Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 452: Peeping the Little Prince to Find Out

"Here comes the note???"

The sound of sirens coming from outside soon reached the ears of the robbers.

"Second brother, how are you doing?"

"Didn't you just confiscate everyone's mobile phones?"

The robber leader didn't think much and immediately questioned his accomplices.

The young robber said with certainty: "I have confiscated all their mobile phones."

"Who called the police?"

"I do not know either."


The robber leader was thoughtful.

Only a few minutes had passed between them.

If the second person confiscated everyone else's mobile phones, it meant that it was definitely not the group of people who called the police, because even if they went out to borrow mobile phones to call the police, the police would not arrive so quickly.

Just when they were puzzled.

The live broadcast room suddenly burst into laughter.

[Hey, little prince peeking at the screen to find out! 】

[At this moment, Officer Yang has gradually discovered the secret of the performance. 】

[As long as you keep an eye on Brother Feng’s live broadcast room, you won’t be afraid of lack of performance! 】

[Hahahahaha, the pressure is on Officer Yang’s side again. 】

[Police Officer Yang: It’s such a difficult time for me during the Chinese New Year. 】


"Forget it, let's leave quickly!"

After the two robbers confirmed that everything was packed, the leader of the robbers suddenly pointed at Chen Feng: "By the way, take this kid with you."

The little robber asked in confusion: "Take this kid with you? Why? Didn't we get his bank card and password?"

"You are such a stupid pig!"

The leader of the robbers slapped him on the back of the head angrily: "If the policeman catches up later, we can use him as a hostage."

"What's more, this guy is so rich, he will be useful in the future!"

"I see."

The little robber suddenly realized.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, come with us! Otherwise, I don't mind making your head bloom!"

The robber leader warned Chen Feng with a pistol.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he took him away from the planned escape route.

at the same time.

Outside the bank.

Several police cars were parked nearby.

The leader of the team was none other than Yang Canghai.

After witnessing the accident at the bank, Yang Canghai immediately dispatched the police and rushed over as quickly as possible without saying a word.

"Comrade police! We were just robbed by robbers!"

"Yeah, yeah, they're at the bank!"

"He also stole my Rolex worth several hundred yuan."

"Comrade police, you must help me take it back!"

Seeing the police appearing, the people around asked for help.

Yang Canghai patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, we will do our best to help you get your property back!"

After saying these words, Yang Canghai quickly looked at his colleagues.

"What's going on inside now?"

"Officer Yang...the gangster inside seems to have escaped."

"Run away?"

"Yes, they robbed all the liquid cash in the bank, and also robbed people's property. According to estimates, the total value of the property and cash they robbed is about 10 million."

Speaking of which.

The colleague's tone suddenly paused.

"And... they also took a hostage before leaving."

"What did you say??? They also took hostages?"

Yang Canghai couldn't calm down anymore. If something was robbed, they only needed to find a way to catch the robber.

But it would be different if the hostages were taken.

They also need to consider the safety of the hostages.

"Who is the hostage taken? Has the identity been verified?"

"Chen Feng."


Two simple words came into my ears.

Yang Canghai's mouth suddenly twitched.

have to!

So many people were not tied up, but they actually kidnapped the God of Death!

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