Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 450 Isn’t it that the results are coming soon?

Just when the water friends in the live broadcast room were laughing and joking.

Chen Feng quickly drove to the door of a bank.

He came to the bank mainly to see if the 10 billion donated by the system had arrived, and to withdraw some cash for his parents for the New Year.

After walking into the bank.

Chen Feng went directly to the bank counter.

"Hello, I would like to check the balance on my card."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The counter clerk nodded lightly, and then started working on the computer. After a while, her eyes widened.


"You, your bank card balance is 11.2 billion!"

Looking at this series of numbers, the counter staff was stunned. It was more than 10 billion, and it was still liquid cash!

"Okay, you can help me withdraw some of the cash."

"Okay... please wait a moment."

The counter staff responded politely.

The tone of speaking was completely different from before.

There is a saying that goes well, as long as you save enough money in the bank, you are their boss.

While waiting.

In front of the bank.

Suddenly, two men wearing black hoods walked in.

"Sir, may I ask what this is..."

When the security guard at the door saw this, he immediately stopped the two people, with a hint of caution on his face.

The suspicious attire of the two people makes it hard not to think too much about them.

"We're here to get money!"

One of the masked men said in a strong voice.


"But what? Doesn't your bank still allow people to withdraw money?"

The security guard immediately said: "Of course you can withdraw money, but can you take off the hoods you are wearing first?"

"Take it off?"

The masked man snorted coldly: "Wearing a hood is my personal habit, what? Is it still illegal?"

security guard:"……"

At this time, a bank staff member came over: "Sir, this is it. According to the law, if you wear strange clothes and come to the bank to withdraw money, it will have a negative impact on the surrounding people in a public place and violate public order and good customs. It is a violation of law." illegal."

"Illegal, right?"

The masked man was impatient and took out a pistol: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you."

"Stop pretending, I'm showing off my cards!"

"Robbery! Put your hands up quickly!"

As these words fell.

The atmosphere in the entire bank changed instantly!

Most of them were still confused.


"what's the situation???"

"Could it be that you're filming a movie?"

"How dare someone dare to rob a bank these days?"

The situation here quickly attracted everyone's attention.

Among them are Chen Feng and the friends in the live broadcast room.

"We are robbers!"

"Put your hands up!"

At the same time, the two robbers held a pistol in their hands and yelled at everyone in the bank.

"You don't want to die during this Chinese New Year, right?"

"If you don't want to die, just cooperate with our work!"

"As long as you cooperate with our work, I can guarantee that you will all leave here safely!"


"I don't mind letting you go to heaven for a reunion dinner this year!"

This series of words came into the live broadcast room, and there was a sudden uproar.

【Fuck! Awesome! 】

[A bank was actually robbed in broad daylight? 】

[This is not the point. The point is that Brother Feng can encounter this? 】

[Hahaha, where there is Brother Feng, there are cases! 】

[Yang Canghai: No, will the results come soon? 】

This side of the scene.

The robber leader took out a big black bag, threw it on the bank counter, and said to the staff inside:

"Hurry up and fill it up with money!"

"And don't play tricks on me!"

"If I find you secretly calling the police, I promise to blow your mind!"


The staff at the counter was stunned, but not panicked at all.

The counter glass is bulletproof glass that can withstand steel-core armor-piercing bullets.

Not to mention a mere pistol, even an AK is useless.

But because the robbers had hostages.

The staff could only do what the robbers told them to do.

Probably a few minutes later.

The bag was stuffed with thick stacks of banknotes.

It's just not stuffed.

The robber frowned: "That's all?"

The total amount of cash is estimated to be around two to three million.

It can be seen that he is obviously not satisfied.

The staff member answered honestly:

"We... this is a branch. Under normal circumstances, the branch's cash flow is only a few million."

"How many millions? What if I want to take 100 million?"

"If you want to withdraw large amounts of cash, you need to make an appointment a few days in advance."


The robber leader narrowed his eyes and said doubtfully, "Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"If you don't believe it, you can go to Baidu and search."


Seeing that there was only half a bag of money, another robber bumped his arm and hurriedly urged: "Boss, what should we do now?"

Time is running out now.

Even if it's every minute, it's likely to attract the police.

So they have to be quick!

The robber leader glanced around.

Since the bank has no money, we can only take action from the people around us.

"Everyone, you heard it too."

"The bank has no cash left, so I can only trouble you."

"If you don't want to die!"

"Hand over all the valuables on you!"


Hearing this.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't dare to speak at all.

"Didn't you hear it?"

"Hand over all the valuables on you!"

Seeing that everyone was indifferent.

The robber leader's voice became heavier. He first pointed to the bag in his hand, and then pointed to the door:

"As long as you hand over the things, you can leave."


Not long after this was said.

Suddenly, a crowd came over and took out all the valuables on his body, including mobile phones, watches, gold chains, etc. and put them into the robber's black bag.

After making sure that nothing was missing, the robber leader nodded with satisfaction: "Well, very good, you can leave."

With the first one taking the lead.

And then.

The people around chose to hand in their things.


It was Chen Feng's turn.


At this time, he was still standing there in a daze.

The reason was that a series of system prompts appeared in front of him.

[Ding! It was detected that the host encountered robbers, and the options have been automatically generated for you! ]

[Option 1: Dog life is important, hand over the valuables obediently. ]

[Reward: A dog head life-saving title. ]

[Option 2: The system gives you an RPG, and you can snipe the robbers directly. ]

[Reward: Gold RPG. ]

[Option 3: Without any casualties, punish these two gangsters in the safest way. ]

[Reward: A game account worth 10 million! ]

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