Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 415: Enemies Meet on a Narrow Road

"Fifty points?"

Upon hearing this, the young man's eyes instantly revealed a golden light.

Fifty pips of profit!

Even though the profits of previous drugs were also very high, compared with 50%, the gap is still very obvious.

In this way, the cost of medicine can be greatly reduced.

Think of this.

The young man swallowed his saliva and said, "Cousin, are you sure that the effect of this medicine is the same as the previous medicine?"

The most important thing right now is the efficacy of the medicine.

As long as the medicine has the same effect.

Even if it is sold, there shouldn't be any major problems.

After all, this medicine is in very short supply now, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the same price as gold, so he must not miss such a good opportunity to make a fortune so easily.

What's more, at this rate, it won't be long before the medicine they sell is out of stock.

Zhang Shan patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry about this, I guarantee it with my medical ethics, the effect will definitely be the same!"

the next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Feng went to this private hospital to register, and the patient he registered was none other than Dr. Zhang Shan.

The main purpose of his coming to the hospital was to see if Dr. Zhang Shan was really like the rumors, specializing in prescribing high-priced medicines to defraud patients of their money.

Before coming, Chen Feng deliberately turned on the live broadcast. After all, this was also a means of recording important evidence.

【Fuck! It’s airing! Brother Feng is finally airing! 】

【Two and a half days! It has been two and a half days since the last live broadcast! Do you know how I came here these two and a half days? At night without Brother Feng, the only thing that can soothe my soul is practicing singing and dancing rap basketball. 】

【babble? Wait...why did Brother Feng come to the hospital today? 】

【Nani? Hospital? Shouldn't the doctor be sent in this time? 】

The live broadcast room has just opened, and the popularity is as high as ever.

All kinds of barrages emerge in endlessly.

at the same time.

Everyone also noticed that the place where Chen Feng was was actually a hospital.

Chen Feng explained to the live broadcast room: "Brothers, don't think too much. I came to the hospital today mainly because I had a slight cold, not to send people in. Moreover, the weather has turned cold recently. Everyone remember to keep warm to avoid getting sick."

In order to make himself catch a cold, Chen Feng spent a lot of effort. He took a bath with ice water, turned on the air conditioner without covering himself with a quilt, took three popsicles in one mouthful, and drank water with an upside-down dragon. He tried all the methods to make him catch a cold.


He didn't catch a cold in the end.

no way.

The immune system is too strong.

No one can fight a small cold.

But the next day came.

Chen Feng felt uncomfortable all over for no reason, with cough, runny nose, weakness in his limbs, and no energy at all.

Ah sneeze!

Chen Feng couldn't help sneezing and wiped the tip of his nose.

Next, Chen Feng waited for his number to be called according to his own appointment. It must be said that Dr. Zhang Shan had quite a few appointments, and the queue alone took more than an hour.

And during this time.

Chen Feng also took a special look around the hospital. Judging from the size, it can be regarded as a small and medium-sized hospital. Because it is private, the surrounding environment is still a bit different from a regular hospital.

"Chen Feng."


A shouting voice sounded.

Chen Feng wiped the corner of his nose and then walked into the consultation room.

"Where does it hurt?"

Zhang Shan turned around, and when he saw Chen Feng's face clearly, his eyes suddenly narrowed: "It's your boy!"

That’s right!

This Dr. Zhang Shan is the man who lost money when buying lottery tickets. He was not convinced and planned to sue the lottery shop!

How could he have thought that the two of them would actually meet again!

And they still meet like a patient and a doctor!

It’s really a narrow road between enemies!

Chen Feng also recognized Zhang Shan's identity, smiled and said, "How was it? Do you want the money you lost in the lottery last time to get back?"

Zhang Shan gritted his teeth, and then showed a very friendly smile: "Boy, I'm not like you, I can't even handle a small matter. Don't worry, since you are my patient, as a doctor, I will definitely treat you You’re cured!”

Although he said this, he had already made up his mind to trick Chen Feng! Let him know the dangers of the human heart!

And he will keep his promise to cure Chen Feng, but it's hard to say in what way.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Shan conducted a series of inquiries about Chen Feng's body, and as a professional doctor, he basically knew the diagnosis result through the description.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng just had an ordinary cold. He could probably be cured by just taking a few pills by tomorrow.

Although he knew the result, he didn't intend to say so.

"Chen Feng, right? The lateral pharyngeal cord tissue inside your tonsils is very red and swollen. In my opinion, this may be an acute upper respiratory tract infection, and there is also some inflammation, but I can't actually tell the actual situation, so I'm Before prescribing the medicine, for the sake of your health and safety, I suggest you take a CT scan of your lungs, and then do an electrocardiogram and a full-body examination.”

What was originally a common cold turned into a one-stop package of CT examinations under Zhang Shan's operation.

Even the people in the live broadcast room couldn't bear to watch this scene.

【? ? ? 】

【what's the situation? A minor cold even required a CT scan? 】

[This doctor really dares to treat a cold. He treats a cold at the same time. This kind of treatment can cost at least a thousand, right? 】

[If this is the case with a minor cold, then if you get a more serious illness in the future, won't you be ready for the coffin? ]

[In my opinion, this is definitely an unscrupulous doctor! He deliberately exaggerates the illness to mislead the patient! ]

[I have encountered this situation before, especially those scumbags who wear white coats but do nothing. They can be cured by taking a few pills, but in order to make you spend more money, they suggest you a one-stop package. ]

[This kind of person must be cured! ]

[Brother Feng: It doesn't matter, I will help. ]


Here at the scene.

Zhang San smiled and said to Chen Feng: "The above are purely my personal suggestions. It's up to you whether you listen to them or not. By the way, let me tell you that this is a private hospital. There will be differences in prices between private hospitals and public hospitals."

Under normal circumstances, the price of seeing a doctor in private hospitals is generally more expensive than that of public regular hospitals.

His words made Chen Feng feel a little harsh. Although he didn't say it explicitly, it was like he was saying that he couldn't afford the medical expenses.

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