At this moment.

Countless eyes around the detention center were staring at Chen Feng instantly.

These eyes were eager to eat Chen Feng alive!

Ninety percent of the people here were sent in by Chen Feng.

So when they saw Chen Feng appear, they would inevitably resent him.

At the same time, Chen Feng got goose bumps all over his body.

If eyes could kill, he didn't know how many times he would have died.

He was very familiar with these figures in the detention center.

He knew nine out of ten.

They were all old friends.

"Little bastard! You wait!"


A prisoner grabbed the railing of the detention center and said to Chen Feng in a vicious voice: "You'd better pray that I can't get out in this life, otherwise if I get out, I will never let you go!"

"I will cut your kidneys when the time comes!"

"Let you live a life worse than death!!!"

The person who spoke was the foreigner before, not only suspected of human trafficking, but also murdered many people, and the place where he was detained now belonged to the felony area.

"Come out?"

Without waiting for Chen Feng to speak.

Yang Canghai looked at the current time and said directly: "Have you forgotten that you will be sent to the execution ground tomorrow?"


As soon as these words came out.

The foreigner paused instantly.

According to the crimes he committed, the court directly sentenced him to death, and it was executed immediately.

In other words, today is his last day.

"I will curse you!"

"Even if I die, I will definitely curse you in the future!"

"I curse your brother to never get up in this life!"


Chen Feng laughed directly.


If curses can kill people, what do we need the police for?

"Okay, remember to tell me where your grave is in your dream, and I will burn paper for you next Qingming Festival."

"Oh no, it's kidneys, after all, you like kidneys."


The foreigner was almost furious.

Then, with bloodshot eyes, he yelled at the police:

"You damned cops! I tell you, if you kill me, the gods will not let you go!"

"Just wait, the gods will send messengers to kill you without a trace! You are dead!"

While the foreigner roared, he punched and kicked the surrounding railings. It can be seen that he was close to madness.

After all, he was sentenced to death, and he said he was fearless.


Yang Canghai snorted coldly: "Still worshipping gods, right? It doesn't matter, you can see them tomorrow."

The voice fell.

Several uniformed prison guards had just finished the handover procedures and came to the detention center, saluting Officer Yang.

"Officer Yang, hello, we are here for the handover."

"We need to take this death row prisoner away immediately."

Generally speaking, prisoners are supervised for 24 hours after being sentenced to death. They came to take the foreigner away today, and sent him directly to the execution ground tomorrow. m.


Yang Canghai looked at the handover documents and nodded.

"What are you doing!"

"What are you doing!"

"Let me go!! You useless cops!"

The foreigner was terrified and a little scared.

The next moment, the foreigner was shaved bald by the prison guard and sent directly to the police car to the prison.

See this scene.

The rest of the prisoners squatted in the dark corners, hugged their legs, trembled, and dared not speak at all.

As the saying goes, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. The foreigner is a death row prisoner, and it is definitely okay for him to let himself go.

But they are different.

Some of them have fixed-term imprisonment, and some have life imprisonment. No matter whether it is fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, as long as they behave well, they will have a chance to come out.


After a small episode.

Chen Feng continued to follow Yang Canghai to the interrogation room inside.

On the way, Yang Canghai said to Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, don't worry. If nothing goes wrong, he will be sent to the execution ground and shot tomorrow. He won't be able to come out."


Chen Feng was stunned.

Normally, there are two ways to deal with death row prisoners. The first is injection and the second is shooting.

Compared with the second, injection is painless and is the best choice.

"As for those prisoners with fixed-term sentences, I believe they will be worn down after labor reform."

"So you don't have to worry at all."

Yang Canghai said so.

He said these words mainly because he hoped that Chen Feng would not worry about these prisoners coming out and being retaliated by them.

Of course, it is undeniable that there will be some more persistent criminals.

But these are all later stories.

After all, the shortest of these people is more than ten years.


A man in prison uniform was brought to the interrogation room.

"Are you Lu Yong?"

"I am."

Looking at Chen Feng, Lu Yong was a little confused: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"I am..."

Chen Feng didn't think much and directly stated his identity.

"Are you Chen Feng?"

After listening to Chen Feng's story, Lu Yong was a little bit unbelievable.

Of course he had heard of Chen Feng's name.

This is a famous lawless lunatic!

I didn't expect that this lawless lunatic was actually his lawyer!

Chen Feng took out the prepared documents and asked Lu Yong to sign on them: "Yes, if you want to get out of here, I hope you can cooperate with my work next."


Lu Yong nodded heavily without thinking.

He absolutely trusted Chen Feng!

And then, he also cooperated with Chen Feng's work very much.

After signing the documents, Chen Feng proposed bail pending trial to Yang Canghai, so that Lu Yong could come out of the detention center.

Bail pending trial generally refers to a compulsory measure in which the investigation agency orders the criminal suspect to provide a guarantor or pay a deposit and issue a guarantee letter to ensure that he will not evade or hinder the investigation and will appear at any time.

It is usually adopted for criminal suspects who have committed minor crimes or do not need to be detained or arrested, but need to restrict their freedom of movement.

In short, as long as the bail pending trial can be passed, the criminal suspect can temporarily come out of the detention center.

Here, many people think that bail and bail pending trial mean the same thing, but in fact the concepts of the two are different.

The reason why Chen Feng chose bail pending trial is mainly because Lu Yong has cancer and the chance of passing is very high.

After a while.

Chen Feng's application for bail pending trial was successfully approved.

Coming out of the detention center, Lu Yong bowed deeply to Chen Feng: "Lawyer Chen Feng, thank you so much."

Since he was detained, he had thought that he would be sentenced, but he didn't expect to be rescued by Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.

It's amazing!

"Don't remember to thank me first, this is only temporary."

Chen Feng was not careless, but said to him seriously: "If there is no evidence to prove your innocence during the period of bail pending trial, you will still be locked up."

"So next, let's talk about the case."

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