Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 425 The other party gave too much

"Can't care?"

Zhang Yida scratched his head, a little confused.

You know, in any case related to Chen Feng, the criminal will basically get involved.

But this time Chen Feng actually said that he couldn't control it?

However, seeing that Chen Feng didn't want to talk, Zhang Yida was also very sensible and didn't ask too many questions.

Now that Cao Wang has been arrested by the police, 90% of the drug case has been solved.

As for this doctor, as long as he is involved, it will be a matter of time before he gets in.

"By the way, Brother Feng, just now, the institute suddenly received a very strange commission."

Zhang Yida suddenly remembered something and got back to preaching.

"Strange commission?" M.


Zhang Yida nodded: "And the client in this case has named you and wants to see you."

"Didn't you tell him that I never take the initiative to take on a case?"

Chen Feng said this.

Although he is considered half a lawyer here, he is only in name only.

To put it bluntly, he is an out-and-out hands-off shopkeeper.

Whether he takes the case or not depends on his mood today. No one can force him.


Except for commissions from the Ministry of Justice.

In court, the judge is the boss of the lawyers.

Outside the courtroom, the Department of Justice is the boss of lawyers.

That's why.

Chen Feng had only accepted the commission from the Ministry of Justice before. After all, the Ministry of Justice was the immediate boss of all lawyers. Who could refuse a task assigned by his boss?

"I told you."

Zhang Yida hesitated for a moment, then continued: "But... the other party gave too much."

In this world, apart from women, the only thing that can make men tempted is money.

Even though he knew that Chen Feng would not take the initiative to take the case, he still asked with a sense of luck.

After all, this is a big achievement!

"Then who is the other party?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"The other party did not disclose his identity. He said that if you want to know, just go there in person."

Having said this, Zhang Yida paused: "And the other party also remitted the commission fee."

"How many?"

"One billion."


"He also said that this is only part of the deposit, and he will be paid heavily after the case is completed."


As we all know, money ability can solve 99% of the problems in this world.

The remaining one percent is because you didn’t give enough!

"tell me the story."

Chen Feng coughed lightly, it didn't hurt to listen.

If the case is not very complicated, he might consider taking it over for fun.

The point is, this man is mysterious, and he wants to see what the case is.

Zhang Yida picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip, and then said: "It's just a simple mistress cheating."

"The mistress cheated?"

"Well, according to the commission, we need to catch this mistress."

"Then what?"

"there is none left."

"It's that simple?"



Chen Feng twitched the corner of his mouth.

I thought it was some big case.

After doing it for a long time, it was just an ordinary mistress.

But this is not surprising. Among the daily cases, lawyers handle the most cases of marital infidelity, divorce and property disputes, and catching mistresses.

The difficulty of this kind of case is basically not high.

Let alone him, even if you hire a better lawyer, the result will be the same.

It's precisely because it's too simple.

This made Chen Feng a little more cautious.

The difficulty of the case is not high.

But the other party was actually willing to pay several times the price, which was totally against common sense.

"This is also the weird thing I said before."

Zhang Yida thought for a while and said: "If he just catches a mistress, he can entrust a more professional private detective than us instead of us lawyers."

"Besides, I feel something is wrong with the price they gave me."

Not only Chen Feng noticed something was wrong, but even Zhang Yida felt the same way.

One billion!

Looking at all the law firms in the world, who can refuse this kind of commission fee?

Normally, a small case of arresting a mistress would cost only tens of thousands of dollars.

But the other party actually spent one billion!

It can be seen that either the other party is stupid and has too much money, or the other party has other motives.

not to mention.

When it comes to catching mistresses, Zhang Yida is a professional.

When there were no cases, he could only make ends meet by catching mistresses.


Chen Feng's curiosity suddenly rose.

To be fair, if it was a complex case, he might still consider it.

And now this case is so simple that it can be said to be a money-making job!

Catching a mistress makes one billion.

There was no reason for him not to do this kind of money-picking job.

For example, if a girl takes the initiative to throw herself into your arms, there is no reason for you not to want to, right?

Just right.

He is worried that he has no live broadcast material, so this can be considered a good live broadcast content.

After deciding.

Chen Feng asked Zhang Yida for the client's information.

Although it does not have the name of the client, it does have the place and time of the meeting.


at the same time.

Hospital office.

Seeing that Chen Feng accepted his commission, Zhang Shan showed a surprised face.

That’s right!

This mysterious client is actually him!

His purpose in doing this was to trick Chen Feng out.

After all, Chen Feng is the last candidate!

As long as Chen Feng is taken down, he can get the balance!

And in order to lure Chen Feng out, it cost a lot.

One billion, buy a life!

Although it cost one billion, the money was not paid by him, but by foreigners.

One billion, for ordinary people, is an astronomical figure that is out of reach.

But for this perverted foreigner, it is almost like pocket money.

According to Zhang Shan's in-depth communication with this foreigner these days, he gradually learned his true identity. This foreigner is actually a wealthy man overseas.

Not long ago, this rich man was diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer.

So, he spent a huge amount of money to find a bunch of the most authoritative experts from all over the world to serve as his private doctors and treat his cancer.

As time passed.

Not only did his physical condition not improve, but it even became worse and worse.

Just two months ago, the doctor suddenly told him a very unfortunate news, that is, he still had half a year to live, and let him do whatever he wanted in this half year.

As the saying goes, the richer the person, the more afraid of death.

He was unwilling to die like this, so he tried every possible way to survive.

Unfortunately, even if he searched the whole world, he could not find any treatment.


With nowhere else to go, he came to Dragon Country.

This was also his last hope.

He didn't know where he found a tomb robber's notebook.

It clearly recorded the immortality method of an ancient cult organization.

That is, at a specific time and place, use other people's kidneys for sacrifice.

After that, he can be reborn and obtain the immortality technique.

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