"Comrade supervisor, this is our first time offending and we don't know the market. Otherwise, you are so generous and give me another chance?"

The young man smiled apologetically.

Although this behavior does not constitute imprisonment, it can revoke the drug business license. Once the drug business license is revoked, his pharmacy can be declared bankrupt.

For him, this is not worth the loss.

After all, this pharmacy has just opened for a short time and has not made much money, so he thought of raising the price of the medicine to increase profits.

"You sell a box of cold medicine for 4,000 yuan, don't you know the market?"

The supervisor said seriously: "As far as I know, the market price of this medicine is 19 yuan. You actually sell a medicine worth more than 10 yuan for 4,000 yuan?"

"Do you know how many people's monthly salary is 4,000 yuan? You just made a box of medicine for a month's salary!"

"And most of the people who are sick now are the elderly and children."

"Don't you have a guilty conscience?"


Faced with a series of criticism and education.

The young man kept his head down, conscience? How much money can conscience earn?

I think so.

But he could only accept the criticism obediently. After all, the supervisors were like their fathers, so it was definitely right to have a better attitude.

Seeing that the young man had a good attitude to admit his mistakes, and it was his first offense, the supervisors did not directly revoke his license, but punishment was definitely necessary, so he gave the young man a ticket of 300,000 yuan.

Looking at this ticket of 300,000 yuan, the young man said with a frustrated face: "300,000 yuan... Comrade supervisor, is this a bit too much?"

"A lot? If you think it's too much, you can not pay it."

"No, no, no, it's good, it's good."

"In this case, why don't you put the medicine back on the shelf!"

"I'll do it right away!"

The young man did not dare to neglect it and immediately put the vacant cold medicine on the shelf.

Seeing this, the supervisor nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Well, I hope this kind of thing will not happen again. If we find it again, you should know the consequences!"

"Don't worry!"

The young man patted his chest and promised.

"I will never do such a thing again!"


After finally sending the supervisor away, the young man let out a sigh of relief.

Looking back, he took another look at the ticket, and the young man was miserable.

Three hundred thousand!

He didn't make any money, but lost three hundred thousand!

Normally, this is the profit of a pharmacy for several months.

"The boss pays."

Suddenly a voice sounded.

Chen Feng took a box of cold medicine from the shelf and put it in front of the counter, ready to settle the bill.

"Three thousand."

"Three thousand? No way, the shelf clearly says nineteen yuan."

The young man said directly: "The price is the price, and the actual price is based on what I said. Boy, I know you are also a drug dealer, but if you want to take advantage of me, it's impossible."

After saying this.

He also took the cold medicine off the shelf again.

Want to buy the original price medicine?

No way!

Not to mention people, even if the king of heaven is sick, it won't work.

Chen Feng smiled and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, those are the regulatory authorities, aren't you afraid of being checked again?"

"Who said I sell drugs for 3,000 yuan?"

The young man corrected immediately. In order to avoid being reported again, he thought of another way: "The 3,000 yuan I mentioned is not the price of the medicine. We don't sell this medicine individually, but give it away for free, but the premise is that you must spend 3,000 yuan in our store."

Since the medicine cannot be sold individually, he will sell it in a bundled gift package.

Anyway, many medicines in their pharmacy are not selling well.

This is just right to use this trick to boost sales.

The young man said to Chen Feng, "How about this, I don't want your 3,000 yuan anymore, and give you a discount. If you can buy all my medicines, 2,000 yuan, I will transfer all 2,000 yuan to you."

Originally, he planned to sell it himself, but he felt a little uneasy after all, and he was also targeted by the regulatory authorities, so he hoped to get rid of all the medicines as soon as possible.

"Brother, I'm not bragging. You can sell it for 4,000 or 5,000 yuan."

"You'll make money if you buy it."


Chen Feng blinked and said noncommittally: "Yes, but the premise is that you have to tell me the source of your medicines."

You know, this medicine is not available locally now, and that's why it is sold at such a high price.

At first he suspected that the demand was too high, causing the goods to be sold out.

But now it seems that some scalpers have bought them.

Normally, after the medicine comes out of the factory, it will be sold to pharmacies or hospitals in batches. What means do these scalpers use to intercept large quantities of medicines? This is what Chen Feng wants to know most.

"Why are you asking this?" The young man suddenly became cautious.

Chen Feng said: "I mainly want to know whether the source of your drugs is safe, otherwise what should we do if something goes wrong?"

"If you are worried about this, then you can rest assured. I am a pharmacy owner. How can I sell you fake drugs?"

The young man said directly: "There is absolutely no quality problem with our drugs, and they are all genuine products obtained from regular channels!"

"To tell you the truth, I have someone in the factory."

"Someone? Who?"

"Don't worry about this."

The young man didn't intend to tell Chen Feng too much.

"You just need to know that there are people inside who help me get the medicine."

"You don't have to worry about the supply, and I will have a large batch of goods in two days."

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