Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 416 I am an expert, you have to listen to my advice

Chen Feng took a deep breath and finally followed Zhang Shan's words and accepted his so-called one-stop package.

I tried all the expensive items including CT, EKG, and body examination. What was even more outrageous was that I even had X-rays.

It can be seen that Zhang Shan is determined to trick Chen Feng. This set of procedures will cost at least a thousand yuan.

And there are more or less personal grudges in it.

Wait until the results come out.

Chen Feng found Zhang Shan with the results of these inspection reports.

Zhang Shan looked at the test results for a long time and finally said:

"Fortunately, it was just a common upper respiratory tract infection."

Finished speaking.

Zhang Shan suddenly pretended to be considerate of the patient again, and continued to add: "Don't think that I deliberately deceive you. In fact, I am also thinking about your safety."

"After all, treating diseases is very complicated. Many diseases cannot be diagnosed with the naked eye. If it cannot be judged with the naked eye, the only way is through machinery."


Chen Feng frowned.

Isn’t an upper respiratory tract infection just a small cold?

Although Chen Feng didn't understand medical skills, the doctor could basically get the result of a minor cold through judgment, but Zhang Shan directly asked Chen Feng to perform a series of useless tests in order to make more money from Chen Feng.

It is undeniable that this will indeed be safer.

But the problem is, with this kind of spending power, it’s okay if you have money. If you are a normal person, who can afford it?

No matter what Chen Feng thought, Zhang Shan directly took out a slip: "Go and pay. You can pay by turning left when you go out."


Chen Feng took this receipt and quickly came to the hospital's payment desk. The check-up package alone cost more than a thousand yuan.

It cost more than a thousand yuan for a small cold, and it didn't include asking for money. This is no longer outrageous.

The point is, you can’t use medical insurance yet.

But Chen Feng couldn't do anything about it. After all, Zhang Shan said at the beginning that this was just his suggestion. In addition, all the inspections were indeed done by Chen Feng, so he had no way to return the goods and could only hand over the money. .

After paying the money, when Chen Feng was worried about not having any medicine, Zhang Shan said: "By the way, our hospital is temporarily out of stock of the medicine you need, so we may not be able to give it to you for the time being."

"there is none left?"

"You can't say there isn't one."

Zhang Shan responded with a smile: "I can only say that we need to wait."

"How long do we have to wait?"

"A day or two."

"so long?"

"As you know, now that the season is getting colder, the demand has increased a lot. At the same time, there are also problems with the supply of raw materials for this medicine, so the medicine has been out of stock. If you don't believe me, you can go outside and take a look."

Zhang Shan must be confident when he says this.

Chen Feng would never be able to buy this medicine on the market.

Think about it. ŴŴŴ.

Zhang Shan added: "But, if you really need this medicine, I can help you find a way."

If you want to cheat, then you must have a grand slam!

The examination is done, and the next step is the money for the medicine.

Because this is a hospital, he must not blatantly raise the price of medicines, otherwise once he is reported, the hospital will be gone, so he can only go offline.


Chen Feng pretended to cooperate, but he could probably guess it.

Zhang Shan started his routine directly: "For the sake of our acquaintance, I will tell you the truth. I know a pharmacy that has some stock of this medicine. If you go over and tell me my name, you can get a discount. "


Just as I guessed!

Chen Feng seemed to have read through his thoughts. After talking for a long time, he deliberately led him to the drugstore to buy medicine.

"Also, I have another suggestion. If you do what I tell you, you will recover faster."

As he spoke, Zhang Shan wrote a bunch of medicines on a piece of paper. Although he didn't know what they were, he was certain that these medicines must be very expensive medicines.

In addition, he also recommended a bunch of health products to Chen Feng, saying they could speed up recovery and increase immunity.

After Zhang Shan finished all his suggestions, Chen Feng suddenly interjected: "Then can I not listen to your suggestions?"

A normal cold can be completely cured by a person's immunity, not to mention he is very confident in his own immune system.

"It's okay not to listen...actually."

Zhang Shan's face turned dark at that time.

You have said so much and you don’t want to listen? That definitely won’t work!

If you don't listen, how can I make money?

"Brother, you may think that these suggestions I have made are to trick you, but in fact I am thinking about you. After all, I am a doctor. As a doctor, I must think about the patient, and yours Once this disease is delayed, it is likely to cause a series of respiratory diseases, which are serious and may even be life-threatening..."

As we all know, cancer usually starts when seeing a doctor on Baidu, but according to Zhang Shan, it is even more serious than seeing a doctor on Baidu.

After listening.

Chen Feng laughed directly: "Then according to your statement, do I have to prepare a coffin and then hire a few black people?"


Zhang Shan immediately said: "No, no, no, I mean, if you want to ensure your own health, I suggest you listen to my advice."

"After all, I'm the expert on this."

ps: The last chapter of this year, Happy New Year~

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