There was an explosion.

The van crashed directly into the road guardrail.

at the same time.

The surrounding police cars quickly surrounded the place.

"Cough cough cough..."

Several figures slowly walked out of the van.

Among them were Chen Feng and Yang Canghai.

Fortunately, they fastened their seat belts in time and held the handle firmly, otherwise they might have been sent away on the spot.

"Cao Mu Ma! How do you drive?"

Tai Kun roared angrily, and then kicked his accomplice beside him. This operation almost killed him.

"Don't you know that if you just step on the accelerator, it may cause a cylinder explosion? Not to mention ordinary civilian cars, even the best F1 racing car may explode!"

While Taikun was yelling and swearing, he kept slapping his accomplice on the head: "You're still the fucking champion, right? Champion, champion, I'm going to let you win!"

The accomplice held his head in his hands and was beaten so hard that he didn't know how to fight back.

Immediately afterwards.

He said something very innocently.

"You can't do that with a flying car."


[Hahahaha, this guy is such a fucking talent. 】

[Talents are available every year, but this year there are especially many. 】

[How about a flying car? Can that thing compare to a real car? 】

[The last time the traffic police checked my driver’s license, I showed my high-level driver’s license without saying anything! 】

【Then what? 】

[Then...I just came out today. 】


This side of the scene.

The surrounding police colleagues came over quickly and put a pair of exquisite silver bracelets on the wrists of Tai and Kun.

"Tai Kun, you are suspected of producing and selling counterfeit medicines, please come back with us!"

"Also, you were speeding just now!"

The policeman frowned and warned Tai and Kun.

"No, comrade police, did you make a mistake somewhere?"

"Everyone gets the stolen goods, what else do you have to argue with?"

As the policeman spoke, he pointed to the fake medicine in the van.


Seeing that there was no excuse to quibble, Taikun could only say.

"Comrade police, I...we are not selling fake medicines. These medicines are real! They are effective! And there are many people who buy medicines from us, and they can all testify!"


The policeman snorted coldly.

"Don't you know that these medicines are all unapproved? Unapproved medicines can be considered fake."

"What's more, the prices of these fake medicines you sell are not low."

"Ten thousand yuan a bottle, you really dare to sell it!"

Compared with Lu Yong, Tai and Kun were selling counterfeit drugs entirely for the purpose of making profits. Even if they were jailed and sentenced, they were completely unworthy of sympathy.

"What about them?"

Tai Kun was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Chen Feng and the two of them. They were with him, but the police had no intention of arresting them.

"They are also our accomplices! Why don't you arrest them?"


The policeman thought for a moment and said, "Sorry, they are our undercover agents."

"And if you drive further, it will be our police station."


Hearing this, Taikun almost spit out a mouthful of blood.


While greeting Chen Feng cordially, he was escorted into a police car.

At the same time, Zhang Xuanyuan thought he could escape.

The police quickly came to her: "Ms. Zhang, you are suspected of prostitution and harboring criminals, so come with us."

Just a few minutes.

Everyone at the scene, except Chen Feng, was taken back to the police station.

【Bullshit! Three more are sent in! 】

[Meet Brother Feng and still want to escape? nonexistent! 】

[If you dare to sell counterfeit medicines at such high prices, aren’t you asking for death? 】

[This is a large amount of profit, and the crime must be stone hammer. 】

[This kind of profit-seeking drug dealer is completely unworthy of sympathy! 】


After settling the matter at the scene, Yang Canghai solemnly said to Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, if we ask anything from them in the future, I will inform you as soon as possible."

In fact, he already knew about the case Chen Feng took on this time.

It is not feasible to break the law, but if someone is forced to break the law in order to save more lives, then it is worthy of respect.

"Okay, I'll trouble you."

Facing Yang Canghai's kindness, Chen Feng responded with a smile.

As long as it can be proven that selling these drugs at high prices has nothing to do with Lu Yong, the difficulty of this case will be much simpler.

And next.

After a brief chat, the two parted ways.

the other side.

Zhang Yida followed Chen Feng's instructions to find those patients who had bought Lu Yong's medicine and signed the petition.

There are thousands of signatures in it!

In other words, these people can prove that Lu Yong’s original intention of selling fake medicines is to save people, not to make profits.

that's all.

Time passed, and several days passed in a flash.

Today is the day of court!

In the past few days, this case has been reposted crazily on the Internet, with hundreds of millions of retweets and views!

Hot searches directly dominate the list!

"# Reality version I am not the god of medicine!" 》

"#Breaking the law to save people, is this right or wrong?" 》

"#Is the law greater than emotion, or emotion greater than law?" 》


Below the hot discussion, there are countless comments from netizens.

[I heard that the court is going to be held today. 】

[One thing to say, this case is indeed a bit tricky. From a legal perspective, Lu Yong did break the law, but from a human perspective, he was trying to save people. 】

[Contradictory, this is also the most terrifying part of this case. 】

[If neither party is wrong, then who is wrong? 】

[Although I don’t know what the result will be, I believe in Brother Feng. I believe he can definitely give the public a reasonable result! 】

【right! You can always trust this man! 】


at the same time.

Courthouse entrance.

More than a dozen media outlets have been waiting here for a long time, and behind them there are many cameras and fill lights.

Now the popularity of this case on the Internet is very scary, and they are all planning to grab today's headlines.

Not long after.

A Rolls-Royce representing an identity drove in this way.

As the car door opens.

A tall and tall young man walked out of it.

"Chen Feng!"

Seeing Chen Feng's figure, all the reporters and media rushed towards Chen Feng like zombies.

"Brother Feng, are you sure about this case?"

"Yes, yes, as Lu Yong's defense lawyer, are you sure that Lu Yong will not be sentenced?"

"How sure are you that Lu Yong can be acquitted?"

Facing questions from reporters and media, Chen Feng shook his head lightly, and then uttered two words: "No."


These two simple words made everyone dumbfounded.

You know, until now Chen Feng's winning rate is 100%. If he can't win, then who can win?

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