Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 431 Is this quack doctor crazy about money?

Zhang Shan's side.

The news of Runtu's arrest quickly reached his ears.

"Brother Run actually missed it?"

Zhang Shan was slightly surprised.

You know, Runtu is the most professional human trafficker in the industry, and he has trafficked countless people over the years.

And he also claims that as long as he takes action, there is no one he can't catch.

But this time I missed it!

And at this moment.

Zhang Shan was also a little anxious, because he didn't have much time.

Today is the day of delivery.

If Chen Feng is not handed over to the perverted gringo within the stipulated time, his balance of tens of billions will be lost.

Now that things have come to a point, he can only take action himself!

Jingle Bell! ! !

While Chen Feng was driving, a phone call suddenly rang.

Checking the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar mobile number.

However, Chen Feng still answered the call and subconsciously clicked on speakerphone.

"Hey, are these little brothers Chen?"

"Who are you?"

"It's me, I'm Dr. Zhang. I gave you a cold before."

"Zhang Shan?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and recognized the other party's identity immediately.

I originally planned to go find Zhang Shan.

Unexpectedly, he actually took the initiative to find me.

Although I don’t know what Zhang Shan’s purpose is in finding him, what is certain is that his motives are definitely not simple!

On the phone.

Zhang Shan's voice continued to be heard.

"Brother Chen Feng, it's like this. I just read your physical examination report and found that your kidneys are a little abnormal, and the problem is quite serious."

"I suspect it's probably cancer cells."

"So, for your safety, I hope you can come to our hospital for a second re-examination as soon as possible."

As the voice on the phone fell.

The public screen in the live broadcast room instantly went crazy.

【cancer? ? ? 】

[Did the doctor make a mistake somewhere? 】

[Are you planning to trick Brother Feng into going for a check-up again? 】

[What about cancer? Is this quack doctor going crazy for money? 】

[That’s right, is cancer a joke? 】

[Last time, just treating a small cold cost nearly 10,000 yuan. Doesn’t this cancer cost a million yuan to start with? 】

[According to me, he just tricked people into getting a check-up. After all, the cost of a cancer check-up is much more expensive than a cold. 】


"Come over now?"

Regarding Zhang Shan's words, Chen Feng just laughed it off.

Of course he couldn't believe Zhang Shan's lies.

After all, you know your own body best.

Zhang Shan said this simply because he wanted to lure him there.

Zhang Shan pretended to be worried: "If possible, of course the sooner the better, otherwise it will delay the condition, which will be troublesome. After all, your disease is quite serious."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Chen Feng agreed directly.

Since he is looking for him, Chen Feng has no reason to refuse, because escaping has never been his style.

He wanted to see what kind of tricks Zhang Shan could pull off.

About ten minutes later, Chen Feng's car stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

Just when he was about to go in.

Zhang Shan hurriedly walked out, as if he had been waiting for him.

"Brother Chen Feng, I'm really sorry. I was negligent last time and didn't see clearly. I'd like to ask you to take a trip."

"It's out of the way."

Chen Feng said indifferently.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that there was something wrong with the hospital's equipment today. I'm afraid we won't be able to do the examination today."

Zhang Shan rolled his eyes and said to Chen Feng like this.

"Then I'll come back tomorrow?"

"No, no, you've come anyway, and I can't let you go back empty-handed. Let's do this. I'll take you to a private place where there is equipment for examination."

Zhang Shan said with a grateful face.

But in fact, he planned to take Chen Feng to a place where no one was around to do it. After all, there were a lot of surveillance in the hospital.

[Private place? 】

[Does this quack doctor want to kill him with a knife? 】

[As far as I know, the cost of examination with private equipment is very expensive. According to the urine of this quack doctor, it will ruin everything in a minute. 】

[But, have I seen this plot somewhere? 】

[Could it be the waist? 】


"That's it..."

Chen Feng pretended to be a little embarrassed: "Is it expensive?"

Zhang Shan immediately said: "Don't worry about this, because it was caused by my negligence at work, so all the expenses for this inspection will be paid by me, which can be regarded as an apology to you." m.

"Okay, lead the way."

that's all.

Chen Feng got into Zhang Shan's car and went to the place he pointed to.

after an hour.

Zhang Shan drove slowly out of the city. At this time, there were no tall buildings around, and it belonged to a remote mountainous area.

Until, I came to a cabin far away from the city.

Stop the car.

Zhang Shan showed a strange smile.

"Here we are, it's a bit remote here, I hope you don't mind it."

"I don't mind it."

Chen Feng finished speaking calmly, then looked up and saw a trace of red liquid on the wall of the cabin.

Zhang Shan immediately explained.

"Pigs were slaughtered here before. The bloodstains on this are all from the pigs killed before. Don't mind."

【Kill pig blood? Why do I feel like this is human blood? 】

[This scene looks more and more like a case of a kidney stabbing. ]

[I saw in the news before that two students disappeared for no reason. Later I heard that they were targeted by the people who were involved in the case of a kidney stabbing. ]

[Could it be related to this case? ]

[Brothers, keep your eyes on the screen. If Feng Ge’s kidney is stabbed, we are ready to call the police at any time! ]

At the scene.

Zhang Shan took Chen Feng directly into the cabin.

There were many medical equipment around the cabin, but they were a little shabby.

At this time.

Zhang Shan suddenly took out a bottle of drink in a medicine bottle.

“Before the examination begins, drink this first.”

“What is this?”

“This is a drug that can make the machine examine more accurately. Don’t worry, this will not cause harm to the human body.”


Chen Feng didn’t think much about it and blew the bottle of drink directly.

Seeing this, the smile on Zhang Shan’s face became even weirder.

This bottle of medicine contains the drug he developed.

As long as people drink it, they will not wake up for 24 hours!

At that time, no matter what he did to Chen Feng, he would not be able to resist.

But the next moment.

I thought Chen Feng would fall down because of the effect of the drug.

But the fact is——

Chen Feng did not react at all, just like nothing happened.


Zhang Shan was a little confused, and then asked Chen Feng carefully: "You... don't you feel dizzy?"

"Dizzy? Why do I feel dizzy?"

Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

Of course he knew that there was something wrong with these drugs.

However, he had the [Drug Immunity Body] given by the system, and any drug that was harmful to the body would be automatically immune.

That's why he drank the medicine without any worries.

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