[Ding! An event has been detected in the host, and the options have been automatically generated for you! ]

[Option 1: Pay for the medicine obediently, after all, dog life is important. ]

[Reward: A bottle of cold medicine that can't cure colds. ]

[Option 2: Put your hands in your pockets, leave quietly, and resolutely refuse to buy expensive medicine. ]

[Reward: A black-hearted pharmacy. ]

[Option 3: Resolutely fight to the end, crack down on these scum who make money from disasters, and let the public know their truth. ]

[Reward: The higher the host's completion, the richer the reward. ]

Seeing this series of prompts.

Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then he chose three from the system.

There are two kinds of people he hates most in his life. The first is capital, and the second is the capital of those who make money from disasters.

It is for this reason.

When he chose three, he had almost no hesitation.

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't speak all the time.

The young man was a little anxious: "Brother, these are the best medicines in our store. After taking them, not only can you recover quickly, but they can also provide immunity and make your immune system stronger!"

"So I think it's worth spending this money."


After Chen Feng came to his senses, he didn't pay attention to the young man at first, but cast his eyes on these medicines.

Soon, he found that the packaging of the cold medicine was a little different from the previous one, and even the packaging was changed.

"No, boss, there is something wrong with your medicine."

"There is a problem? What can be the problem?"

The young man frowned.

He has changed these medicines from the original genuine medicines to counterfeit medicines. Although they are counterfeit medicines, the effects are the same.

The point is that the price is several times cheaper than the previous medicines, so he must be selling this high-profit medicine.

"The packaging of your medicine is different from yesterday."


The young man said as a matter of course: "Oh, the one you bought yesterday has been sold out. This is another medicine. Although the packaging and brand are different, the actual therapeutic effect is the same, so don't worry."


Chen Feng didn't say anything, picked up the box of medicine, and read it over and over again.

Generally speaking, the management of medicines is very strict, whether it is from the sales channel or the approval document number, they are the same.

Moreover, the medicine has a drug standard font size, and the country has strict regulations on its purchase channels. Therefore, to determine whether the medicine is true, first of all, it depends on whether it has a national medicine standard.

National medicine standard H (or Z.S.J.B.F) + eight digits, it means that the national concurrent bureau has approved the production and listing of the medicine.

If there is no "National Medicine Standard" on the packaging, it is definitely not a medicine.

Secondly, it depends on whether you bought it in a regular drug retail enterprise.

And these medicines don't even mention the national medicine standard, even the manufacturer is vague.

In other words, these medicines are most likely fake!

"Boss, there is something wrong with your medicine."

Chen Feng pointed out the problem directly.

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes turned to him.

You know, once there is a problem with the medicine, it is very serious.

Once you are found to be selling fake medicine, going to jail is considered a light punishment.

The young man frowned.

"Boy, I advise you not to talk nonsense. I am a drugstore owner. Can I sell you fake medicine?"

"I tell you, all the medicine in our store is genuine!"

Chen Feng smiled and was about to speak.


A middle-aged man rushed in.

He was holding a child in his arms, but the child's face did not look very good.

"Who is the owner of the drugstore!"

"Come out quickly!!!"

Just after entering.

The middle-aged man yelled.

Seeing this.

The young man came out quickly and introduced himself: "My name is Cao Wang, I'm the boss here, what can I do for you?"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and looked at the child in his arms with a distressed face: "You are the boss, right? In that case, you'd better explain to me why my son became like this after taking the medicine in your store?"

"Took the medicine in our store?" Cao Wang glanced at the child in the middle-aged man's arms and said: "Impossible."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Yesterday I bought a box of cold medicine in your store. After taking it, the symptoms not only did not ease, but even became worse!"

"I told you, if you don't give me an explanation today, believe it or not, I will report your pharmacy for selling fake medicine!"

[Fake medicine? ]

[Selling high-priced medicine is fine, but also selling fake medicine? ]

[This pharmacy is really a criminal! ]

[I remember that the maximum sentence for selling fake medicine is life imprisonment, right? ]

[More than life imprisonment? If it causes death or has other particularly serious circumstances, the death penalty is possible. 】


"I warn you not to talk nonsense!"

Feeling the gazes from all around, Cao Wang immediately retorted: "The medicines sold in our store are all guaranteed to be genuine!"

The middle-aged man said: "Then explain to me why my child's cold was not relieved after taking your medicine, but even worsened the symptoms? If this is not a fake medicine, what is it?"

"It must be that your son is allergic to the medicine!"

Cao Wang thought for a moment and said: "That's your child's problem! It has nothing to do with the medicine in our store!"

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