Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 444: Sorry for the embarrassment!

"Who the hell are you?"

Looking at Chen Feng and Yang Canghai, Tai Kun looked wary.

Especially Chen Feng.

He always felt like he had seen it somewhere before, but he just couldn't remember it.

"We...are your accomplices!"

Chen Feng and Yang Canghai looked at each other, blinked and said.

In fact, they had already notified the police when they arrived, and all they had to do now was delay.

From Zhang Xuanyuan's secrets and his communication with Yang Canghai, Chen Feng also learned many of Taikun's secrets.

Among them were accomplices.

But most of these accomplices have been arrested by the police.

"You know Aqiang, right?"


"Yes, we are his men."


Tai Kun narrowed his eyes, the caution on his face not slackening at all: "Then why did he never tell me that he had subordinates?"

Chen Feng continued: "Huh, it's not like you don't know Aqiang. He is a lone wolf. He likes to take credit for himself no matter what, so this is normal."


Taikun was dubious.

Chen Feng remained calm and smiled: "You secretly hid these medicines from Lu Yong and used his channels to purchase them, right?"


Tai Kun said nothing.

He didn't speak, which meant that Chen Feng was right.

"Aqiang was responsible for transporting the medicines you stole, and during the transportation process, he secretly stole some of your medicines. This should be correct, right?"

Chen Feng said this.

As the saying goes, the more you eat, the fatter you become.

It’s not surprising to encounter this kind of thing. Anyway, these are prohibited stolen goods. Even if they are stolen, it will not constitute the crime of theft.

After all, it’s impossible to call the police, right?

"Okay, I believe it."

Taikun nodded, his vigilant face instantly relaxed.

Of course he knew that Aqiang was stealing medicine in private, but because the amount he stole was not large, he finally chose to turn a blind eye.

And not many people know these secrets.

The reason Zhang Xuanyuan knew was because he was drunk.

at the same time.

The people in the live broadcast room were also laughing like crazy.

[He actually became an accomplice? ? ? 】

[Hahahaha, Brother Feng’s acting skills are simply invincible! 】

[Don’t forget, there is a police officer sneaking in here! 】

[In just a few clicks, Brother Feng not only found the location of the prisoner, but also successfully penetrated into the enemy. It must be said that Brother Feng's tricks are getting better and better. 】

【Not only is it high! Simply amazing! 】

[Gangster: The longest road I have walked is Brother Feng’s routine. 】


"Okay, since you are Aqiang's accomplice, help me carry these medicines into the car, and we will share the money from you."

Tai Kun said this to Chen Feng and Yang Canghai.

Now that time is running out, he must process this batch of goods as soon as possible. With two helpers, he naturally has no reason to refuse.

"no problem!"

Chen Feng's smile became even brighter.

Just when they were about to load the medicine into the car.

In the distance, a siren suddenly sounded.


"Why is the note here???"

Hearing the sirens, Kuntai and his little brother panicked instantly.

They had always been very careful and changed the location every time they committed a crime. Unexpectedly, the police discovered this.

"Pack your things quickly and move out!"

Taikun speeded up and moved the medicine into the van quickly.


After carrying the medicine, Taikun asked Chen Feng, Yang Canghai, Zhang Xuren and his four accomplices to get into the van together, and then welded the door shut.

"Brother Tai, where should we... go next?"

Listen to the sirens coming from all directions.

The accomplice was a little at a loss and asked his eldest brother Tai Kun.


Tai Kun was stunned, not knowing where to run for a moment.

After all, this was the first time he encountered this situation.

And the next moment.

Chen Feng suddenly stood up and introduced Yang Canghai: "By the way, I forgot to introduce you. This is a professional escape expert. He is not only familiar with the surrounding terrain, but also very experienced in strips. I think he should You can take us out."

"Tell me earlier!"

Tai Kun was instantly happy: "In that case, let him show the way!"


Yang Canghai's mouth twitched.

He originally planned to lie down and wait for his colleagues to come over and close the net.

Since Chen Feng said this, he could only start directing the escape route.

"Next, you need to keep driving, then turn left into the dark alley. After driving for a while, there will be a fork. Then turn right, find the path, and go through it..."

At this moment, Yang Canghai was directing the route like a navigation system, and upon hearing his words, the accomplice who was driving directly stepped on the accelerator and headed in the direction he pointed.

【babble? I looked at the map. Isn't this the direction of the police station? 】

[Immortal guides you to find out! 】

[Hahaha, are you sending them in directly? 】

[Let Officer Yang serve as the commander. Isn’t this too showy? 】

[More than just a show? It just makes my scalp tingle! 】


This side of the scene.

More police cars followed the van.

"What's going on? Why are there so many police cars?"

Looking at the police cars reflected in the rearview mirror, Tai Kun's face turned pale. He thought he could easily get rid of them, but the more he drove forward, the more police cars there were.

If he continued like this, he would be caught up soon.

"Brother Tai, and you guys, sit tight."

Beside him, the accomplice who was driving the car gradually became serious.

"You, what do you want to do?" Tai Kun was a little stunned.

The corners of his accomplice's mouth rose, revealing a hint of excitement: "Brother Tai, to be honest, although I am retired now, I was the champion of the world-class racing championship back then. Do you think a few police cars can make things difficult for me?"

"I'm not bragging."

The accomplice took a deep breath and said directly: "I only need to make a slight move, and they can't even see my taillights!"


Hearing this, everyone in the car immediately fastened their seat belts.

The accomplice suddenly switched the BGM in the car to catching shrimp households.


The accomplice glanced at the police cars chasing him, and showed a seriousness he had never seen before: "For civilian cars, you need to control the strength of your left foot at the critical point of the clutch, so that you can have better grip."

"Sorry for the embarrassment!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The accomplice stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!

The sudden increase in speed caused excessive pressure in the cylinder, and the final result was a cylinder explosion!


The next second, the hood of the car exploded instantly!

At the same time, the car also turned over!

【? ? ? ? 】

【What the hell? The car turned over? 】

【I give you a thumbs up! 】

【It's really overturned! 】

【Where is the champion of the world-class racing championship? 】

【I'm afraid it's not Need for Speed? 】

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