[Won the first prize by buying lottery tickets? 】

[I remember Brother Feng won the first prize not long ago. How could there be two first prizes within the same period of time? 】

[Do you really think that the lottery center is a scam? 】

[Although this is a charity, the target of charity is not lottery players. 】

[I have to say, this guy is really good at making stuff up. 】

[I almost want to ask him to be the editor-in-chief of our magazine. 】

There was constant chatter in the live broadcast room.

They clearly remembered that Chen Fengcai won the first prize not long ago.

The first prize is a super jackpot, and the chance of winning is extremely low.

More importantly, there is a human element to the lottery.

Because of this, it is impossible for two to appear in a short period of time.

After all, the lottery center is not here to pick up money.

"Yes, you did buy a lot of lottery tickets at that time."

at this time.

Chen Feng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"I bought the lottery ticket, but I don't remember you winning."

Zhang Shan continued to quibble: "I didn't check clearly at the time. One of these lottery tickets was the first prize. I only found out after I got home."

"Oh, is it so?"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded slightly: "I'm not very talented. I just happened to win the first prize once a while ago."

"You should also know that the first prize has a cooldown, and the second prize is unlikely to appear in a short time."

"Of course you can also go to the lottery center to confront him."


Zhang Shan was stunned.

If this is true.

His crime of unknown origin of a huge amount of property is considered a real crime.

Generally speaking.

The crime of unexplained sources of huge amounts of property refers to the behavior of state workers whose property or expenditures obviously exceed their legal income, and the difference is huge, and the person cannot explain whether the source is legal.

This crime is specifically aimed at combating corrupt individuals.

After stacking the first layer of BUFF.

Yang Canghai added: "In addition, we have just received reports from the masses that you have accepted bribes from them many times by virtue of your position."

Zhang Shan quickly said: "Bribery? When did I pay a bribe?"

Yang Canghai said in a serious tone: "Before you performed the operation on the patient, did you receive red envelopes from the patient's family?"

Generally speaking, before some major operations are performed, the patient's family will give the surgeon a red envelope for good luck or peace of mind.

Because the patient's family members are worried that if they don't give red envelopes to the surgeon, they will not be careful during the operation.

But in fact, this idea is wrong. Whether you give the surgeon a red envelope or not, the result is the same.

Giving it to Hongbai is purely psychological.

not to mention.

It is a very dangerous thing for a doctor to receive red envelopes.

Not to mention that this kind of behavior is bribery.

If a red envelope is received from the patient's family and a mistake occurs during the operation, you won't know how it will end.

Seriously, it may even ruin your career!

Therefore, normal doctors will not accept red envelopes.

But Zhang Shan is different.

As long as it was a gift from the patient's family, he would accept it all, and even hinted to the patient's family to let them give gifts.

"They gave it to me voluntarily."

Zhang Shan said without even thinking: "I was forced to accept it!"

"Give it to you voluntarily?"

Yang Canghai said coldly: "A red envelope is worth hundreds of thousands, as well as a car and a house. How do you explain it?"

【Hundreds of thousands? Car? house? 】

[You call this a red envelope? ? ? 】

[Also forced to accept it? Let me tell you a joke, I lay on the bed and the girl moved on her own, I was forced to do it. 】

[No wonder he is a doctor who can drive a luxury car and live in a big villa. It turns out that he got it with dirty money. 】

[Obviously, he is stealing money openly under the guise of a doctor! 】

To be honest, it is not uncommon for doctors to receive red envelopes.

For good luck, some family members of patients will give a small red envelope as a token of appreciation, regardless of whether the doctor accepts it or not.

But as long as it's within the acceptable range, it's okay.

But what Zhang Shan received was completely beyond the scope of red envelopes.

Rather than talking about red envelopes, it would be better to say that in the name of a doctor, he is legitimately robbing the patients' families of money!


Zhang Shan said nothing.

Yang Canghai continued: "In addition, our channels for selling counterfeit medicines have also been discovered by us."

"You should know how to judge the sale of counterfeit drugs."

"And your accomplice Cao Wang also took the blame."

"Not only did you steal the drugs from the hospital and profit from them on the market, but you also maliciously raised the prices of the drugs."

"Theft of drugs is a crime of larceny."

"If the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, the person will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years." Tianlai Novel Network

"The act of driving up prices violates national regulations on market operations and price management."

"In accordance with the provisions of the criminal law, he will be convicted and punished for the crime of illegal business operations."

The crime of illegal business operations refers to those who violate national regulations and disrupt market order, and the circumstances are serious, and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention, and shall also or solely be fined not less than one time but not more than five times the illegal income.

If the circumstances are particularly serious, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years, and shall also be fined not less than one time but not more than five times the illegal income, or his property shall be confiscated.


Listening to the accusations one after another, Zhang Shan's face turned pale and his back was wet with cold sweat.

But it's not over yet.

Yang Canghai stared at him closely: "As far as I know, you are also suspected of human trafficking and organ transplantation."

"Comrade police, what kind of international joke are you playing?"

Zhang Shan pretended to be calm.

"I am a doctor who treats and saves lives. You can doubt my character, but you must not doubt my medical ethics!"

"I admit that I was a little greedy, but I can't do such a cruel thing as human trafficking!"

Even if the previous charges were confirmed, as long as he found a better lawyer to defend him, he might still have a chance to come out.

Trafficking in people for illegal organ transplantation is a serious crime!

But if this charge is confirmed, he will probably start over.

[Doctor? Are you qualified? ]

[In my opinion, he is an unscrupulous mediocre doctor! ]

[Saying he is a doctor really tarnishes the word! ]

[Doctors treat and save lives, but he is so good that he uses the name of a doctor to swagger and rob money! ]


"You are still a doctor?"

Yang Canghai was also disgusted. If he didn't have absolute evidence, how could he say anything?


Yang Canghai waved his hand.

A handcuffed foreigner was brought up.

Not long after Zhang Shan was arrested, the foreigner was also arrested.

"You should know this guy, right?"


Zhang Shan was stunned. Isn't this the perverted foreigner?

"He... I don't know him."

"Don't know him?"

Yang Canghai nodded slightly, then looked at the foreigner, and then pointed at Zhang San and asked: "Do you know him?"

"I'm so short?"

The foreigner shook his head and spoke fluently in English.

"What are you arresting me for?"

"I don't know him."


Yang Canghai frowned.

He couldn't understand a word of the foreigner's English.

"Do you speak Chinese?"



Yang Canghai's eyes narrowed into a straight line.

It can be seen that this foreigner can speak Chinese.

"We are the Longguo police, we hope you can cooperate!"

The foreigner sneered and started speaking English again.

"Why should I cooperate?"

And his expression looked a little smug.

It was obviously a provocation to the police!


Yang Canghai couldn't stand it anymore.

"This is Longguo, you are speaking Chinese to me!"

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