the other side.

After walking out of the bank, the two robbers took Chen Feng northward.

And in the process of walking.

The two robbers did not forget to warn Chen Feng.

"You better be more honest!"

"Don't even think about playing tricks!"

"Otherwise, your brain will explode in a matter of minutes!"


Facing the threat from the robbers, Chen Feng was speechless.

He just went to the bank to withdraw money, but he didn't expect to encounter such an unlucky thing. Forget it, he was actually hijacked by robbers.

But thinking that as long as he can subdue these two robbers, he can get a game account worth tens of millions, Chen Feng suddenly becomes more motivated!

After all, his goal for the new year is to become a real game anchor!

Reward tens of millions of game accounts!

The system still understands me!

"Don't worry, until I catch you... Bah, I won't run away."

Chen Feng said calmly.

Both robbers had firearms on their bodies, so it was definitely not feasible to attack them directly.

And the safest way is to stay put!

Now that the whole process is live broadcast, he is equivalent to a human GPS.

This means that it is only a matter of time before the two robbers are caught.


The robber leader raised his eyebrows slightly.

Chen Feng was his hostage now, and he couldn't figure out why he was so calm.

In addition, he felt a sense of déjà vu towards Chen Feng.

at the same time.

Everyone in the live broadcast room could clearly see the scene where Chen Feng was kidnapped.

[Hahaha, I really admire their courage. 】

[Robbery a bank, extort money, and now kidnap hostages! These days are getting more and more punishing! 】

[And there are so many people outside who are not kidnapped, but they kidnapped the God of Death. 】

[I feel sorry for them for three seconds. 】

[I just don’t know if I can skip these procedures and fast-forward directly to the prison to pick up soap. 】


"By the way, second brother, is your escape method reliable?"

Seeing that there was no police pursuit behind him, the robber leader immediately looked at the young robber and asked.

"Don't worry, boss."

The little robber laughed, very confident.

"I have been planning this plan for a long time, and I guarantee it will be foolproof!"

The words just fell.

The three of them soon came to a garage where a car was parked.

"police car???"

The robber leader was in disbelief.

At first glance, the car in front of me looks exactly like a police car!

The little robber wiped his nose and smiled: "To be precise, this is a modified car that I spent a lot of money to customize!"

That's right.

This is not a real police car, but a modified fake police car.

【Fuck! Even a fake police car? ? ? 】

[This robber really spent a lot of money. 】

[One thing to say is that there are barriers to making money now, including those in criminal law. 】

[If you succeed in robbing a bank, please call me Mr. Chen and we will see you tomorrow. If you fail, please call me Chen and we will see you at the execution ground tomorrow. 】


"Boss, why don't we put on our clothes quickly?"

The young robber took out two sets of fake police uniforms.

As for his plan, it's actually very simple.

They planned to hide from the police by disguising themselves as police officers.

As long as they can successfully get rid of the police, they will have plenty of ways to escape.

"What should I do with this kid?"

The robber leader suddenly realized that the number of people was wrong.

Because Chen Feng was not included at the beginning, there were only two sets.

"He...let him sit in the back row."

The young robber thought for a moment and said, "Normal prisoners usually sit in the back row. This is more natural."

"You're right."

The robber leader nodded in agreement.

The two men put on fake police uniforms and pretended to be police officers. Then they tied Chen Feng up with a rope and arranged to sit in the back row.

And in order to prevent their appearance from being exposed, they also covered Chen Feng's eyes with a piece of black cloth.

[Is it okay to hide your ears and steal the bell? 】

[Hehe, although they covered Brother Feng’s eyes, he can’t cover our eyes! 】

[Even if they were killed, they would never have imagined that this so-called foolproof robbery would actually be broadcast live on the entire network, right? 】

【babble? Officer Yang seems to have entered the live broadcast room again. 】

[Looking at the screen again, right? ? ? 】


Although Chen Feng's eyes were blindfolded at the moment, the hidden live broadcast camera he was wearing was very concealed and could not be found without looking carefully.

But everyone doesn’t know——

Chen Feng had [Peeping Eyes] on his body. Even if his eyes were covered with black cloth, he could clearly see the faces of the two robbers.

that's all.

The two robbers drove into the main road in a fake police car and planned to leave the scene of the crime first.

I thought it would be a smooth journey.

But it only took a few minutes.

A woman suddenly appeared in front of their car.

See it.

The little robber who was driving subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

"Comrade police, comrade police!"

The woman quickly came to the window and knocked.


The young robber rolled down the car window: "What can you do?"

"You are the police, right?"

"Yes, it is."

"Okay, I have a case that I need your help with."


Regarding the woman's words, the little robber looked a little unnatural and said:

"Girl, we are escorting the prisoner. It is not convenient right now. If you need help from the police, I suggest you call the hotline directly."

As he said this, he pointed specifically at Chen Feng, who was sitting in the back seat with an expression on his face.

"I don't care about you!"

The woman was not polite at all: "Since you are the police, my case should be handled by you!"


The young robber did not speak, but glanced at the robber leader sitting in the passenger seat, who nodded.

This is a big road, and they are in a state of escaping, so it is better to restrain themselves.

What's more, their hoods have been taken off, and there is still a risk of exposure.

"Then tell me, how can we help you?"

The little robber really had no choice but to ask about the situation first.

"Here's the thing."

The woman pointed at the young man beside her: "This is my boyfriend. Today we broke up, but he actually asked me to pay him back all the money I spent before. Tell me, Is this reasonable?"


The two robbers looked at each other and were suddenly confused.

" called the police just because of this?"


The woman crossed her arms and said matter-of-factly.

"As a man, isn't it normal for him to raise a woman?"

"Who is a man if he doesn't even have this ability?"

"Now you actually have the nerve to ask me to pay him back the money I spent before?"


"Madam, please don't get excited yet."

The robber leader immediately advised.

"Can I ask, what was the reason for your breakup? And why did you break up?"

The woman said coldly: "He doesn't want to make progress. Three years after graduation, he can't even come up with the minimum down payment of one million for a house. I feel that living with such a man will definitely not lead to happiness, so for the sake of both of us, I will Made a request to break up."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone in the live broadcast room who was eating melon couldn't stop jumping. Tianlai Novel Network

【? ? ? ? ? 】

[Three years after graduation, millions in savings? 】

[Is this woman drinking too much poisonous chicken soup? 】

[The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds. 】

[Wait a minute... Brothers, these two policemen are pretending to be robbers! 】

[Do robbers pretend to be police officers to handle cases? 】

[Hahaha, interesting! 】

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