Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 413: Dare to make money from disasters?

"Is there a large supply?"

Chen Feng was slightly stunned. Now this medicine is basically out of stock, and buying it at the original price is out of the question.

After all, once the demand is greater than the supply, the price of things will inevitably increase.

But the premise is that the price increase must be within a reasonable range, not a blind increase.

"Of course."

Seeing Chen Feng's shocked expression, the young man had a little pride on his face, and then lowered his voice and said to Chen Feng: "Boy, I tell you, this medicine is in short supply outside, but as long as you cooperate with me, I can supply it to you at a lower price, and I guarantee that you can make a fortune!" Tianlai Novel Network


Chen Feng did not speak.

After asking for so long, the young man has been intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the topic of where the medicine came from, and simply refused to tell him where these medicines came from.

There is really no way.

Chen Feng can only use the [Secret Eye].

After all, this thing requires a lot of points every time it is used, and he is reluctant to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Just when Chen Feng was planning to use the [Secret Eye] to extract some useful information from the young man.

Suddenly, another customer walked into the door of the pharmacy. He kept coughing and had a runny nose, as if he was sick.

"Boss, do you have this medicine for sale here?" He took out a piece of paper with the name of the medicine and handed it over.

The young man took a look at the medicine on it.

Isn't this the cold medicine?

"I'm sorry, this medicine is out of stock in our store, so there is a rule that it cannot be sold alone. It is a non-sale item. If you need this medicine, you have to spend more than 3,000 yuan in our store before we can give it to you."

"Spend more than 3,000?"

The customer thought for a while and said, "Well, boss, I... I was asked by Doctor Zhang Shan from the hospital next door. He said that if you tell me his name, you can enjoy a discount."

"Doctor Zhang Shan?"

The young man immediately changed his words when he heard it: "Oh, why didn't you say it earlier? Since it was Doctor Zhang who asked me to come here, I am one of them. How about this, I don't need you to spend more than 3,000 yuan in our store, just take it away for 1,000 yuan a box."


The customer hesitated for a long time and finally paid.

Compared to spending 3,000 yuan, it is much more cost-effective to buy medicine directly with 1,000 yuan. After all, most of these medicines are not used, and even if they are bought back, it is a waste.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Feng couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

It was obviously a high price to buy medicine, but the patient didn't have any problem at all, but there was nothing to do. For some people who need medicine, money is just a thing outside of the body.

And these drug dealers just targeted this point.

After buying the medicine, the customer took the medicine and left directly.

And Chen Feng also found an excuse to leave the pharmacy.

Because from this customer, Chen Feng got a very useful clue, that is, a doctor named Zhang Shan.

Under normal circumstances, doctors would never recommend patients to buy medicine in a pharmacy, not to mention that the price of this medicine is so high.

The point is that from the conversation just now, it is obvious that the relationship between this doctor and the pharmacy is a bit unusual.


After leaving the pharmacy, Chen Feng drove directly back to the law firm and asked Zhang Yida to investigate the doctor.

The next day.

Zhang Yida got the doctor's information.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, the information you want is available!"

Zhang Yida broke into Chen Feng's office and saw Chen Feng sitting on an office chair playing games. He was a little curious and asked, "By the way, Brother Feng, why did you ask me to investigate this doctor for no reason? Is this related to the case?"

At that time, because the situation was urgent, Chen Feng did not tell Zhang Yida what happened, so he was not aware of it.

Chen Feng put down his mobile phone and said truthfully without hiding anything: "The reason why the medicine is out of stock is probably because it is monopolized, and this is likely related to this case."

So far, this kind of cold medicine is hard to find on the market, and even if it is available, it is very expensive.

In this case, it is likely that someone has monopolized the medicine.

"Monopolized the medicine? This is illegal."

Zhang Yida was slightly shocked.

You know, since ancient times, it has been absolutely forbidden to make money from disasters.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters often happen in an instant, and this also allows some businesses to seize business opportunities in this situation and make profits from it.

Ordinary people would hate such people who make money from disasters, after all, this kind of money is taken from ordinary people.

Chen Feng said: "There is no way, there are always some lawless elements who like to make money from disasters."

Zhang Yida took a deep breath and got straight to the point: "Zhang Shan is the attending physician of a local hospital, and this hospital is a private hospital."

"As for him, I heard that he studied abroad for a period of time before, and just came back, he was hired by a private hospital with a high salary, so he doesn't have any black history."

"It's just... I heard that the price of seeing him is outrageous."

"I heard that as long as you see him, even if it's just a small cold, the price will be at least several thousand!"

A small cold costs several thousand?

Hearing this price, Chen Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This is no longer outrageous!

It's super outrageous!

A normal visit for a small cold is at most a few dozen yuan.

If it's not very serious, you don't even need to see a doctor.

"Of course, he won't charge so much in the hospital."

Zhang Yida continued: "After seeing the doctor, he usually tells the patient that the hospital is in great demand for this medicine, and then asks them to go to a nearby small pharmacy to buy it."

"In addition, he will also advise patients to buy some nutritional products, health products, and a lot of medical products."


Chen Feng nodded thoughtfully.

After bundling up so many messy things, Chen Feng could finally understand why a small cold could cost thousands of dollars!

To put it nicely, it is selling in a bundled gift package, making consumers pay for a bunch of useless garbage.

To put it bluntly, it’s a money grab!

"You don't know, this Dr. Zhang is an ordinary doctor on the surface, but he is very proud secretly!"

Zhang Yida moistened his throat and then said: "His daily car is a Mercedes-Benz Mayback worth millions, and his watch is a limited edition worth millions. And I heard that some people saw him in a local villa. District, bought a mansion worth tens of millions! "

Speaking of which.

The results are already very obvious.

According to the normal income of a doctor, it is impossible for him to be so wealthy, let alone afford so many luxuries.

It can be seen from this.

This Dr. Zhang Shan is obviously not in line with common sense.

In addition, he actually suggested that patients go to pharmacies outside the hospital to buy medicines. This kind of behavior either resulted in a kickback from the pharmacy or had an improper relationship with the pharmacy.

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