[Another foreigner who doesn't know how to live or die. ]

[I remember that the foreigner who made trouble last time has been in jail, right? ]

[I heard that he was sentenced to 20 years in prison and will be deported after serving his sentence. ]

[Twenty years? And he will be deported after serving his sentence? Although it is heartbreaking, I just want to say that it is a good job! ]

[You are courting death, now it's good, right? You will eat the government food for 20 years in our country! ]


At the scene.

Facing Yang Canghai's strong tone.

The foreigner was also scared.

He originally planned to perfunctorily pass it over in English.

But Yang Canghai's attitude has already explained everything.

If he doesn't cooperate again, he may go to the police station next.

So, the foreigner can only say humbly.

"Comrade police, why did you arrest me?"

"Do you know Chinese now?"

"It's just a joke."

"Are you kidding?"

Yang Canghai said coldly: "You broke the law, you know?"

"Breaking the law? What law did I break?"

The foreigner rolled his eyes and pretended to be innocent: "I didn't rob or kill anyone, what law did I break?"

"Although you are police, you can't arrest people without evidence, right?"

Yang Canghai frowned slightly, pointed at Zhang Shan and asked again: "Do you know him?"


The foreigner denied it directly.

"How about you think about it carefully?"

"I really don't know him, and I don't have many friends here. If I do, I will definitely have an impression."


After getting the affirmation.

Yang Canghai nodded and continued, "Since you don't know him, why would you transfer money to him?"

"Transfer money?"

The foreigner said calmly, "When did I transfer money to him? Don't make up nonsense and accuse me."

The reason why he was so calm was mainly because the accounts he transferred money to Zhang Shan were all foreign accounts.

In theory, cross-border accounts cannot be found.

"You still don't admit it, right?"

Yang Canghai was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly took out a receipt: "Come on, explain what this is!"


The foreigner narrowed his eyes and looked at the receipt.

The receipt clearly stated the flow of funds and the account information of the recipient, and it was all his transaction records with Zhang Shan!

"Why do you have these records?"

The foreigner was a little unbelievable.

Not only him, but even Zhang Shan beside him was dumbfounded.

They couldn't figure out how Yang Canghai found it.

Cross-border inquiries into other people's bank card accounts require a series of complicated procedures. Even if they are done, they may not be approved. After all, it involves foreign information. Even if they are approved, they will have to wait for a long time.

So it is very unrealistic to handle cases across borders.

Yang Canghai looked serious and asked the foreigner: "Your name is Snake, right?"

The foreigner was stunned, then nodded: "Yes."

"You have committed crimes in the island country, the United States, and the Pacific country!"

Yang Canghai said directly: "You have killed many people in three countries in a row and took away their kidneys!"

"Am I right?"

To put it bluntly, the foreigner is a cult believer.

He specializes in trafficking people, and then digs out people's kidneys. It is said that they are used for some cult sacrifices.

Such human traffickers are prohibited in any country.

And the one who provided him with these clues was Interpol.

[Kill people to get kidneys? ? ? ]

[Are you going to take people's kidneys to exchange for mobile phones? ]

[I have heard of a story that as long as you use the Taoist Yin-Yang and Five Elements as an altar to kill people and take their kidneys at a specific time, you can obtain the immortality. ]

[Immortality? Do you think you are writing a novel? ]

[No way, there are actually people who believe this stuff? ]


Zhang Shan was stunned.

Committing crimes in multiple countries in a row!

I didn’t expect this perverted foreigner to be so perverted!

The point is, he lied to himself!

The foreigner lied to himself before that it was the first time he committed a crime in his own country.

If I had known this earlier, I would never cooperate with the foreigner even if I killed him.

What a pity.

It’s too late to say anything now.

“Since you have nothing to say, come with us!”

Yang Canghai quickly gave his colleagues a look and asked them to handcuff the two back to the police station.

Now that the evidence is conclusive, even if the two want to deny it, it is useless.

According to our country’s laws, there is no crime of trafficking in human beings.

There is the crime of trafficking in women and children.

Those who abduct and sell women and children shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years.

In particularly serious cases, the maximum penalty is death penalty and confiscation of property.

Not long after the two were arrested, the abducted child was successfully rescued.

At the same time, the manufacturer selling fake drugs was also closed down.

The case was considered to have come to an end.

After recording his statement at the police station, Chen Feng returned to the law firm.

“Hahaha, Brother Feng, you are so awesome!”

Seeing Chen Feng return to the law firm, Zhang Yida smiled.

“The judicial department is very satisfied with your case!”

“Even the superiors praised you highly!”

He didn’t know how to describe this case.

From the original drug price gouging to selling fake drugs, and finally even human traffickers came out!

This is equivalent to solving several cases in one go!

"By the way, here are the medals and banners awarded above."

Zhang Yida took out a medal and several banners and asked, "Where are you going to hang them?"


Chen Feng was speechless.

In fact, he could hardly put all these things in his house.

"Just find an empty space to put them."

"Oh oh."

Zhang Yida nodded, then took the banners and found an empty space to hang them up.

"By the way, Brother Feng, I have something else to tell you."

After hanging the banners, Zhang Yida clapped his hands in satisfaction and said, "The judicial department also said that you completed the case very well this time, so you still need help."


Chen Feng just drank the coffee in his mouth and spit it out.

You know, he just completed the task entrusted by the judicial department.

Now, he assigned himself another task?

Who the hell does he think he is?

A machine to be squeezed?

"Actually, the previous case was to judge your ability."

Zhang Yida thought for a while: "The next one is the real commission."


Chen Feng did not speak.

Zhang Yida continued: "This case is a bit complicated, and ordinary people really can't handle it, so the judicial department needs to select an excellent person to handle it."

"And the case you handled made them very satisfied with your ability, so they strongly hope that you can help."

"Excellent person? Me?"

Chen Feng pointed at himself suspiciously.


Zhang Yida said seriously.

"And this case is different from the previous cases."

"This time I'm not asking you to send someone in."

"I hope you can send someone out of prison."

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