Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 440 Who doesn’t like eating melons?


Chen Feng was completely confused.

I thought I could use the relationship of Zhang Yida’s father to get through the back door, but I never thought that the relationship between the two was so bad.

They turned against each other for a woman!

It is not difficult to see.

The reason why Zhang Yida’s father paid so much attention to the case of the current presiding judge was probably because of the relationship between the two.

After all, the person who wants to know you the most is always your enemy!

Even if there is a little flaw in this case, the former can ridicule the other party.

It can be said that the happiness of both parties is built on the pain of the other party.


Thinking of this.

Chen Feng couldn’t help but sigh.

Now, the idea of ​​getting through the back door is gone.

But soon, Chen Feng suddenly couldn’t help the gossip in his heart and asked: "What about the girl? Who did she end up with?"

It is human nature to eat melons.

Not to mention the big melon of the presiding judge!

"Oh, her?"

Zhang Yida thought for a moment and said, "I didn't catch the last two either."

"No one did???"

Chen Feng's interest suddenly became higher, and he continued to eat melons and asked, "What's the reason?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yida looked at Chen Feng with wide eyes: "Brother Feng, this seems to have nothing to do with the case, right?"

"Comrade Zhang Yida, this is wrong. I think this matter is very important to the case, so it is still necessary for you to tell us what happened."


Zhang Yida narrowed his eyes, and his intuition told him that Chen Feng was just gossiping, but he had no evidence.

But it doesn't hurt to talk about it.

After all, it's the old man's embarrassing thing, not his own embarrassing thing.

Zhang Yida cleared his throat and began to say:

"This has to start from the summer of a certain year when the goddess held her birthday."

"It is said that on the goddess' birthday, the two of them gave her a gift at the same time."

"My father gave her a lipstick, and the current chief judge gave her a perfume."

"But who knows."

"In order to trick each other, they swapped their gifts."

"The perfume was replaced with chili oil."

"The lipstick...was replaced with mustard."


Chen Feng couldn't help but pull at the corner of his mouth.

The woman must have broken down on the spot after being treated like this by the two.

But this is not over yet.

Zhang Yida continued.

"Afterwards, the two of them fought at the birthday party, and during the quarrel, one of them accidentally pulled the skirt of the goddess who came up to persuade them into two pieces."

"From then on, the two of them were permanently blocked by the goddess."


Chen Feng originally tried to reconcile with a glimmer of luck, but now it seems that it is completely hopeless.

Mustard, chili oil, and torn the other person's skirt.

What's even worse is that it happened in front of so many people at the birthday party!

Now he finally knew why the two of them became enemies.

After the gossip.

Chen Feng began to have a headache again.

Since the relatives route didn't work, he had to think of other ways.

"You should immediately contact the family members of the patients who bought Lu Yong's medicine and ask them to write a petition to prove that Lu Yong did not make any profit from the medicines he bought on behalf of others."

A petition is a document that expresses one's wishes and what one wants to do, and then submits it to the relevant departments in written form through legal channels, and then the relevant departments approve it.

In simple terms.

As long as enough people stand up and point out that Lu Yong did not make any profit, it can also play a certain role in the case.

"What about you?"

"I... of course I have more important things to do."

After saying this.

Chen Feng left the law firm.

After leaving the law firm, he did not go home, but planned to go to the police station. What he cares about most now is that Lu Yong was reported for selling fake medicine worth 10,000 yuan.

If Lu Yong didn't lie, then it's very likely that someone took his drugs and made a profit from them!

So, he must find clues about this person!

Before this, Chen Feng also opened a live broadcast room. His way of thinking about handling this case was a little different.

Chen Feng planned to expose this case to the sun in an open form, including the news media.

As the saying goes, a person with a clear conscience is not afraid of his shadow.

He wanted the public to identify this case.

[Fuck! The show is on! Brother Feng is finally on the show! ]

[I've been waiting so long that the flowers are almost withered. ]

[I heard that Brother Feng was involved in a new case during the two days he took leave. Is this true? ]

[Since I knew there was a new case to watch, I squatted in the live broadcast room 24 hours a day, for fear of missing the exciting moment. ]


Looking at the bullet screen on the public screen.

Chen Feng did not hide anything and told everything.

Anyway, this matter will be on the news sooner or later, and it will be discovered sooner or later, so it's better to make it public now.

Very soon.

When they learned about the new case handled by Chen Feng this time.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

[Selling fake drugs? ]

[Isn't this the Zhang Shan before? ]

[Brother, don't compare the quack doctor Zhang Shan with others. This guy is a complete fake drug dealer! Not only does he make a profit, but he also drives up the price of drugs! Lu Yong is different. He had to buy fake drugs to keep more people alive. The two are not comparable at all, okay? ]

[That's right, forgive me for being blunt, Zhang Shan is a quack doctor! Compared with Lu Yong, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes! ] m.

[That's what he said, but selling fake drugs is definitely illegal. After all, the drugs purchased by Lu Yong were not wholesaled by the Food and Drug Administration. This behavior is indeed illegal. ]

[Well, it's true. This case is a bit difficult to handle. ]

[I hope it can be a win-win situation. ]


Here at the scene.

Chen Feng drove to the door of the police station and planned to find Yang Canghai to ask about the details of the case.

But because Yang Canghai was on vacation today, he was not at the police station.

There was really no way, Chen Feng could only go home temporarily.

Just at this time.

Suddenly a phone call came in.

It was Yang Canghai!

As soon as the call was connected, a voice came from the phone.

"You are looking for me, right?"


Hearing Yang Canghai's voice, Chen Feng was slightly stunned, and subconsciously asked: "Officer Yang, how did you know?"

Yang Canghai's voice was a little proud: "Did you forget that you were broadcasting live? Hey, I was watching your live broadcast."

In fact, he would secretly watch Chen Feng's live broadcast when he had nothing to do. No, he took a look when he was free on vacation. Unexpectedly, he saw Chen Feng coming to the police station, and he came out dejected as soon as he entered.

From this, it can be seen that Chen Feng is most likely looking for him.

[Watching live broadcast? Officer Yang is also watching live broadcast? ]

[Screen peeping, right? ? ? ]

[Hahaha, there is no way, you know Brother Feng's physique, every day he is either sending people in or on the way to send people in. ]

[Officer Yang: As long as you keep an eye on this kid's live broadcast room, the performance will come immediately. ]

[You are really a little smart ghost! ]

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