Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 417 The dog at home is called Zhuanjia

[Expert? Or expert? ]

[I just caught a minor cold, do I need to take so many health supplements? ]

[I didn't even take so many health supplements when I gave birth. ]

[To be honest, the advice of these experts is bullshit! ]

[That's right, the expert next door also suggested that we pay for work, and we have to pay the boss to work in the company. In this way, we can perfectly solve the employment problem while also solving the company's financial problems. ]

[Sorry, my dog ​​is called Expert. ]

Even the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't stand this kind of behavior.

Just a minor cold is even more serious than cancer.


Just as everyone was discussing, Chen Feng finally nodded and went to the designated pharmacy to get the medicine according to what Zhang Shan said.

Seeing Chen Feng just leave

Zhang Shan immediately made a phone call: "Hello, is this my cousin?"

"It's like this, a patient will come to your pharmacy to get medicine later."

"No, no, you don't have to focus on taking care of him at all."

"I mean, just screw him to death!"


The pharmacy is about 300 meters away from the hospital, about ten minutes away, so Chen Feng arrived at the pharmacy quickly.

At this time, there were many people around the pharmacy.

The reason was that there were a few big words "Free XXX Capsules" written at the door of the pharmacy.

You know, this medicine is very out of stock now. When they heard that a pharmacy was giving away medicine for free, many people rushed over instantly.

"Everyone, listen to me, although our pharmacy gives away medicine for free, the premise is that you must spend a certain amount of money in our store before we will give it to you!"

The young man held a loudspeaker and said to the people around him.

It is definitely impossible to give away medicine for free.

After all, they are here to make money, not to do charity.

As the saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world.

If you want to get something for free, you must pay something.

"Spend a certain amount?"

"How much do you have to spend?"

Faced with the questions from the people around him, the young man smiled and said, "Not much, just three thousand. As long as you spend three thousand in our store, we will give it to you as a gift."

"Three thousand?"

"Are you crazy about money? The official retail price of this medicine is only a dozen yuan, and you want us to spend three thousand?"

"That's right, believe it or not, we will go to the regulatory authorities to complain about you!"

"You said you would give away medicine for free, what is this? You are selling dog meat under the guise of sheep meat?"

"It's a blatant fraud!"

Everyone expressed dissatisfaction.

After all, most people here are attracted by the free medicine.

Now, not only is it not free, but it's also sky-high!

Who can afford a box of cold medicine for three thousand yuan?

"Don't get me wrong, listen to me first."

The young man signaled everyone to calm down: "First, we don't have compulsory consumption. Whether you buy or not is entirely up to you. Second, we didn't sell this medicine, but gave it out as a gift, so there is no violation."

His words are already very clear.

Even if he goes to the regulatory authorities to complain about himself, he is not afraid at all. After all, he didn't sell the medicine directly this time, but changed a way to sell it in bundles.

"In addition, those who say I am a fraud, you can look carefully. There are several additional conditions next to the free medicine."

After saying this.

Everyone immediately looked to the side. There are indeed several additional conditions, but the fonts of these additional conditions are very small.

And these are actually his routines, because what he has to do now is to attract traffic. As long as people are attracted, there is a certain chance of selling the medicine.

What's more.

This world has never lacked those who are rich but brainless.

Otherwise, why do a lot of people increase the price to buy new products as soon as they come out? Increase the price is not enough, and even limit the quantity for you to grab.

In the final analysis, this is just a marketing trick of capital, which makes you mistakenly think that the product is in great demand, thus misleading your consumption concept.

[This pharmacy is good. He has learned the tricks of Penguin thoroughly! ]

[Still playing word games, right? ]

[To be honest, Penguin's word games need to be viewed with an eight-fold scope. ]

[No, it should be a sixteen-fold scope. ]

[This pharmacy is really amazing. A box of medicine that originally costs more than ten yuan actually requires a consumption of three thousand to obtain it. This is even more deceptive than Penguin's big guarantee. ]


Just when everyone was discussing.

Chen Feng walked into the pharmacy and told the young man the medicine that Zhang Shan had just told him: "Hello, I need these medicines."

"Is it you, kid?"

The young man certainly recognized Chen Feng. At first, he thought Chen Feng was in the same industry, but after a long time, he just thought too much.

"Oh, I'm Zhang Shan, introduced by Doctor Zhang."

Chen Feng introduced himself.

"Doctor Zhang Shan?"

The young man was slightly stunned.

He had no intention of dealing with Chen Feng, but if he was recommended by Doctor Zhang Shan, it would be different.

After all, he had money, so there was no reason not to make money.

"You are Chen Feng, right?"


"Since you were introduced by Doctor Zhang, we are family. Don't worry, I have all the medicines you want, and I can give you a lot of discounts."

The young man took a look at Chen Feng's medicine. In addition to cold medicine, there were also a bunch of miscellaneous health products.

The point is.

Zhang Shan had specifically told him that he must cheat Chen Feng, and he must do it as hard as possible!

That's it.

The young man quickly prepared everything Chen Feng needed.

"Brother, I've packed everything you want."

"The total is eight thousand."

"Is it in cash or by scanning a code?"

As soon as this was said.

Everyone was shocked.

[Eight thousand? ]

[Eight thousand for a medicine? Are these medicines made of gold? ]

[Is this a black shop? The previous hospital was outrageous enough, but I didn't expect this pharmacy to be even more outrageous! ]

[The consultation plus the medicine, the total is at least ten thousand, right? ]

[Too damn black! ]

[I seriously suspect that this doctor and the pharmacy are in partnership! 】

【No doubt, I can tell you with certainty that they definitely have a problem, because normal hospital doctors will not recommend patients to get medicine outside the hospital, let alone specify a pharmacy. If this happens, it can only mean that the doctor has an unusual relationship with the pharmacy. 】


Chen Feng narrowed his eyes.

Even he was shocked by the price. Including the hospital's examination fee, it cost nearly 10,000 to treat a cold!

And most of them are useless health products, and some of them will expire in the last one or two months. It is obvious that they are clearing their own inventory.

It must be said that one dares to say it, and the other dares to do it!

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