Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 430: People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky

[Isn’t prostitution illegal? What did Brother Feng say? 】

[Brother Feng:? ? ? ? ? 】

【Good guy! I'm a good guy! 】

[When people sit at home, pots come from the sky? 】

[Hahaha, awesome! The mastermind was revealed directly! 】

[Really speaking, Brother Feng did say before that prostitution for free is not illegal. Objectively speaking, Brother Feng can be regarded as helping him. 】

[So here comes the question, is Brother Feng considered an accomplice? 】


As the person involved, Chen Feng's face was also full of confusion at this time.

think carefully.

He did say this.

In a sense, prostitution is not illegal.

But he has never thought that there are people who do not pay for prostitution.

And he admitted to soliciting prostitution in front of the police.

Isn't this a proper gift of death?

And at this moment.

The man continued: "Comrade police, I listened to the lecture given by the person named Chen. I think he is right. There is no financial transaction in prostitution itself, so I feel that I have not committed a crime."

"You feel?"

The policeman laughed angrily.

Admitted prostitution in front of him.

This can no longer be described as arrogant, it is simply provocative!

The woman was even more furious.

He had been prostituted for nothing, and it was said that it was taken for granted.

She must be so angry!

at this time.

Chen Feng suddenly stood up.

Since this happened because of him, it was necessary for him to clarify.

"Brother, I admire your courage."

After saying something to the man first, Chen Feng continued:

"First, I need to clarify something with you."

"Prostitution and whoring refer to the behavior of relationships between unspecified subjects using property as a medium, as long as the purpose is to obtain property."

"That is to say, "free prostitution" can still be recognized as prostitution."

"To be more precise, the act of "free prostitution" in which a person agrees to pay money in advance and refuses to pay later does not constitute any crime."

"But it's limited to "free prostitution" without paying."

What he expressed is very clear, free prostitution is not a crime, which means that you will not break any laws if you do not pay for it.

After all, prostitution itself is illegal.

Even if you don't pay after the prostitution, the other party will do whatever they can to you.


If you encounter some violent shops, you may be beaten.

But that doesn't mean you're not a prostitute.

Some people may think here that if they didn’t want to pay and didn’t pay afterwards, then the relationship was not based on the medium of money and property.

This idea itself is wrong.

The so-called "based on money and property as a medium" is not judged by whether you want to pay beforehand or whether you pay afterward.

The criterion for judgment is.

Whether the basis for reaching sexual consent is money and property.

Therefore, free prostitution constitutes prostitution.

"Who are you?"

After hearing what Chen Feng said, the man's face darkened and he said disdainfully: "What qualifications do you have to speak about the law? Do you understand the law?"

【666 Ah! 】

[Would you like to hear what you are saying? 】

[Ask the outlaws if they understand the law? This guy can really do it! 】

[Hahaha, the lawless maniac is right in front of you, but you can't recognize him. 】

[I just don’t know, what was his expression after knowing Brother Feng’s true identity? 】

To this.

Chen Feng smiled lightly: "I am the one with the surname Chen in your mouth."


The man was stunned for a moment, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"You...are you Chen Feng?"

"How about I sign it for you?"


While the man was in disbelief, he repeatedly confirmed Chen Feng, probably several times, before finally confirming that it was him!

No wonder he looks familiar to Chen Feng, it turns out he is an outlaw!

"You...didn't you say before that prostitution for free is not illegal?"

The man started to panic.

"I said it's not illegal to have sex for free, but I didn't say it's not illegal to solicit prostitution." Chen Feng spread his hands and replied to him with a smile.

[I almost believed it when I said it was not illegal to have sex for free. 】

[Fortunately I didn’t imitate! 】

[Stop talking, I tried it out of curiosity last time and my leg was broken. I have been in the hospital for several months now. 】

[Brother, all I can say is, you are a man! 】

[Rejecting free prostitution starts with me. 】


This side of the scene.

Seeing that the man didn't speak, the policeman quickly stepped forward, took out a pair of exquisite silver bracelets, and cuffed the man's wrist.

"Did you hear that? Your prostitution has violated the Public Security Management Punishment Law. Please come back with us now!"

"No, comrade police."

The prostitute wanted to struggle, but he couldn't get out: "It was this man named Chen who tricked me! He was the one who talked nonsense on the Internet, and I also believed his slander!"

"Am I cheating on you?"

Chen Feng smiled: "I asked you to eat shit, why don't you eat shit?"

The words fell.

The prostitute was quickly put into a police car.

As the man was sent away, the woman was also handcuffed.

"He prostituted me for nothing, and I am the victim!"

"You can't catch me!"

"You still have a reason to organize prostitution, right?"

The policeman ignored her sophistry: "Don't you know that sex trafficking is intolerable in social morality?"

"take away!"

After sending the two away, the police wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This trip really exhausted him.

He didn't pay for prostitution, and he asked the police to judge.

It's true that when you live long enough, you will encounter all kinds of things.

After the matter was handled, the police said to Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, if you have time in the future, remember to come to our place more often. I will definitely treat you to a meal when the time comes."

"Of course."

Chen Feng smiled and said a few polite words, then drove away from the scene.

And his next destination is Zhang Shan's hospital!

After all, Runtu was instructed by Zhang Shan.

And Zhang Shan is most likely the murderer of the human kidnapping case!

At first, Chen Feng didn't intend to intervene.

After all, this case itself has nothing to do with him.

But it's different now.

Zhang Shan actually asked someone to arrest him, and he is a pervert!

If it weren't for the system that strengthened Chen Feng's physique, he would probably have been pressed to the ground by Runtu.

It's scary to think about it.

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