Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 422 The mastermind is... my cousin

Seeing the scene blocked by the police.

Cao Wang also knew that he had no way out.


He decided to confess.

"Comrade police, I am wronged. I didn't do this."

"I was told to do it by others. I was forced to do business!"

No one would not panic when the silver bracelet was handcuffed on the wrist. ŴŴŴ.

The point is.

According to the charges Chen Feng said, life imprisonment starts in a minute!

"Oh? Since you are not the mastermind, who is the mastermind?" Yang Canghai waved his hand, asked his colleagues around to step aside, and then questioned Cao Wang.

"If I tell it, will I be given a lighter sentence?"

Cao Wang hesitated.

"Of course, confess and get leniency."

Yang Canghai nodded and said, "As long as you cooperate with our work, the law will definitely give you a lighter sentence."

"Okay, then I'll say it."

Cao Wang took a deep breath and finally spit out five words.

"The mastermind is... my cousin, Zhang Shan."

"Zhang San?"

Yang Canghai asked back: "The one that Mr. Luo often cited?"


Cao Wang shook his head and directly pushed Zhang Shan out: "It's Zhang San's Zhang, Shan's Shanshui, and he is the attending physician in a local private hospital."

"This path was also his idea, so that I can work with him, make money together, and reach the peak of life."

Although Zhang Shan is his cousin.

But at this time, he can't care so much.


Hearing this, Yang Canghai's eyes sharpened instantly.

"You mean, it's Dr. Zhang Shan from XXXX Private Hospital?"


Cao Wang nodded without hesitation: "Comrade police, I have said what I should say. Can I determine the sentence now?"

"Sentencing is not something we can decide. I can only fight for you from the judge." Yang Canghai said.

"Okay! Then you must try your best to fight for me."

Cao Wang emphasized that as long as he can get out as soon as possible, let alone sell his cousin, he will sell even his biological father directly.

As for this scene.

Chen Feng smiled and said nothing.

As we all know, confession means leniency, which means that after confessing, you will be given a lighter sentence, but since you have confessed, you will also accept the sentence.

In simple terms, confession means leniency, but the police also know that you have committed a crime, so you have to go to jail.

And resistance means refusing to confess.

If the police have solid evidence, they will give a severe sentence, but if there is no evidence, they can only release the person in the end.

That is why.

There is also a saying that confession means leniency, and jail life!

[Hahaha, this wave of selling is wonderful! ]

[This buddy is good, cousin, he is really selling! ]

[I thought he would still be stubborn, but I never expected that he would directly push the mastermind out so directly. ]

[Next, it should be Dr. Zhang Shan's turn! ]

[These damn drug dealers must be jailed for life! ]


Seeing Cao Wang being sent to the police car.

Everyone thought that Yang Canghai would immediately send police to arrest Zhang Shan.

After all, Zhang Shan was the biggest mastermind of this case.


Yang Canghai did not do so, but directly withdrew his team.

"Brother Chen Feng, are you still broadcasting live now?"

After handling this case, Yang Canghai was not happy about solving the case, but came to Chen Feng with a heavy heart, and said with a complicated look.

Chen Feng understood and turned off the live broadcast room directly.

From Yang Canghai's eyes, Chen Feng could see some problems more or less, after all, the two had known each other for a long time.

That look.

It's like he didn't want the public to know about this.

Seeing Chen Feng turn off the live broadcast.

Yang Canghai looked bitter and said directly: "Brother Chen Feng, I want to ask you for a favor."

"Officer Yang, just say it, I will definitely help you if you can."

"In fact, it's also very simple, that is, I hope you don't make this matter public, and you just treat this case as if it never happened from beginning to end." Yang Canghai said so.

Just pretend it never happened?

Chen Feng didn't say anything, and there was a trace of doubt on his face.

Facing Chen Feng's doubts.

Yang Canghai sighed: "Because I can't catch Zhang Shan."

"Can't catch? Why?"

Chen Feng was full of curiosity.

You know, Zhang Shan is the biggest mastermind in this matter.

As long as he is caught, the fake medicine case can be solved smoothly.

It's about to succeed, but he said he can't be caught?

And this scene is like a police and gangster movie on TV.

Could it be that there is an invisible big backer behind Zhang Shan?

Or, Zhang Shan is the son of a certain big family.

However, according to Chen Feng's understanding of Yang Canghai, he would never be afraid of the other party's identity.

After all, Yang Canghai has always been an image of justice, and it is impossible for him to do such a thing as partiality and bending the law.


Chen Feng quickly denied this idea.

In this way.

It can only mean one thing!

That is, Yang Canghai has something to hide!

Yang Canghai scratched his head, took out a cigarette he hadn't smoked for a long time, thought for a long time, and finally said: "This Zhang Shan, we have actually been keeping an eye on him for a long time."

"You mean, you have been keeping an eye on him all the time?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised.

I thought Zhang Shan was just an ordinary drug dealer.

But now it seems that this Zhang Shan is not simple!

For someone who can be watched by the police all the time, it is conceivable that the seriousness of this case must be extraordinary!

Yang Canghai pondered for a moment: "Actually, it's okay to tell you."

"Speaking of which, this case has been on the hot search several times."

"Just a month ago, we suddenly received a report."

"A student disappeared strangely on the way home."

"On the third day after the incident, in a different place, but at the same time, another student disappeared strangely."

"Has the case not been solved yet?"

Chen Feng's face was a little solemn.

He had heard a little about this case.

Using "strange" to describe it means that the case has not been solved yet.

And missing people is a big case!

Yang Canghai said "um": "They all disappeared on the way home from school. The day after they disappeared, we sent additional police to search everywhere, and even police dogs were dispatched, but so far, we have not found their whereabouts."

"No surveillance?"

Chen Feng asked back.

In modern society, which is so advanced, surveillance is basically installed around, and this is also the most important clue to solve the case.

"We have checked all the surveillance cameras within 10 kilometers."

Yang Canghai expressed deep regret: "It's a pity that no trace of the criminal was found. It can be said that the criminal perfectly utilized the blind spots of the surveillance and avoided the surveillance."

Although Chen Feng probably had the answer in his mind, he still asked: "So what does this have to do with Zhang Shan?"

Yang Canghai held his chin, thought for a while, and then said: "We suspect that he is secretly trafficking in people and performing organ transplants."

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