
Faced with Chen Feng’s words, Wang Dachui was silent for a long time.

In this world, human life is indeed far above everything else.

Although Lu Yong violated the interests of pharmaceutical companies, at the same time, his drugs have saved thousands of lives.

Life is far above everything else, and this cannot be changed.

Wang Dachui thought for a while and said, “As far as I know, the price of these drugs sold by Lu Yong is not low, even up to 10,000 yuan per bottle, how do you explain this?”

Chen Feng explained lightly: “Lu Yong has a friend named Tai Kun, who has rich experience in smuggling, so Lu Yong entrusted this friend to help bring the drugs back.”

“But I don’t know that Tai Kun has a wolfish ambition. He secretly hid it from Lu Yong and used his procurement channels to secretly transport some drugs over, and even sold them at a high price.”

“It can be said that this matter has something to do with my The client has no relationship and he himself is completely unaware of it. "

Wang Dachui immediately retorted: "Why should I believe you? Who knows if the two of them colluded in advance and sold high-priced drugs for profit under the guise of saving people?"


Chen Feng did not speak, and directly took out a prepared document and handed it to the staff: "This is the confession given by the police and the transaction record of Taikun's smuggling of goods. If you don't believe it, you can take a look for yourself. "

These materials were given to him by Yang Canghai two days ago, and they clearly explained the process of Taikun's smuggling.

"In addition, I have a petition signed by the patient's family. They can prove that Lu Yong did not make any profit by purchasing these drugs on behalf of others."

"Even after deducting overseas shipping costs and other expenses, Lu Yong made basically no profit from selling this drug."


After reading the information provided by Chen Feng, Wang Dachui frowned: "Okay, even if it is true as you said, Lu Yong did not make any profit, but this is a court. We are both legal professionals. I think you should know that the saying that law is greater than emotion is illegal even if it is forced."


[Law is greater than emotion? ]

[Normally, it is true. If emotion is greater than law, then there will be no fairness and society will be in chaos. ]

[I think it should be that the objective justice represented by the law is greater than the subjective emotion caused by individuals. ]

[Although the law is clearly stipulated, the law is also made by people. Since it is made by people, it should have human warmth. ]

At this moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room and on the scene began to discuss.

"No, that's just your opinion. I don't agree with it."

Chen Feng shook his head: "Of course, the law is very important and cannot be constrained by emotions. I agree with this."ŴŴŴ.

"But I don't think the saying that law is greater than emotion can be applied to all cases, because emotion and law are contradictory and are the two sides of yin and yang. No matter which one you choose, it is not a long-term development path."

"Law can certainly maintain a good social order, but it is absolutely impossible to ignore the human heart. A society with only law but no human feelings is cold and rigid."

"Although the law is greater than emotion, the human heart can be discerned."

"Because the law is not cold, but has temperature."

"The above is all my opinion."

"Thank you."

After saying these words, Chen Feng decided not to refute.

In this trial, Chen Feng did not intend to win from the beginning.

After all, it is a fact that Lu Yong violated the law.

It is also a fact that the evidence is conclusive.

And all he can do is try to convince everyone.


Seeing this, Wang Dachui sat directly on the chair and fell into deep thought.

Chen Feng's words suddenly made him doubt whether he had been studying law in the wrong direction over the years.

In his philosophy, it is unquestionable that law is greater than emotion.

But after Chen Feng said this today, he was a little unconfident.

Seeing that both sides were silent.

The presiding judge took a deep breath, then looked at the jurors around him, intending to listen to their opinions.

Teacher Luo was the first to speak: "Chen Feng is right. The law should not be cold. The law should have temperature."

"My view has always been that intention is the basis for conviction and ethics is the basis for acquittal. If a behavior is generally considered by society to be unworthy of punishment, and you still punish it, then the law is hypocritical."

Zhang San also followed: "Well, I also agree with Chen Feng's statement. The law should listen to the voice of the people, but it should also transcend the prejudice of the people."

Zhang Wei said directly: "They are right! I totally agree!"


As the words of the jurors fell.

The presiding judge asked both parties a few more questions, then announced a recess, further verified the entire case, and then announced the trial results.

During the recess, both the live broadcast room and the audience on the scene were excited and terrified.

The excitement was because the case was about to be sentenced.

As for the trepidation, if Lu Yong was sentenced to prison, the patients treated by Lu Yong would be chilled.

[Brothers, how do you think this case will be sentenced? ]

[To be honest, I don’t know. This case is too complicated. In addition to the law, it is also mixed with human emotions. Although Lu Yong saved people, it is also a fact that he violated the law. ]

[The charges are definitely confirmed. After all, the evidence is conclusive. Now it depends on how the presiding judge makes a judgment. ]

[Hey, I hope Lu Yong can get a good result. ]


The comments in the live broadcast room were surging wildly.

Half an hour passed quickly...

During this half hour, the surrounding discussions never stopped.

Until a voice came out: "Silence!"

The presiding judge returned to his seat and knocked the gavel.

The surroundings soon became quiet!

At this moment, everyone on the scene felt extremely heavy, and their eyes were fixed on the presiding judge.

Because next, the result of the trial will be announced!

The presiding judge coughed lightly, glanced at everyone present, and then loudly announced the result of this trial:

"I announce!"

"The verdict of the trial is as follows!"

"The defendant, Lu Yong, was suspected of selling counterfeit drugs. After verification, he was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for four years, and fined!"

As soon as the result of the sentence came out.

Everyone exploded instantly!

[Three years in prison? ? ? ]

[Does this mean that Lu Yong will be sentenced to three years? ]

[No, what's the matter with the four-year suspended sentence? 】

【Three years in prison, four years of probation? 】

【Can any legal experts explain what this means? 】

【Let me explain. A four-year probation means that the probation period exceeds the years of punishment. When the probation period ends, if there is no illegal behavior during the probation period, there is no need to go to jail. Generally, probation can only be used for less than three years, that is, the conviction is three years, and the probation period exceeds the years of punishment. 】

【In short, although he was sentenced, Lu Yong did not have to go to jail. 】

【According to the law, he is guilty. 】

【For human reasons, he was sentenced to probation. 】

【To be honest, this is the greatest help the presiding judge has given to Lu Yong, because the presiding judge cannot directly help Lu Yong to be acquitted, so he can only help Lu Yong to be exempted from part of the punishment. 】

【It can be said that both parties have tried their best this time. 】

【Without saying too much, I just like the judge directly! ! ! 】

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