
Zhang Shan was somewhat skeptical about his life.

If he were a normal person, he would have collapsed long ago.

But until now, Chen Feng was still fine!

“Is it because the dosage of the medicine is not enough?”

Zhang Shan muttered to himself. This was the only possibility he could think of.

He had used this medicine several times before, and it worked almost every time. This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

So, Zhang Shan directly increased the dosage, and then used the same excuse to let Chen Feng drink the medicine.

To be honest, it felt like Dalang drinking medicine.

I thought Chen Feng would definitely collapse this time.

But the result was that Chen Feng still had no reaction at all.


Zhang Shan was even more confused, his face full of disbelief.

You know, this is a paralysis drug he developed independently, and he knows the efficacy of this drug better than anyone else.

As long as a normal person drinks a sip, he will not wake up even if he is dissected on the spot within 24 hours.

What’s more, the dosage of this drug is several times higher than usual!

It is no exaggeration to say that even an elephant would have to sleep for a few days after drinking it!

But when it comes to Chen Feng, why is there no effect at all?


It is really too weird!

He couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Just when he was puzzled.

Chen Feng suddenly spoke: "Do you still have this medicine?"


Zhang Shan was stunned, obviously didn't understand what Chen Feng meant.

Chen Feng seemed to see through his thoughts, and smiled and said: "What I want to say is that this thing tastes good."


And Chen Feng's words almost made Zhang Shan vomit blood.

Taste good? ? ?

Good guy, you are drinking sugar water? ? ?

And then.

Zhang Shan increased the dosage of the medicine from several times to dozens of times, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a lethal dose!

Now even if an elephant drinks it, it will have to sleep for a month!

He still doesn't believe that he can't cure Chen Feng!

"Little brother, this medicine..."

"Drink it, right?"

Zhang Shan was interrupted by Chen Feng before he finished speaking.

Since Chen Feng said so, Zhang Shan could only nod.

He had no idea that he was facing a hacker at the moment!

The next moment.

Chen Feng directly picked up a whole bottle of medicine and drank it.

It looked like drinking water.


Seeing this scene.

Zhang Shan was stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.

Not only him, but even the fans in the live broadcast room were scared.

[Fuck! Can this medicine be blown into the bottle? ]

[Drinking sugar water? ? ? ]

[I have seen people blowing beer, but blowing medicine...excuse me, this is the first time I have seen it since I was a child. ]

[By the way, will drinking so many medicines kill people? ]

[Or are these medicines actually fake? ]


At this moment.

Chen Feng drank all the medicines in one breath.

He even burped.

Beside him.

Zhang Shan was stunned.

He actually finished it!

And there was not a single mouthful left!


To his disappointment, Chen Feng had no reaction at all.

This was dozens of times the usual lethal dose!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have even suspected that he was dreaming.

Could it be a mutant?

Like the Hulk or something like that.

It's no wonder he would think so, this is really a bit weird.

Zhang Shan swallowed hard and asked, "Little brother, don't you think there's something wrong?"


Chen Feng shook his head without even thinking about it.

Although the medicinal properties of these drugs are very high, under the [Drug Immunity Body], this is no different from drinking water.


Zhang Shan once again fell into doubt about his life.

He even wondered if the medicine was expired?

It actually had no effect at all!

It's outrageous!

Chen Feng continued, "And this thing is a little sweet. To be honest, it's comparable to Farmer's Three Punches."

"Sweet? Impossible, how could this medicine be sweet?"

Zhang Shan wanted to say it was impossible.

But after Chen Feng drank it, there was no reaction at all, which was enough to show that these medicines were indeed problematic.

For example, due to some chemical reactions, the efficacy of the medicine disappeared.

But even if the efficacy was gone, it couldn't be sweet.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself."ŴŴŴ.


Zhang Shan hesitated a little.

Looking at Chen Feng's relaxed look, he didn't seem to be lying.

And this is medicine, even if he wanted to lie, it was impossible.


Zhang Shan prepared a cup for himself and took a sip.

After taking this sip.

Zhang Shan instantly felt that he had reached the peak!

And then.

Foaming at the mouth.


Blackness in front of his eyes.

Not long after, the sound of an ambulance sounded in his head.


When Zhang Shan woke up.

The person was already lying on the hospital bed.

In front of him, there were two uniformed policemen.

One of them was Yang Canghai.

In addition, Chen Feng was also at the scene. After all, he was the only party involved in the case, so he naturally could not be absent.


Zhang Shan's mind was blank in an instant.

At the same time, he couldn't help but glance around.

This is the hospital where he is!

"Zhang Shan!"

Yang Canghai's stern voice sounded.

Then he directly handcuffed a silver bracelet on Zhang Shan's wrist.

Zhang Shan was stunned for a long time before he said: "Comrade police, what happened? Why are you arresting me?"

"Why are you arresting you?"

Yang Canghai snorted coldly.

"You are suspected of selling fake drugs, driving up the price of drugs, trafficking in human beings, and illegally transplanting human organs."

"Isn't that enough?"

"Nonsense! Impossible!"

Zhang Shan denied it and pretended to be innocent: "Comrade police, when did I commit a crime? You don't have evidence, so you can't wrongly accuse me. I have never done it!"

[Still pretending? ]

[At first I thought he was just an unscrupulous mediocre doctor who made some dirty money, but I didn't expect him to be a devil in a white coat! ]

[Selling fake drugs, trafficking in human beings, transplanting human organs... Serious, each charge starts with life imprisonment! 】

【With this stack of BUFFs, the grass on my grave will probably be taller than mine next year. 】


Yang Canghai didn't waste time talking to him, but directly threw out the evidence: "We found that you had a huge amount of funds transferred recently. May I ask where did you get all this money?"

According to the law, money from unknown sources like Zhang Shan is considered a crime of huge amounts of property from unknown sources. If the amount exceeds a certain amount, a case will be filed and the source of the funds will be supervised.

"I... I got it from buying lottery tickets!"

Zhang Shan tried to argue: "I have been buying lottery tickets recently. Maybe I was lucky and won the first prize."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask this kid. He knows!" As he said, Zhang Shan pointed at Chen Feng.

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