"Send the person out?"

Chen Feng was slightly startled.

This really surprised him.

So far, he has been sending people in.

Now he is asked to send people out?

Facing Chen Feng's expression, Zhang Yida quickly explained.

"To be honest, this case is also related to drugs, and it is a bit similar to the fake drug case you handled."

The fake drug case he was talking about was Zhang Shan's case before.

After the police investigation, it was found that the fake drugs imported by Zhang Shan were actually made by an unknown small workshop.

This small workshop specializes in making imitation drugs.

This behavior is absolutely prohibited in the Drug Management Law, so this kind of imitation drug is also called fake drug.

Although the efficacy of this fake drug is the same as that of the genuine product, there is no quality guarantee. Even if there is a problem with it, you can't find anyone to complain.

This is also the harm of fake drugs. It is okay if there is no problem with the unguaranteed drug. If there is a problem with it, it will cost lives in minutes.

Zhang Yida continued: "The suspect in this case is also a fake drug dealer, and also a hero!"

"Fake drug dealer? Hero?"

Chen Feng's face was dull: "Why do you say that?"

Zhang Yida pursed his lips and said with some regret: "Fake drug dealer, because he violated the Drug Administration Law and purchased unapproved generic drugs from foreign countries."

"And he also sold them to the outside world."

"As for the hero, it is because the prices of the generic drugs he sold are very fair, even ordinary people can afford them, so he saved thousands of patients who couldn't afford genuine drugs. This is also the nickname given to him by patients."


Hearing this.

Chen Feng has roughly understood the whole thing.

In short, the fake drug dealer is because he sells fake drugs.

The hero is because the drugs he sells have saved thousands of patients.

To be honest, this kind of case is really a bit of a headache.

And the headache is...

From different perspectives, both parties are not wrong.

For example, from a legal perspective, his behavior of selling fake drugs is a serious violation of the Drug Administration Law.

From a human perspective, he has saved thousands of patients, and human life is more important than anything else in this world.

This is a contradiction. You say he is wrong, but he saved people, but you say he is right, but he sells fake medicine.

This shows that.

The difficulty of this case is indeed not something that ordinary people can handle.

"Can I not take it?"

After thinking about it, Chen Feng finally felt that it was more appropriate to give up.

This case is really too troublesome.

He never likes to deal with troublesome things.

What's more, it is legal aid, and there is no money at all.

This case is troublesome and has no money, and he is not doing charity.


Zhang Yida was stunned, but still said: "I can try to ask for you."

Chen Feng's refusal is understandable.

The complexity of this case is indeed a bit high.

In addition, there is no money, it is completely a hot potato.

At the same time, several figures suddenly walked in at the door of the law firm.

"Lawyer Chen!"

"Excuse me, is Lawyer Chen Feng here?"

As soon as these figures appeared, they pointed out that they were looking for Chen Feng.

And judging from their looks, they seemed a little anxious.

"I am Chen Feng. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Chen Feng was about to close his stall and go home. When he walked to the door, he ran into these people.

"Are you lawyer Chen Feng?"

"Lawyer Chen Feng, please, please help us!"

"Only you can save him! Please save him!"

As they said that, these figures knelt down directly in front of Chen Feng.

Seeing this, Chen Feng was also frightened. He quickly signaled to Zhang Yida to help these people up.

"Don't worry, what happened?" Tianlai Novel Network

Chen Feng and Zhang Yida asked while helping people.

"If there is something, why don't we sit down and talk slowly? You kneel down for no reason. Isn't this shortening our lives?"

Most of these people are elderly people.

One of the old ladies stood up, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and spoke.

"Lawyer Chen Feng, Lu Yong is a good man and our savior. Please rescue him."

"Lu Yong?"

Chen Feng looked suspicious.

He had no impression of this unfamiliar name.

Then he asked the old lady and her companion to sit down and chat.

"Old lady, who is Lu Yong?"

"Lu Yong...he sells medicine."

"Sells medicine?"

Just when Chen Feng was confused, Zhang Yida beside him suddenly interrupted: "He is the fake drug dealer who was arrested for selling generic drugs. I heard that he had done business abroad before."

"Lu Yong's drugs are not fake drugs."

The old lady said: "The drugs he sells are effective."

Zhang Yida said tactfully: "Old lady, you may not know that the drugs sold by Lu Yong are not approved. According to the law, this is a fake drug."

"But...his drugs are very effective."

"That's also a fake drug."


After hearing this, the old lady suddenly grabbed Chen Feng's wrist and begged him: "Lawyer Chen Feng, to be honest, I have been ill for three years, and I have taken genuine medicine worth tens of thousands of yuan for three years. I have lost my house and my family. Now I finally have cheap medicine, but you insist that it is fake... Can't we know whether the medicine is fake or not?"

"Yes, yes, the medicine only sells for 500 yuan a bottle. Excluding the cost price, the drug dealer has no money to make."

"And we have all taken the medicine and there are no adverse reactions."

"If Lu Yong hadn't been there before, we would have to wait for death."

"We don't want to die... We just want to live well."

"Lawyer Chen Feng, please, you must help Lu Yong, even if you can't sell it in the future, you must strive to get him out, this is what we owe him."

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