Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 424 Believe in me and you will have eternal life

"This is the last one. As long as you help us find the last one, I will naturally give you the remaining balance."

"Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you. Then I will have to find someone else to cooperate."

The man continued.

And his accent sounds like a foreigner.

Hear the words.

Zhang Shan struggled in his heart.


It’s a huge struggle!

This final payment is an astronomical sum. As long as he can get it, he will be able to live without worries for the rest of his life.

It is undeniable that although this foreigner is a dead pervert, the other party has given him too much.

This made it difficult for him to say no.

And if he gives up at this time, then everything he has done before will be in vain. How can he be willing to do this?

Zhang Shan took a deep breath and finally chose to compromise: "What are the physical characteristics of the last object?"

The foreigner did not speak, but took out a piece of paper with mysterious runes printed on it and handed it to Zhang Shan.

Looking at the contents of the paper, Zhang Shan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Every font on it was like a ghost drawing. Even if he had a tenth level English, he couldn't understand it at all.

To be precise, this thing is not human language at all.

It seems that foreigners worship Jesus and the Holy Mother for a reason.

"Ahem, sorry for my lack of education, can you explain what this means?" Zhang Shan coughed lightly.

"Tomorrow is the time when the memorial service begins. I need someone born tomorrow with the word "wind" in his name."

"The name has the word "wind" in it? Why?"

Zhang San was full of doubts about his request.

To be honest, it would be easy to find a person born tomorrow, but it would be much more difficult to specify a name, mainly because of the time limit.

The foreigner said directly: "Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind."

Zhang Shan: "..."


Zhang Shan asked again: "What about the two children before?"

The foreigner smiled: "Don't worry, they are locked up by me now, they are very safe, and I need fresh kidneys, so I can't do anything yet."

"Hey... I'll take the liberty to ask."

Zhang Shan hesitated for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask: "What are you going to do by digging out someone's kidney?

Change your phone? "

"You think you're funny?"

The foreigner squinted at Zhang Shan: "I have said before that as long as they use their kidneys to sacrifice at a specific time, they can obtain the art of immortality."

Zhang Shan: "..."


To be honest, he had seen human traffickers before, but this was the first time he had seen this kind of pervert who specialized in digging out people's kidneys for sacrifice.

Any normal person knows that eternal life is impossible.

Not to mention normal people, not even fantasy novels.

not to mention.

He always believed in Brother Chun back then, but doesn’t he not have eternal life now?

Although I don’t know where this foreigner came from, I am sure that he is definitely a cult!

However, whether he is a cult or not has little to do with him. What Zhang San has to do now is to find the person with "Feng" in his name, and then run away with the balance.

"Would you like to participate in tomorrow's sacrificial ceremony?"

The foreigner said: "As long as you believe in me, you are guaranteed to have eternal life."

"No, no, I'm not interested in eternal life."

After speaking, Zhang Shan checked the information of all patients in the hospital in order to complete the task as soon as possible.

It has to be said that patients with "wind" in their names are a bit rare. Even if I look through all the patients in recent years, I can't find a single person with "wind" in my name.

Just when he was about to give up.

A striking name appeared in front of him.

"Chen Feng?"

Seeing these two words, Zhang Shan's eyes lit up instantly.

With excitement.

Zhang Shan checked Chen Feng's personal information again.

After all, Chen Feng had a physical examination with him before, and most of the information was recorded in the hospital.

"The name has wind in it."

"And my birthday is tomorrow too!"

"It matches perfectly!"

After confirming that the information matched, Zhang Shan couldn't help but feel a little excited.

In addition, he had a personal grudge with Chen Feng before.

Isn't this a proper gift of someone's head?

"Ah sneeze!"

law office.

In the office, Chen Feng suddenly sneezed.

Wiped the tip of his nose.

I always feel like someone is thinking about me.

Just the next moment.

Suddenly a series of system prompts appeared in front of him.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully completing option three. 】

[Reward: Drug immune body. 】

"Drug immune body?"

Chen Feng was stunned.

The task released by the system this time is to expose fake medicines, so he has already completed the task given by the system.

Then, he looked at the function introduction of this skill.

[Drug immune body: Can be immune to the invasion of all harmful drugs into the body. 】

Chen Feng nodded thoughtfully.

This meaning is not difficult to understand.

Immune to all poisonous drugs, simply put, even if he takes poison, he will not have any problems.

What a good thing!

After all, in modern society, no one can guarantee whether he will become the next Dalang.

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you? Do you have a cold?"

Seeing that Chen Feng had been in a daze after sneezing, Zhang Yida said with some concern: "The weather has turned cold recently, which is the period of high incidence of colds. You should pay more attention to it. It is best to drink more hot water."


Chen Feng gave up and said, "Maybe someone praised me for being handsome."

"By the way, I heard that you sent the owner of the pharmacy into the hospital? Is this true?" Zhang Yida asked with some uncertainty and curiosity.

According to the past, whenever Chen Feng is involved in a case, it will usually make hot searches or headlines.

But this time is different.

In order to avoid alerting others, Yang Canghai specifically suppressed public opinion, so he did not become a hot topic.

"Yes, sent in."

Chen Feng's tone was calm.

There was no need for him to hide anything from Zhang Yida.


Hearing this, Zhang Yida's eyes were full of admiration.

Went out to investigate and sent people in directly.

It is estimated that only Chen Feng can do this.

"It is said that this drugstore owner is in cahoots with the doctors of a certain hospital. One is responsible for attracting patients, and the other is responsible for defrauding people by raising the price of medicines. Is this true?" Zhang Yida looked like he was asking for answers.

"Well, it's true."

After receiving Chen Feng's affirmation, Zhang Yida gritted his teeth: "These drug dealers deserve to die! They actually make a fortune selling fake drugs at this time! It's so hateful!"

"By the way, has this doctor been caught?"

There was a lot of news about the prisoner, but to his surprise, there was no news that the doctor had been arrested.

"This is beyond our control."

Chen Feng did not answer. After all, he had promised Yang Canghai before that nothing related to Zhang Shan should be made public.

And even if he wanted to, he couldn't.

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