Look at the three options in front of you.

Chen Feng was slightly dazed.

Especially seeing option two.

Mid-gate confrontation? ? ?

I have to say, this system is a real punishment!

This is a bank, and the surrounding space is not that big. If the RPG were to hit it with one shot, I would probably be dead.

And this is a real thing. If you take it out and use it, you may get yourself in in a minute.

In comparison.

Option one is great!

After all, these two robbers have weapons in their hands. If they confront them head-on, wouldn't they be asking for death?


The dog’s life is more important!

Think of this.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and then said to the system:

"I choose three!"

This side of the scene.

As soon as they heard that they could leave after handing in their belongings, the people around them rushed to queue up to pay.

Just a few minutes.

The black large sack was filled with a whole bag of belongings!

"Boss, we are rich!"

The young robber looked at the robber leader beside him and smiled.

He feels that robbing ordinary people is more profitable than robbing banks!

Especially those who dress very casually, such as flip-flops and beach shorts. In addition to big gold chains, these people also have Rolex watches.

on the contrary.

Those people who are brightly dressed and look rich, are so picky that their bodies are all fake, except for the gender fidelity.

"Hey, boss, are these people stupid? Even if they don't hand over anything, we can't do anything to them." The little robber put away his pistol and said with a smile.

Although he had a gun in his hand, he was just trying to scare people.

If you really want to kill people, you won't dare even if you give them a hundred courages.

After all, murder and robbery have completely different probabilities.

In other words.

Just because a robber has the guts to rob does not mean he has the guts to kill.

The leader of the robbers also smiled and said: "Second brother, have you ever heard of a story? Once upon a time, a robber robbed a group of people and asked them to line up to pay. The first one paid one hundred, and the second one paid two hundred. By analogy, everyone lined up one after another. The first person said proudly, "Look, I paid less than you." In the end, everyone rushed to pay, forgetting to resist. "

"Hahahaha, boss, your move is really good!"

The young robber gave a thumbs up to the robber leader.

"Okay, pack your things quickly, we are ready to evacuate." The robber leader glanced at his watch. Now that the matter is settled, they should prepare to run away.


Just when the two of them were packing their things and preparing to run away.

Suddenly, I found a young man not far away.

The civilians who had handed over their belongings before had all been released from the bank, and now only Chen Feng was left in the empty bank.

"Boy, where's your money?"

The robber leader frowned.

From just now to now, Chen Feng has been standing where he is.

"I don't have any money on me."

Chen Feng said very honestly.

"No money?"

The robber leader sneered, took out another pistol, and tried to threaten: "I tell you, if you want to get out of here, you have to pay. If you don't pay, you will die!"

[How dare you threaten Brother Feng? 】

[Brother, stop now, otherwise it will be too late. 】

[With all due respect, he is playing sickle in front of the God of Death, looking for shit! 】

[I heard that Officer Yang is already on his way here. As long as there is another delay, they all have to go in. 】

[Hahaha, during the Chinese New Year, Officer Yang will be forced to open his business again. 】


"Boy, search for me!"

Without saying anything, the robber leader gave the young robber next to him a look and asked him to search Chen Feng.

The little robber signaled, nodded, and then searched Chen Feng.

The only valuable things in Chen Feng's body were a bank card and a bunch of glittering Rolls-Royce keys.

"Is this a Rolls-Royce key?"

The little robber's eyes lit up.

He had seen this kind of key in a luxury goods advertisement, so he subconsciously recognized it at a glance.

"Rolls-Royce key?"

Hearing this, the robber leader turned to Chen Feng in surprise: "Okay, boy, you even have a Rolls-Royce, don't you think you are young and have a lot of potential?"

With that said, the robber leader immediately threw the bank card to the counter: "Help me check how much money is in it!"

Chen Feng didn't have anything valuable on him, but there weren't many people in the world who could afford to drive a Rolls-Royce. Maybe Chen Feng was a rich man somewhere or a second-generation rich man.

If this is the case, there might be more money to be extorted.


The counter staff was indifferent.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me? Let me check!"

The robber leader impatiently took out his pistol and pointed it at the counter staff.


The counter staff had no choice but to follow the robber's request and enter the bank card while operating.

"Can you hurry up!!"

Several minutes passed.

However, the counter staff was still operating slowly. ŴŴŴ.

If there was any further delay, the police would probably arrive.

Ever since, the robber leader picked up his pistol and pointed it at him: "I'll give you one more minute, or I'll blow your brains out!"

The counter clerk raised his head lightly and said disapprovingly: "Sir, the glass on the counter here is bulletproof glass that can resist armor-piercing bullets. Your pistol...can't penetrate it."

[Bullets can't penetrate? ]

[Hahaha, it's just like the indifferent attitude when I went to the bank to handle business. It turns out that the glass of the counter is bulletproof, and they are not panicked at all! ]

[Indeed, according to national industry standards, the glass of the bank counter can withstand 7.6mm steel core armor-piercing bullets. Unless it is RPG or Barrett, ordinary weapons can't penetrate it at all. ]

[Criminal: I've hit a wall. ]


The robber leader gritted his teeth: "If you keep procrastinating, do you believe I will blow up your bank now?"


The counter staff immediately sped up.

After about a few seconds, the query results came out.

Looking at this series of decimal points, the two robbers immediately widened their eyes, and at the same time they were a little unbelievable.

"Boss, I'm not good at math. How much money is this?"

"I... I don't know."

The robber leader was stunned.

What storms and waves has he not experienced in his life?

But he has never seen so much money!

"Sir... this is 10 billion."

Seeing the two men's faces, the counter staff couldn't help but add a sentence.


"10 billion???"

The robbers' minds went blank instantly.

All the things they robbed were only about 10 million at most.

But Chen Feng had 10 billion in a bank card!

What does this mean?

"Boy, what's the password of your bank card?"

The robber leader licked his mouth and looked at Chen Feng greedily.

But before Chen Feng could say anything.

Suddenly, a siren sounded outside.


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