Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 447 There is hope only if you survive!

"If you are forced to a dead end and break the law, isn't that shameful?"

Chen Feng's words instantly silenced everyone on the field.

This is like a famous saying, deeply engraved in their hearts.

Breaking the law is certainly not feasible.

But if one day they are forced to a dead end, can they really guarantee that they will not break the law?

The point is, no one can guarantee that they will not get sick for a lifetime, what should they do in the face of high medical expenses?

Not to mention the poor, can they only wait to die?

And Lu Yong is a typical example.

He bought drugs from abroad and broke the law in order to keep himself and more people alive.

[Hahaha, good!!!]

[Brother Feng said it so well!!!]

[You are worthy of being an outlaw! ! You really dare to say it!]

[Brother Feng is definitely the first person in history to dare to say this in court!]

[What's there to be afraid of? I think Brother Feng is right! 】

【I'm almost dead, who cares? 】

【I hope I can live more than dying! Only by living can there be hope! There will be tomorrow! 】

【Yes, we just want to live, what's wrong with that? 】


The live broadcast room was full of heated discussions.

At the same time.

In the audience, the cancer patients and their families, after listening to Chen Feng's words, tears fell from their eyes.

They knew the meaning of this better than anyone else.

Most of their families were very poor, and that was why they took the risk to buy generic drugs.

It can be said that Lu Yong's medicine saved their lives.

"Yes, Lu Yong did break the law in order to save those patients who couldn't afford expensive drugs."

Wang Dachui also stood up and began to speak: "But from a legal point of view, breaking the law is breaking the law! There is no such thing as being forced to do so!"

"What's more, this is smuggling fake drugs!"

As a legal person, everyone has his own opinions, and Wang Dachui's opinion is exactly the opposite of Chen Feng's.

"So what you mean is, let them wait to die?"

Chen Feng stopped spinning the pen in his hand and retorted.


Wang Dachui shook his head and said: "I think they can get genuine drugs in another way instead of buying generic drugs. What's more, this kind of drug has no quality guarantee. If taken, even for a long time, it is likely to harm their health."

As soon as these words fell.

The patients around the scene couldn't help it at that time.

"Dude, are you kidding me?"

"Do you want to hear what you're saying?"

"I've got cancer, and you're still talking about health?"

"That's right, I'm almost dead, why would I care about health?"

"If it weren't for Lu Yong, we would have died a long time ago!"


Listening to the discussions around him, the presiding judge knocked the gavel and uttered two words seriously: "Silence!"

As the judge of this case, he also said it was difficult to deal with.

According to the law.

There is no doubt that Lu Yong is guilty of smuggling counterfeit drugs.

But the presiding judge is also a human being!

As long as he is a human being, he will inevitably be affected by human relationships.

"Get genuine medicine?"

Soon, it was Chen Feng's turn to speak.

"Then do you know how much this medicine costs?"

"A bottle of this medicine costs tens of thousands of yuan, and you have to take four pills a day, each pill costs about 200 yuan, which means that you have to take 800 yuan a day! Unless you have a mine at home, who can take this medicine every day?"

Wang Dachui adjusted his tie and expressed a different point of view: "Medicine is expensive, but have you ever thought about why imported anti-cancer drugs are so expensive?"

"That's because the research cost of new drugs is expensive!"

"Do you know how much money is needed for an imported innovative drug from research to market?"


Wang Dachui directly took out a detailed data report.

"As far as I know, the research expenditure of a new drug is at least more than 4 billion. If we count some failed drugs and those that do not meet the standards, a drug will cost at least 10 billion in research and development costs to be launched."

"This is just the research and development costs. As for the later sales costs and various miscellaneous costs, it is a very huge astronomical figure."

"And this drug only has a sales period of ten years!"

"Therefore, the price of this drug is destined not to be cheap!"

"If we do not maintain drug patents and indulge in the sales of these generic drugs, then which pharmaceutical company will be willing to invest heavily in the development of new drugs in the future?"

"If no one develops new drugs, in the long run, the losses we face will be incalculable!"

Hearing this.

The presiding judge nodded.

Although Wang Dachui said it very bluntly, he was not wrong.

The cost of a pharmaceutical company developing a drug is very expensive. If generic drugs are allowed to be sold on the market, pharmaceutical companies will not make money. If pharmaceutical companies cannot make money, they will not develop new drugs. At that time, the world's medical level will stagnate.

The next moment, Chen Feng also expressed his own opinion: "I admit that Lu Yong's behavior did damage the interests of some pharmaceutical companies, but he guaranteed the rights of more citizens, that is, the right to life and health."

"What's more, the principle and purpose of our judicial system is to put people first and protect human rights. Among the personal rights and interests of citizens, the greatest right is the right to life."

"Human life is far above everything else!"

"Therefore, I think if Lu Yong's behavior constitutes a crime, it will deviate from the values ​​of criminal justice."


As these words fell.

There was another round of discussion in the live broadcast room.

[Fuck! So our lives are so valuable? ]

[Nonsense, human life is more important than anything else! ]

[As long as human life is threatened, any life-saving behavior can be classified as emergency avoidance. ]

[Then the question is, if I haven't eaten for 20 days and am starving to death, can I eat a panda if I see one? ]

[Of course I can. No matter how precious a panda is, it is just an animal, but we are human beings, and human beings are priceless treasures! In a dangerous state, let alone a panda, even a Siberian tiger or a golden monkey, I will eat one if I see one! ]

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