
Chen Feng remained silent.

Lu Yong’s words touched him deeply.

Just as Lu Yong said.

He is not a god, but an ordinary person, and a patient. He just wants to live well...

After all, there should be no one in this world who is not afraid of death, right?

Especially being plagued by illness is simply a torture.

It is precisely because Lu Yong has experienced this kind of pain that he will go to buy these drugs on behalf of others to help more cancer patients.

“Then may I ask, how did you smuggle these drugs?”

“Shipping by sea.”

Facing Chen Feng’s question, Lu Yong answered directly: “The friend who was with me knows some shipping personnel, and these people have done it before and have experience.”

“Then how were you caught? Were you caught on the spot?”


Lu Yong shook his head.

"I was checked for water meter in my rental house and then arrested."

Speaking of this, Lu Yong suddenly felt a little strange: "And when I was arrested, the police actually said that the drugs I sold were 10,000 yuan per bottle, but that's not right, I only sold them for 500 yuan, don't you think it's strange?"


Chen Feng's face became more solemn, and he was thinking about something.

The police certainly couldn't lie.

And Lu Yong didn't look like he was lying.

If neither party lied.

That is to say, there may be an inside story in this case!

Chen Feng confirmed again: "You mean these drugs you sell for 500, but the police said you sell them for 10,000?"


Lu Yong nodded.

Whether he sold them for 10,000 or 500, he was selling fake drugs, so he didn't think too much at the time.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed a bit strange.

I clearly sold them for 500 yuan, how could I sell them for 10,000?

He said he was innocent.

"OK, I got it."

After asking Lu Yong a few more questions, Chen Feng sorted out his thoughts and said to him: "Next, you go back first. If possible, try to stay at home these days. After all, you are not out of the suspect's identity yet. If the police summon you, remember to come at any time."

"Okay, thank you, lawyer Chen Feng."

Lu Yong thanked Chen Feng.

Before leaving, he bowed deeply to Chen Feng to thank him.

After watching Lu Yong leave.

Zhang Yida looked at Chen Feng as soon as possible.

"Brother Feng, what should we do next?"

He also wanted to know how Chen Feng would handle it.

After all, this case was different from the previous ones. It was not to send people in, but to send people out.

In addition, there were problems with the case itself.

From a legal perspective, Lu Yong must be sentenced, but from a human perspective, sentencing would chill people's hearts.

Whether it was sentenced or not, it felt wrong.

He asked himself.

If this case was handed over to him, he would definitely not be able to handle it.

"Go check immediately whether Lu Yong's words are true, and whether his medicine has ever been sold for 10,000 yuan a bottle."

"The sooner the better, it's best to give me an answer before tomorrow."

Chen Feng ordered.

If Lu Yong did not lie and sold it for 500 yuan a bottle, it is very likely that other people took Lu Yong's medicine and sold it at a high price.

Although Lu Yong is selling fake medicine regardless of the price, selling medicine for 500 yuan and selling medicine for 10,000 yuan are completely different in nature.

Selling medicine for 10,000 yuan is already profiteering.

Even if he is sentenced, no one will sympathize.

So we must get to the bottom of it.

"No need for tomorrow, I can give you the answer now."

Zhang Yida smiled, showing an unpredictable expression.


Chen Feng looked at him suspiciously.

Zhang Yida took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Dad, it's me."

"It's like this, I have a case that needs your help."

"Oh, okay, okay."

After a few words.

The phone was hung up.

Following closely.

Zhang Yida said to Chen Feng.

"Brother Feng, the case has been solved. The medicine sold by Lu Yong did sell for 10,000 yuan for a period of time, but it was not Lu Yong who sold the medicine, but the younger brother who was with him. I heard that he is still on the run."


Hearing this.

Chen Feng's expression was a little strange.

Of course, Chen Feng was not concerned about the problem of these medicines,

but the phone call Zhang Yida just made!


It sounded like he was calling his own father.

Could it be that Zhang Yida's father was some big shot?

Thinking of this.

Chen Feng suddenly asked: "Who did you call just now?"

"My dad."

"Your dad? Then may I ask, what does your father do?"

"Oh, him, he retired, now he plays chess at home every day and raises small animals, such as Zhiyin."

"What about before retirement?"

"The presiding judge."


Chen Feng was speechless.

The presiding judge?

Zhang Yida's father was actually the presiding judge before he retired!

My presiding judge father? ? ?

He had never thought that Zhang Yida actually had such a backer!

"Then how did your father... know about this?"

Chen Feng continued to ask.

Logically speaking, Zhang Yida's father has retired. Since he is retired, he should not pay attention to the case, right?

"My father knows the current presiding judge. As long as it is about his case, my father will pay close attention to it."

"Know the current presiding judge???"

Chen Feng was stunned.

Just now he was worried about the difficulty of the case, what should he do.

Now it's all right!

Zhang Yida's father actually knows the current presiding judge!

For him, this is simply God's help!

If you want Lu Yong to be acquitted, you must reasonably convince everyone, including the presiding judge!

Chen Feng's eyes instantly became fanatical: "Then can you contact your father and do me a small favor?"

"What do you want to do?"

Zhang Yida raised his eyebrows.

Chen Feng didn't think much and directly expressed his thoughts: "I want to contact the current presiding judge through your father, and then through the relationship of the current presiding judge, invite famous legal experts and law professors."

"I plan to hold a hearing."

The hearing is a system that introduces the model of judicial trial into administrative and legislative procedures. The hearing simulates a judicial trial, where two parties with opposing opinions debate each other, and the results are usually binding on the final handling.

In simple terms.

As long as all legal experts speak at the hearing, it is not impossible for Lu Yong to be acquitted.


Zhang Yida shook his head and said with some regret.

"Brother Feng, I may not be able to help you with this."

"To be honest, my father retired early because he was beaten, and my father and the current chief judge were roommates in college and they were also good friends."

"Roommates? Good friends???"

Chen Feng was a little confused and said, "Isn't this all good?"

As long as Zhang Yida's father helps, there will definitely be a chance!

"I haven't finished yet."

Zhang Yida took a deep breath and then said, "When I was in my third year, a girl suddenly transferred into the class, and this girl soon became the object of pursuit for the two brothers, and eventually the two brothers turned against each other..."

"I heard that the last time they met, they even knocked out their dentures."

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