Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 423 Have you watched too many movies?

"Human trafficker?"

"Organ transplant?"

Yang Canghai said this.

Chen Feng couldn't help but be stunned. Now he finally knew why Yang Canghai couldn't arrest Zhang Shan.

If Zhang Shan was arrested at this time, at most he could only be charged with selling fake drugs.

As for the charges of human trafficking and organ transplantation, without sufficient evidence, Zhang Shan would never admit it, and the police would have no way to deal with him.

The most important thing is that if Zhang Shan was arrested at this time, the missing people might not be found.

And doing so might alert the enemy, and even make the whole case sink into the sea.

The reason why Yang Canghai didn't want to make this matter too public was mainly because he was afraid that if the news leaked out, it might make all their previous efforts go to waste.

"Are you wondering why we suspect him?"

Looking at Chen Feng's expression, Yang Canghai seemed to see through his thoughts at this time and said with a smile.


Chen Feng didn't speak, which also meant tacit consent.

To be honest, this Zhang San did surprise him a little. After all, he initially thought that Zhang Shan was just a drug dealer who resold fake drugs and made a fortune from disasters.

But the reality is.

He may be a human trafficker in a white coat.

There is a saying that is true.

People in white coats are not necessarily angels.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not speak, Yang Canghai continued to say: "We suspect him for the following reasons."

"First, these missing people had gone to their hospital for a physical examination, and the doctor who examined them at the time was Dr. Zhang."

You know, human traffickers who sell organs do not just grab someone on the street, but go through a series of matches to find the most suitable candidate.

"Second, he has lived alone so far, and there is no alibi at the time of the incident."

"The most important point is."

"We found that he has an anonymous account abroad, and a large amount of funds have been deposited in recent times."

Although it is possible to transfer money abroad to avoid unknown sources of funds, the police's methods are constantly upgrading. As long as they want to investigate, even if the funds are abroad, they will be seized through some special means. m.

"Besides, he is an ordinary doctor in a private hospital, but he has bought all kinds of luxury cars and mansions in recent years."

"With only his monthly salary of 25,000, it is impossible to do it."

Of course.

They also thought that Zhang San made money by reselling drugs.

Reselling drugs is profitable, but it is impossible to make such huge profits.

Because the money Zhang Shan made can be described as exaggerated, and it is not earned through ordinary channels at all.

After listening to Yang Canghai's story.

Chen Feng nodded thoughtfully. Through all the above evidence, Zhang Shan is indeed the most suspicious person.

"Okay, I said so much, mainly hoping that you try not to provoke him. After all, you sent his cousin to jail this time, and he will definitely not let it go."

Yang Canghai told Chen Feng very seriously.

Normally, these clues cannot be disclosed to outsiders, and the reason why he told Chen Feng is mainly to hope that Chen Feng can be vigilant and avoid conflicts with Zhang Shan.

After all, Zhang Shan knows medical skills.

It is very dangerous for people who study medicine to become prisoners.

For example, a news story: A top student in a medical school stabbed her boyfriend 56 times because he cheated on her. The stabs avoided the vital parts and she was only slightly injured in the end.

"Okay, I know."

Chen Feng nodded heavily.



A certain private hospital.

At this time.

There were two figures sitting in the office.


"You said Cao Wang was arrested?"

Upon hearing the news that Cao Wang was arrested.

Zhang Shan's face suddenly turned bad.

He thought he would be exposed, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

It was only a matter of time before he was caught for selling fake drugs.

At first, he planned to let Cao Wang act as an agent, and when he made money, he would use special means to make Cao Wang die accidentally.

At that time, he would blame him, but he would make the money himself.

It was simply killing two birds with one stone!

"Yes." Another person beside him said.

"What about the police?"

"There is no action yet."

"No action?"

Zhang Shan was slightly stunned. According to his understanding of Cao Wang, it was only a matter of time before this guy sold himself out.

"Where's my money? When will it arrive?"

Zhang Shan said as he packed his luggage and prepared to run away.

"Doctor Zhang, I'm sorry, we haven't completed what you promised us, so we can't give you the balance yet."


Zhang Shan gritted his teeth and couldn't help but yelled at him: "I spent a lot of effort to catch these two children, and because of you, I'm almost dying now. Give me the money quickly, I want to run away!"

The man said: "Don't panic, as far as I know, the police have not taken any action to arrest you."

"This means that they don't have enough evidence. As long as they insist that it wasn't you, even if they are caught, they will probably be released soon."

"So what?"

"So we still have time, as long as we find another matching person during this time."


Zhang Shan paused.

Although he is a doctor, he has used his identity to do a lot of illegal work.

It is common for him to resell drugs and sell fake drugs.

And just a month ago, he suddenly received a business, and this business is to arrest the person they designated.

And the reason for arresting people is also very outrageous!

The reason for arresting people is to dig out their kidneys!

I don’t know if these people are perverts.

It is said that using organs as sacrifices can get the result of immortality.

It sounds very absurd.

And immortality.

If you don’t know, you might think he has watched too many movies.

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