"I have found the person."

Zhang Shan looked at the foreigner.

Since Chen Feng has taken the bait, he will plan how to perfectly avoid the sight of everyone and catch Chen Feng.

"Well, very good."

The foreigner nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time he was a little expectant.

Now all the steps have been almost completed.

It can be said that everything is ready except for the east wind.

As long as Chen Feng's kidney is dug out, he can cure the cancer in his body, and even live forever!

"As long as you hand the person over to me at a specific time and place tomorrow, the final payment of 10 billion will be yours."

"Don't worry! I promise to hand the person over to you before tomorrow!"

Zhang Shan hugged his chest and promised.

When he heard the final payment of 10 billion, he was instantly excited.

This is also the reason why he can't refuse, after all, the other party gave too much.

While speaking.

The foreigner cautiously warned: "By the way, I heard that this Chen Feng is an outlaw, you'd better be careful."

This is the last step.

It is also the most important step.

Once there is a problem, all the previous efforts will be wasted, so he investigated Chen Feng a little.

He didn't know until he checked, and he was shocked.

From the information on the surface, Chen Feng is just an ordinary game anchor, but after a deeper understanding, he found that Chen Feng is actually a lawless madman in the guise of a game anchor!

Every day, he is either sending people in or on the way to send people in. The number of prisoners sent in these days is countless.

He is always a little worried about dealing with such people.

In this regard.

Zhang Shan chuckled and didn't take it seriously at all.

"I don't care whether he is a lawless madman or a lawless madman. As long as he is a person, there is nothing I can't deal with!"

He is a doctor and his understanding of drugs is far beyond ordinary people.

Before, he used drugs to control people first, and then took people to avoid surveillance step by step and successfully escaped.

In addition, he also used some special drugs at the crime scene, and even police dogs could not search by smell.

In other words, no matter how powerful Chen Feng is, he is still just a human being. As long as he is a human being, he will definitely not be able to resist drugs!

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Chen Feng, as usual, simply washed up and prepared to go out.

Today is the day he agreed to meet with his client.

The time and place have been sent to his mobile phone.

At first, Chen Feng did not intend to accept it, but considering that the law firm's recent performance has declined, and it is a ten-digit case anyway, maybe he can win a big client for the law firm. M.

From any angle, it is beneficial to his law firm.


Chen Feng finally chose to accept it.

Before going out.

Chen Feng also turned on the live broadcast.

[Here it comes, it's finally on. ]

[Brother Feng, has the mastermind of the previous fake drug case been arrested? ]

[Yes, yes, what's the situation? Why did the broadcast stop for no reason last time? 】

【Damn, it was halfway through the broadcast. I thought I was disconnected from the Internet. After a long time, it turned out that it was Brother Feng who turned off the live broadcast. 】

【We are all family. Is there anything that cannot be said in front of the family? 】

【Could it be that Brother Feng and Officer Yang have a problem? 】

【What? Is it true? 】

【The little secret after the rain between Brother Feng and Officer Yang that is unknown to the public... (This content is only available to VIP paid viewers)】


The live broadcast room has just been opened, and the barrage directly occupied the public screen.

However, the fans are most concerned about the previous case.

After all, the previous case was only halfway through, and Chen Feng turned off the live broadcast for no reason, which made many fans more curious.

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Feng casually found an excuse to prevaricate: "Brothers, the previous case has been handed over to the police uncle to handle, and I believe the mastermind will be caught soon."

"So everyone doesn't have to worry."

Hearing this.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was relieved.

Anyone can punish drug dealers who sell fake drugs.

[That's good. I'm still very confident that the police are doing their job. ]

[Drugs are used to cure diseases and save lives. These people not only drive up prices, but also make fake drugs. Don't they have a guilty conscience? ]

[Conscience? Excuse me, their consciences have long been eaten by dogs. ]

[I hope the police can solve the case as soon as possible and catch these damn fake drug dealers in one fell swoop! ]

[Hey, Brother Feng looks like he's going out again today? ]

[Hey, Brother Feng is going out, doesn't that mean there's another case to deal with? ]

"Today we have a ten-digit business to do. Now I have to meet with the client and chat about the case." Chen Feng said truthfully to everyone in the live broadcast room.

[Ten digits? ]

[Fuck, is this true? Ten digits, doesn't this mean that the commission for this case is at least 1 billion? ]

[Ten billion commission? This is a big case anyway, right? 】

【Brother Feng is really nice. He never forgets us when there is a big case. 】

【Brother Feng: I didn’t want to take it at first, but the other party offered too much. 】


Just when everyone was discussing.

Chen Feng drove to the place agreed with the client.

At the same time.

Zhang Shan.

Originally, he planned to meet Chen Feng in person, but because of the recent publicity, the police seemed to be wary of him, so it was better not to do it in person.


He could only entrust someone else to help.

And the person he entrusted this time was a professional human trafficker.

"Are you Runtu?"

"What do you want from me?"

The man named Runtu glanced at Zhang Shan who came to the door.

Zhang Shan smiled and said, "I heard that you are very good at catching people."

Runtu's face was calm: "As long as you provide the other party's address information, there is no one in this world that I can't catch."

"Okay, you catch someone for me."

"Two million."

As Runtu's words fell.

Zhang Shan took out a bank card and threw it to him.

"Here is a deposit of one million, and the remaining one million will be settled after the matter is completed."

"Who are you going to catch?"

Runtu put away the bank card and asked slowly.

Zhang Shan did not speak, and then took out a photo of Chen Feng.

Looking at the young man in the photo, Runtu couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

For some reason, I always feel a familiar feeling.

"This boy is very smooth."

Runtu licked the corner of his mouth: "What's his name?"

"Chen Feng, a game anchor."


Runtu paused slightly.

He usually has nothing to do, and he will also pay attention to some hot news.

Of course, he has heard of the name of game anchor Chen Feng.

He is called a game anchor, but in fact he is an outlaw in the skin of a game anchor.

"Don't you know that he is an outlaw?"

"What? Are you scared?"


Runtu laughed: "I can help you catch him, but I have to pay more!"

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