
"Brother Feng, are you saying you are not sure you can win?"

"No way, people are saying you are a mage."

"Mages will not lose."

The media reporter picked up the microphone and continued to ask questions.

Although there were many reporters around, they all kept a safe distance from Chen Feng for their own safety.

"Yes, I have no chance of winning this case." Tianlai Novel Network

Chen Feng nodded lightly, and then said: "But I believe that the law is not cold, the law has temperature."

The voice fell.

Chen Feng put his hands in his pockets and walked into the court without looking back.

And for his words, the reporters around were stunned.

At the same time.

Netizens in the live broadcast room of the TV station media kept making comments.

[The law has temperature, not cold! ]

[Brother Feng's words make so much sense! ]

[Although Lu Yong violated the law, he did it to save people and had no choice, so I think that even if he is sentenced, he should be sentenced lightly. 】

【Hahaha, I've seen a lot of cases where people were sent to jail, but this is the first time I've seen a case where people were sent out. 】

【I hope Brother Feng can make a satisfactory result for everyone. 】

【I won't say much, Brother Feng is so funny! 】


At this moment, the entire court was crowded with people.

And there were many jurors in this trial, most of whom were big names in the legal community, including famous legal experts and professors.

Among them were Mr. Luo, Zhang San, and Zhang Wei.

In addition, due to the particularity of this case, this trial was also broadcast live to the public.

After entering the court, Chen Feng did not go to the trial site immediately, but came to the lounge.

"Brother Feng, I have prepared everything you want."

Zhang Yida quickly handed over the things that Chen Feng had given him to do before to Chen Feng in the form of documents.


Zhang Yida said again: "Brother Feng, are you sure you can win this case?"

It can be seen that he was very nervous at this time.

After all, almost all the judges around the scene were big names in the legal community. Regardless of the difficulty of the case, if he was a lawyer, he would definitely not have the courage to go up.

"I don't need to win."

Chen Feng smiled lightly: "I just need to convince the judge."



The court time is up.

Chen Feng walked into the court alone, looking at the big names in the legal community around him, which made him couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Rather than a trial.

It's better to say it's a large-scale external hearing.

And his opponent is an assigned legal staff.

"Hello, my name is Wang Dachui, nice to meet you."

As soon as Chen Feng appeared, the legal staff immediately greeted Chen Feng and extended a hand to him.

"Chen Feng, I'm also happy to meet you."

Chen Feng subconsciously extended a hand while introducing himself, and the two shook hands.

After everyone took their seats and read out the legal order.

The presiding judge knocked the gavel heavily, and said with a serious expression: "I declare that the case of Lu Yong selling fake drugs is now open!"

The voice fell.

The presiding judge briefly explained the case to both parties.

"Presiding judge, and all the jurors present!"

Wang Dachui spoke first: "According to the law, the drugs purchased by Lu Yong from abroad have not been approved by the Drug Administration, and drugs that have not been approved by the Drug Administration can be identified as counterfeit drugs. Everyone knows this."

"As the saying goes, the law is merciless. You can think carefully about what it means if this loophole is opened?"

"As we all know, the protection period of drug patents is 20 years. During these 20 years, even if outsiders obtain the formula of this drug, they cannot produce and market this drug."

"If we let this go today, it means that those pharmaceutical companies that abide by the rules and laws will not be effectively protected for their drug patents."

"If the drug patents are not protected, who will invest a lot of money in the future to develop new drugs?"


"My point of view is that this matter must not be condoned. Lu Yong's behavior should be identified as a criminal act."


The presiding judge nodded, and then looked at Chen Feng.

"What's your opinion?"

Chen Feng turned the pen in his hand and stood up.

"Judge, I have a different opinion from the plaintiff. I think Lu Yong's behavior is similar to emergency avoidance."

Chen Feng said: "He violated the drug management law because he had to save the lives of several terminally ill patients who could not afford expensive drugs."

"Had to?"

Wang Dachui interrupted directly.

"Even if it was a last resort, it was still an illegal act."

"Since it is illegal, it should bear the corresponding legal responsibility. Otherwise, according to what you said, wouldn't our drug management regulations become a decoration?"

"At that time, those evil people who do all kinds of evil can't take advantage of this and smuggle a large amount of drugs for profit?"

"It can be seen that your opinion itself is wrong."

"Don't get excited first."

Chen Feng's calm voice came out slowly.

Once this case goes to court, the fact that Lu Yong violated the law is beyond doubt, so it is almost impossible to be acquitted.

Chen Feng is also prepared in this regard.

"Let's not discuss whether my opinion is right or wrong."

"First of all, everyone in this world has two sides, one is the devil, the other is the angel. Who dares to say that they are a real good person or a real bad person?"

"Some people are regarded as evil demons, but they have been saving the dying and the wounded. Some people are regarded as angels of justice, but they do nothing."

"Let me give you an example. If a person breaks the law to save you, will you hate him?"

"Similarly, can you guarantee that you will never get sick in your life? Even if you can guarantee it, can you guarantee that your family will never get sick in their lives?"

"Suppose you are unfortunately diagnosed with a terminal illness, and your family is very poor and can't afford expensive medicine. Just when you are about to die, a cheap medicine appears. What will you do?"

"Wait for death, or break the law out of necessity?"

After this sentence.

Wang Dachui was silent for a moment.

Not only him, but also the atmosphere at the scene was silent.

You know, there is no absolute right or wrong in this world. The so-called right and wrong is just looking at the problem from different perspectives.

Just as Chen Feng said.

If you are forced into a dead end, what will you choose?

Choose to break the law, or choose to wait for death?

Just when everyone was thinking about the answer.

Chen Feng continued to speak.

"If one day, society forces you to a dead end, don't forget that there is still a way behind you, that is to break the law. Remember, it is not shameful."

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