【Ding! It is detected that the host is faced with a choice, and the options have been automatically generated for you! 】

[Option 1: Refuse directly. I am not doing charity. This is a painful, tiring, and moneyless case that no one would accept. 】

[Reward: A bottle of the sacred oil of fidelity. 】

[Option 2: Decline politely and recommend Zhang Yida to take over. 】

[Reward: Ridiculously long-lasting Yida chewing gum. 】

[Option 3: Accept the case entrustment and solve the case perfectly. 】

[Reward: 10 billion cash! 】

Look at this series of prompts.

Chen Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

He didn't plan to take it at first, after all, the case was too complicated.

Mainly because I have no money.

So this kind of hard and tiring labor has never been something he can do.

Unexpectedly, the system task was triggered.

Option one.

Divine oil? what is this?

As a pure child, Chen Feng didn't understand this stuff at all.

As for option two.

The case itself is very complicated, and if it is handed over to Zhang Yida, it will probably become even more complicated.

Maybe even the client will get a longer sentence.

That's why.

That’s only option three.

Ten billion in cash!

Chen Feng reluctantly said to the system: "I choose three!"

Back to the scene.

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't speak, the old lady suddenly became more anxious.

"Lawyer Chen Feng, if you are worried about remuneration, you can rest assured that we will pay it."

As she spoke, the old lady took out an old cloth bag from her pocket, took out a few wrinkled hundred-dollar bills and handed them to Chen Feng.

Seeing this, the others also took out their money and handed it to Chen Feng.

They are all elderly people who basically live on subsistence allowances and cannot save much at all.

Otherwise, they will not go for cheap and buy generic drugs.

The total sum of all this money is probably around a few thousand yuan.

To be honest, the money is only enough for lawyer consultation fees at most.

"Old lady, it doesn't matter whether you have money or not."

Chen Feng came to his senses and said seriously: "As for the money, you'd better take it back, I won't take it."

"And this case falls within the scope of legal aid."

"There is no charge."

The old lady was surprised and said: "You mean, you are willing to help us for free?"


Chen Feng nodded without hesitation and said with a righteous face: "I have always had a shortcoming, and that is that I like to help others."


As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yida beside him was immediately confused.

Doesn’t it matter whether it’s money or not?

Like helping others?

That's not what Chen Feng said just now!

"Lawyer Chen Feng, I knew you were indeed a good person!"

"You, like Lu Yong, are our great benefactors!"

"May the gods protect you and you will never get sick in this life."

The old lady and others thanked Chen Feng one after another.

Chen Feng coughed slightly and said with some embarrassment: "You're welcome, I just did what I should do."


And next.

The two parties probably chatted for a few more words, and Chen Feng asked the old lady and others to leave.

via chat.

Chen Feng learned the origin of the whole incident from the old lady and others.

Lu Yong once did business in Yindu for a period of time.

And the business he does is selling imported sacred oil.

As for why generic drugs are sold, it has to start with Lu Yong himself. Unfortunately, he got cancer a year ago, and then bought some treatment drugs from Indu.

As we all know, Yindu is very developed in the field of generic drugs, and the efficacy of these drugs is also very good, which has improved his condition a lot.

After people in the patient group learned about it, they all asked Lu Yong to help purchase the drug. In the end, they passed it on to ten people, and then passed it on to hundreds of people...

As more and more people know about it, more and more people come to him for purchasing.

Moreover, after Lu Yong purchased these medicines on his behalf, the prices were very reasonable and he did not earn much, so he only earned a purchasing agent fee.

It is worth mentioning that this world is a little different from the earth.

The level of medical insurance in this world is not as developed as on Earth.

Most of the imported drugs are not covered by medical insurance.

If you buy medicine that is not covered by medical insurance, it means that you have to pay for the medicine out of your own pocket.

It would be fine if the medicine costs tens or hundreds of dollars.

But if it's tens of thousands of yuan, it's a very heavy burden for an ordinary family.

This will result in many people unable to afford it.

Because of this, there are many people looking for Lu Yong to purchase on their behalf.

After all, who wouldn’t be happy to take cheap medicine?

"Brother Feng, didn't you just say you wouldn't accept this case?"

Zhang Yida was still a little confused: "Why did you pick it up again now?"

He clearly remembered that Chen Feng had just asked him to reject this case.

"I changed my mind."

Chen Feng smiled: "And as I said, I prefer to be helpful."

"All right."

Zhang Yida reluctantly believed it: "Then, what are you going to do next?"

Chen Feng said directly: "Make an appointment to meet the person involved."

Now that the case has been accepted, the next step is to find a way to solve it.

This case is different from any previous cases.

The parties involved are very important.

So he needs to meet him in person.

The next day.

Chen Feng tidied up his appearance and headed directly to the law firm.

Before leaving, he sent a leave notice to the fans in the live broadcast room, saying that he had a big case to deal with and it was not convenient to live broadcast for the time being. He would make up for the live broadcast time next time.

Seeing this leave note.

The fans were instantly excited.

[What? Brother Feng encountered a new case again? ]

[Doesn't this mean that we will have a new case to watch soon? ]

[I am squatting in the live broadcast room now, waiting for Brother Feng to start broadcasting! ]

[Looking forward to it! ! ! ]


Zhang Yida is very efficient in doing things. Chen Feng had just arrived at the law firm, and he had already handled the things he had to do yesterday.

"Brother Feng, I have made an appointment to meet at ten o'clock in the morning."

"Where is the location?"

"Detention center."

Zhang Yida explained: "It's like this. Just a few days ago, Lu Yong was detained by the police as a suspect."


Chen Feng nodded, and then drove to the police station.

"What's the wind today? What brought you here?"

Yang Canghai had just finished a case and was about to come out for some fresh air. As a result, he ran into Chen Feng.

"Officer Yang."

Chen Feng smiled and greeted him.

At the same time, Chen Feng didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly showed a mysterious smile to Yang Canghai.


Yang Canghai's eyelids jumped, and he had a bad premonition.


Chen Feng told Yang Canghai the purpose of his coming here. If he could go through the back door, he would definitely go through the back door.

"So that's it. You are looking for Lu Yong, right?"

After learning the purpose of Chen Feng's coming here, Yang Canghai suddenly realized: "He is indeed detained in our detention center now. If you want to see him, I can take you there."

Chen Feng is Lu Yong's lawyer, so it's no problem to meet him.

"Sorry to bother you, Officer Yang."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Soon, Yang Canghai took Chen Feng into the detention center. Tianlai Novel Network

To be honest, this is the first time Chen Feng has come to a detention center since he was a child.

He looked around curiously.

There were many prisoners imprisoned around the detention center.

And these prisoners were all about to be sent to prison.

Among them were several familiar figures.

Zhang Shan, Cao Wang, Shen Wei, Zheng Shu, a foreigner...

The prison all-star lineup!

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