[Is there something wrong with the medicine? 】

[Hahaha, I knew that the goods sold by such an unscrupulous black shop would definitely not be good. 】

[Now, it’s okay. Not only is it a disaster, but it’s also blatantly selling fakes. 】

【What a special punishment! 】

[No surprise, I think he needs to get used to how to have sex with fellow inmates... Bah, it's about establishing a good relationship. 】


At this moment, the medical staff looked a little more solemn.

After they double-checked the packaging and ingredients of the medicine.

Finally the following conclusions were reached.

"The production batch number of this drug is not approved on the market, which means it does not meet national standards, so the drug is probably a box of fake drugs."

After hearing these words.

Everyone gasped.

Especially the child's father couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

If he had chosen to trust Cao Wang just now and let his son take allergy medicine, there's no telling what would have happened...

In other words.

If it weren't for Chen Feng, he would probably have to practice his account again.

Think of this.

The middle-aged man bowed to Chen Feng with a grateful face, and then looked at Cao Wang fiercely: "What else do you have to say now?"

"Forget selling sky-high-priced medicines, now I'm actually selling fake medicines! Let me tell you, if my son does anything wrong today, I will never be done with you for the rest of my life!"


Cao Wang did not refute.

There were medical staff at the scene making the assessment, but he could hardly argue.

Cao Wang took a deep breath, and what was supposed to come came. He had thought that this would happen, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon. He hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said:

"Yes! Although the production batch number of our medicine is different from ordinary cold medicine, it cannot be said to be fake medicine!"

"You can take a closer look at the medicinal ingredients on it!"

"Whether it is the raw materials of the medicine or the therapeutic effect, they are consistent with the cold medicines on the market!"

"Since the effect is the same, why can't it be sold?"

"What's more, this medicine is very out of stock right now. The reason why I sell these medicines is to save people!"

"I'm saving people!"

"I am right!"

Even though the evidence is conclusive, he still has no intention of repenting and even wants to distort the truth.

【Cure illness and save lives? It's hard for him to say this kind of thing. 】

[He successfully made me laugh. 】

[The cost of a box of ordinary cold medicine is only a few dollars. If you sell it for 3,000 yuan, are you saving people or robbing money? 】

[To be fair, even if he robs a bank, he can't make money as quickly as he does. In addition, robbing banks is illegal, but he did it reasonably and legally. 】

[Thankfully I was caught, otherwise if we let such people go unpunished, they would only be more unscrupulous in the future! 】


"You are right, the raw materials in these medicines are the same as those in cold medicines sold on the market."

As the medical staff finished speaking.

Cao Wang felt much relieved instantly.

Zhang Shan really didn't lie to himself, the ingredients were really the same!

But before he could recover, the medical staff continued: "But the problem lies in the materials used to make this medicine."

"Even though the raw materials you make are the same, the dosage of materials and the production process are not the same when making this medicine. In other words, the craftsmanship of your medicine is much simpler than that of the genuine product."

Generally speaking, counterfeit drugs are manufactured in the most cost-effective way and the materials are of the lowest quality. Therefore, some impurities are likely to be produced.

"You have to know that medicines are used to treat diseases and save lives. Even a slight deviation or quality control problems may cause the medicine to become unstable."

"If the drug is unstable, it may produce different chemical reactions, which may even put the patient's life in danger."

This is actually just like buying a drink. Although the ingredients list above indicates the ingredients, the amount of ingredients and the production process are not indicated.

In this process, even if there is a slight deviation, or if the ingredients are put in less and more, the taste will change.

The same is true for medicine. You can imitate other people's formulas, but you cannot imitate the production process.

"In addition, even if the ingredients of this medicine are the same as those on the market, you cannot sell them privately."

"According to the provisions of my country's Drug Administration Law, the production of new drugs or the drug supervision and management department approves and issues the national drug approval number of the drug. Only the use of such approval number is a regular drug."

"And if it is not approved by legal procedures, personal medicines cannot be bought and sold casually. Secondly, if individuals hoard medicines for profit, it is a violation of my country's Drug Administration Law."

The medical staff explained clearly to everyone.

"You also said that selling is illegal."

Cao Wang's eyes rolled sharply, and he continued to quibble: "But I didn't sell this medicine. You can ask, we are giving this medicine away!"

【deliver? Are you so shameless? 】

[I just laughed. Only when you spend over 3,000 yuan can you qualify for this gift. Do you call this a gift? 】

[Hearing the pain in Ma Hua, I probably shed tears. 】

[To put it bluntly, it means bundling up a bunch of useless junk health products and forcing consumers to buy them. 】


At the scene, the medical staff didn't know what to say. They had just arrived at the scene and did not understand the situation at the scene or the pharmacy's sales methods.

"You didn't sell it."

At this time.

Chen Feng suddenly came out: "But you know what consumers want, but you bundle the products in a bundled way, which is in line with the purpose of profit."

"In addition, your behavior of selling fake drugs is enough to cause serious harm to human health, and it will also constitute the crime of producing and selling fake drugs."

"By the way, I remember you just said that you knew it was a fake drug, right?"

Chen Feng looked straight at Cao Wang, who said nothing: "Since you know it is a fake drug, but you insist on giving it to your child, legally, this is likely to constitute the crime of poisoning."

"Oh, and there is also the crime of fraud, you may also be convicted."

Listening to the charges one by one.

Cao Wang instantly felt a buzzing pain in his head.

Just at this time.

A burst of "woo woo woo" sirens suddenly came from a distance.

Soon, several police cars also quickly arrived at the scene.

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Yang Canghai couldn't help but smile bitterly. It's no exaggeration to say that among the cases he received, nine out of ten were caused by Chen Fengchuang, and the other one was an accident.

"Selling fake medicine?"

After learning about the incident, Yang Canghai frowned.

Medicine is something that can cure diseases and save lives.

And the management of medicines in our country has always been very strict.

But these people actually thought of stealing medicines in order to make money!

It's simply unforgivable!

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