[Hahaha, the master of deception is online! ]

[Brother Feng's routine has begun again. ]

[An accomplice? I almost believed it. ]

[I won't watch this year's Oscars without you. ]

[If it wasn't live, he would have been taken away in silver handcuffs. ]

The live broadcast room was full of heated discussions.

At the same time.

Zhang Huanhuan quickly calmed down.

She was actually skeptical about Chen Feng's words.

"Impossible? I... I was in contact with him two days ago."

Although she and Tai Kun were in a trading relationship, they were also lovers, and Tai Kun promised her that as long as this wave of business was done, he would take her away and enjoy life abroad together.

But now, Chen Feng actually told her that Tai Kun had run away!

Chen Feng started the show directly: "Nothing is impossible. You should know that all the businesses that Taikun does are illegal, and the police are now searching for his whereabouts."

"So, he has only one way to go now, which is to go abroad."

"Just a few days ago, he had already bought a ticket to Indu, but because of the flight delay, his plan to go abroad was ruined, otherwise he would not be in the country now."


Zhang Huanhuan hesitated for a moment: "Why should I believe you?"

Chen Feng blinked.

"He and I are accomplices."

"He is mainly responsible for providing me with fake drugs, and I am responsible for opening up sales channels outside and attracting customers, but I never expected that this guy would turn against me. He agreed to share the money together, but he secretly hid it from me and ran away with the money."

"It can be said that we are all tied to the same boat. If Taikun runs away, it will not benefit any of us."

Among these secrets of Zhang Huanhuan, he also found that Taikun always asked Zhang Huanhuan to book a room on credit.

Now that she knows that Taikun has run away, she must be more anxious than herself.

Facing Zhang Huanhuan's suspicious expression, Chen Feng continued:

"You checked into a hotel with him 103 times."

"Every time you checked into a hotel, you chose a black hotel that didn't require ID registration, and Kuntai took medicine to improve his endurance every time he checked into a hotel, but even with the medicine, he could only last three minutes at most."

"In addition, Taikun paid for his rooms on credit..."

[Fuck! 666! ]

[This Taikun is also a talent, he actually got it for free! ]

[To be honest, I'm jealous. ]

[Damn it! I hate two types of people the most in my life, one is the one who gets it for free, and the other is the one who doesn't let me get it for free,]

[Hahaha, I just don't know if Taikun watches the live broadcast on the Internet. If he does, he will probably die on the spot! ]


Listening to Chen Feng's words, Zhang Huanhuan couldn't hold his face back at that time.


"This bastard!"

"He even told others about this!"

Now she believed that Chen Feng was definitely Kuntai's accomplice!

After all, Taikun couldn't possibly tell others about this secret, right?

As Chen Feng said, it would not be good for anyone if Kuntai ran away.

After all, Taikun had been eating, drinking, defecating and urinating with his own money these days. Not only did he get away for free, but he even paid for the room and condoms. But now he told her that Taikun had run away?

"But... I... don't know where he is."

Zhang Huanhuan choked for a long time, and finally shook her head.

"Okay, I know."

Chen Feng sighed, pretended to be disappointed, and then stood up directly: "Then if you know Taikun's whereabouts, remember to contact me. The delayed flight will be resumed tonight. If you can't find him before tonight, he is likely to escape to Indu."

After saying these words.

Chen Feng turned around and left.

【? ? ? ? ? 】

【Brother Feng just left like that? 】

【What about prying Taikun's whereabouts from her? 】

【My intuition tells me that this woman must know something! 】

【No need for intuition, just from the tone of her words and facial expressions, I can tell that she must have lied! 】


Facing the non-response of the people in the live broadcast room, Chen Feng's mouth corners slightly raised a few points, revealing an unpredictable expression.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Chen Feng coming out of the nightclub, Yang Canghai couldn't help asking, and in his hand, he also ordered a freshly taken out Huazi.

"She's very stubborn and didn't say anything."

Chen Feng shook his head.

"I'll tell you, this woman's mouth is very stubborn."

Yang Canghai was also a little disappointed.

They had looked for this woman several times, but they had never asked for any useful clues. They thought Chen Feng could pry something out of her mouth, but now it seems that he still returned empty-handed.

"Let's go."

Yang Canghai sighed lightly, walked into the car, and prepared to go home.

Just then.

A woman suddenly walked out of the door of the nightclub.

The woman was dressed very thickly.

She wore a hat and a mask.

She looked like she was afraid that others would recognize her.

She looked around, and then walked into a taxi carefully.

Seeing this.

Chen Feng's mouth curved instantly. Although he couldn't see the woman's appearance clearly, she was definitely Zhang Huanhuan from her figure!

"Officer Yang, catch up with the taxi in front!"

Chen Feng grinned.

It was definitely impossible to get words from her.

Since he couldn't get words from her, why not use his own words to get her?




A rental house.

At this time, the room was filled with medicines, whether under the bed, in the cabinets, washing machines, or refrigerators.

"Hey, Brother Tai, we'll be rich if we sell all these medicines!"

An excited voice said to Tai Kun in the room.

These anti-cancer drugs cost at least 50,000 or 60,000 yuan per bottle in China. Even if they sell them for 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, there is still a lot of market.

"Stop talking nonsense, and get started."

Tai Kun said, "There will be a smuggling ship to Indu in two days. We must get rid of all the medicines as soon as possible during this period."

"And now there are police around, so we have to do it as soon as possible."


The accomplice smiled and immediately moved the medicine to a van.

But the next moment, a taxi stopped next to the two of them.

"Huanhuan... why are you here?"

Seeing the person coming out of the taxi, Tai Kun was a little dazed.

Before Zhang Huanhuan could speak.


Another car stopped next to him.

Chen Feng and Yang Canghai walked down from inside.

Taikun looked at Zhang Huanhuan, then at Chen Feng and the others, his face full of caution: "Huanhuan, who are these two?"

"Your accomplices."

Zhang Huanhuan said without thinking.

Since Chen Feng is Taikun's accomplice.

By the same token, she thought Yang Canghai was also one of the accomplices.

What she didn't expect was that Chen Feng actually followed her.

"My accomplice? What accomplice?"

Taikun was a little confused.

"An accomplice who sells fake medicine."


Kuntai was even more confused: "When did I have such an accomplice?"

"No, I don't have an accomplice at all!"

"Then... who am I?" The accomplice next to him pointed at himself.

"I know who you are!"

While Taikun was confused, his tone was directly directed at Chen Feng and the others.

"So, who the hell are you two?"


ps: Updates may not be stable during the New Year.

In addition, I wish everyone a happy New Year.

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