicine from the counter and placed it in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng subconsciously asked, "How much?"

"Brother, you know that this medicine is not available outside now."

The young man smiled and said to Chen Feng, and directly stretched out four fingers to him: "Four thousand, only four thousand yuan, this box of medicine belongs to you."


Chen Feng was slightly moved.

Four thousand yuan!

According to the previous price, this box of medicine would be at most a dozen yuan.

This four thousand yuan has increased by hundreds of times!

The young man said righteously: "Brother, don't think it's expensive. Now is a special period. This medicine is in short supply. I'm not exaggerating. Even if you go to all the pharmacies, you can't find a second box."

"If it weren't for your urgent need, I would definitely not sell it to you."

"Besides, health is priceless. For the health of your family, these four thousand yuan are really not expensive. Just grit your teeth and spend it."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows at the young man's strong sales pitch, and quickly said: "I remember the suggested price on this medicine is 19 yuan."

"Suggested suggested price?"

The young man laughed at the time: "What does this have to do with me? This bottle of medicine is mine. I can sell it for whatever price I want." Tianlai Novel Network

"Besides, you also said that this is the suggested suggested price. Since it is a suggestion, it is my business whether to listen to it or not."

Chen Feng said: "Can I issue a receipt?"


"Can I use medical insurance?"


Seeing that Chen Feng was not buying for a long time, the young man naturally did not look happy: "I say, do you want it or not? You are still hesitating about buying a bottle of medicine. If you want it, pay it. If you don't want it, leave quickly."

After saying that.

The young man put the medicine back into the cabinet directly. Through his vague sight, Chen Feng saw that there were many medicines with the same packaging in the cabinet.

Obviously, this last box must be a lie.

"Boss, do you still have cold medicine for sale?"

Just then, a customer suddenly walked into the store.

"Yes." The young man smiled and said, "As usual, you need to increase the price."

From the way the two spoke, they seemed to be regular customers.

"How much?"

"Four thousand yuan a box."


The customer looked a little struggling: "Four thousand? I remember you only sold two thousand yesterday? Why did you raise the price again?"

The young man sighed and pretended to be helpless: "No, there is a shortage of goods recently, and I have no choice. After all, these goods are transferred from my friends. To be honest, I don't make much money from a box of medicine."

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