
At this moment.

The expressions of the two robbers were a little stiff.

Saving one million in three years after graduation?

Break up if you don’t save enough?

The reason given by the woman made them dumbfounded.

The robber leader couldn't help but said: "You broke up just because of this?"

"if not?"

The woman snorted as a matter of course: "For a grown man, a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan is the most basic, right? Saving 1 million yuan in three years is already a very low requirement, but he can't even do this. Is this like a disabled person?" What’s the difference between people?”


When the robber leader heard this, his originally calm expression suddenly became serious, and his blood pressure even rose a little.

He is a man too!

Earn 100,000 a month?

Still the most basic?

How could he possibly rob if he could make so much money?

The robber leader asked again: "Then what is your monthly salary?"

"Three thousand."

The woman said simply and directly without even thinking about it.

【? ? ? ? ? 】

【Three thousand? ? ? ? 】

[I have a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, but I want my husband to have a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan and a deposit of 1 million yuan in three years, and he is a recent graduate? 】

[Excuse me, is your sister made of gold? 】

[I don’t even look at my bear-like appearance. Even if I don’t look good, my requirements are quite high. 】

[Let me tell you a joke, with a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan, why would I like this guy? 】

[Typical common woman! 】


Pu Xinnu continued: "Comrade policeman, in fact, my standards for choosing a mate are not high. In terms of appearance, I only need to be similar to Daniel Wu. I am over 1.9 meters tall. As for the annual salary, it should be in the millions."

"The main thing is that others must listen to me and pamper me..."

Hear this.

The corner of the robber leader's mouth twitched slightly.

As a man, he became angrier as he listened to this common woman's words.

Especially for him, it was a fatal blow!

Isn't the reason they rob banks because life is too difficult?

In other words.

If the average monthly income per person is 100,000, why would he rob a bank with only a few cents?

But the woman's words made him realize what Pu Xin's ceiling is!

If the situation does not allow it.

He wanted to take out his pistol and shoot this woman to death on the spot!

"Otherwise, we can file a case for you when we get back?"

The robber leader said this while resisting the urge to take out his pistol.


Pu Xinnu shook her head directly: "Comrade police, our matter is very urgent, you must give us a review today!"

"Commentary, right? That's fine."

The robber leader walked out of the car expressionlessly and came to the man: "Brother, how much have you spent on her over the years?"

"Several hundred thousand."

The man did some calculations and said solemnly.

Pu Xinnu snorted coldly.

"It's only a few hundred thousand, you have the nerve to ask me to take it back?"

"You are really shameless!"


Pu Xinnu directly showed off a series of diamond rings and jewelry.

"Did you see, these were given to me by my previous boyfriends!"

"It adds up to several million at least. Compared with others, you are nothing, but now you actually have the nerve to ask me to return the money to you! You are really kind!"


The man doesn't speak.

It can be seen that he is the kind of honest and honest person, and it is precisely because of his honesty that he is easily deceived.

Because from the beginning, Pu Xinnu approached him just for money.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the two robbers beside him lit up.

Their true identities are robbers!

These luxury goods in front of them are undoubtedly like showing off their ham in front of a lion!

Think of this.

The two robbers looked at each other.

There was no reason for them not to want the head that was brought to their doorstep.

"Madam, these luxuries of yours will make us happy."

"Look? What do you want to do?"

"We need to confirm that if these jewelry are given by your ex-boyfriend, then he is indeed not worthy of you."


Pu Xinnu hesitated for a moment.

In the end, he handed over the jewelry generously.

After all, the other party was a policeman, so she had no worries.

And these things on her body were all given by her previous boyfriends. Once she drains them of their money, she will look for the next big enemy to take over.

"Damn it! What a good thing!"

Look at these luxuries.

The two robbers licked the corners of their mouths and were a little excited at the same time. Although they didn't know how much these things were worth, they had watched a lot of them on TV.

Women's luxuries cost at least hundreds of thousands!

Seeing the surprised looks of the two of them, Pu Xinnu said proudly: "Yes, this diamond ring was given to me by my last boyfriend. It cost two or three hundred thousand."

"And this bag was given to me by my last boyfriend. Its current value is at least 200,000 yuan."

"Also, this is a gift from me."

Pu Xinnu kept introducing the two robbers as if she was showing off her trophies.

at the same time.

The water friends watching the excitement in the live broadcast room also became crazier.

[If you tell her now that these two people are robbers, I wonder what her expression will be like? 】

[She is so proud now, but she will feel so uncomfortable later. 】

[I think she will cry. 】

[Hahaha, she is the first person in history to introduce the value of luxury goods to the robbers! ]

[Xiu'er is not as good as her! ]

[But to be honest, this kind of woman does not deserve sympathy. ]


At the scene.

The robber leader picked up a diamond ring and threw it to the man: "This is yours, just think of it as a way to get your money back."

Pu Xinnu: "???"

Not only her.

The man was also a little confused.

"This... This may not be good."

The man said it was not good, but his hand was honest to put the ring away. He had spent so much money on Pu Xinnu over the years, and he had no reason to refuse to get some back.

"Comrade police, what do you mean? This is my thing, what do you mean by giving my thing to him?" m.

Pu Xinnu's face changed drastically. She wanted to snatch the ring back, but the man took the ring and ran away without even looking back.

The woman was almost mad to death. She stamped her feet and said to the two robbers fiercely: "I tell you, my ring is worth more than 200,000 yuan. If you don't help me get the ring back today, believe it or not, I will report you for robbery!"

"Your things?"

The robber leader smiled: "Yes, these are indeed your things."

"But that was only a minute ago, because from this moment on, these things no longer belong to you!"

"As for you wanting to report us for robbery?"

"That's not necessary."


At this point, the robber leader paused, then took out a pistol and stuffed it into the stunned Pu Xin woman's mouth.

"We are robbers!"

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