【Good guy! I'm a good guy! 】

[Hahaha, I can’t tell, these robbers are quite sympathetic. I thought they would rob both of them, but I didn’t expect that not only did they not rob the man, they actually shared the woman’s things with others to replenish their blood. 】

[Although they are a bit bad, I just want to say this operation was well done! 】

[As a spectator, their behavior is robbery, but as a male compatriot, his behavior deserves everyone's praise! 】


There was a lot of heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

at the same time.

This side of the scene.

After hearing what the robber said, Pu Xinnu was also confused.

Even if she was beaten to death, she would not have thought that the true identities of the two policemen in front of her were robbers in disguise!

next moment.

Puxin's legs went weak.

He knelt down directly on the ground with a plop.

Being pointed by the robber leader with a pistol, Pu Xinnu was also frightened and could not care less.

"Comrade police, I...I know I was wrong."

"Where did you go wrong?"

"I will never lie to anyone again!"


The robber leader frowned and said, "In other words, you deceived all these things?"

"Yes, it is."

Pu Xinnu didn't dare to lie and nodded directly.

It was obvious that she still thought the two were police officers.

The robber leader rolled his eyes and said in a serious tone.

"Tell me, how many people have you deceived over the years?"

Pu Xinnu made a rough calculation and said: "Not many, probably... only about thirty or forty."

The robber leader paused.

Then he continued to ask: "Then how did you lie?"

"Through...through online dating software."

"more specific!"

"I packaged myself as a rich and beautiful woman online, and then hooked up some men through online dating software, and then... asked them for money for various reasons."

【 Punishment! It's a scam, right? 】

[One thing to say is that today’s online appointment software is full of pitfalls. 】

[Ninety percent of the girls you date online are unreliable! 】

[Brother, be confident, 100%! 】

[Last time I downloaded a so-called local dating app. After chatting for a few words, I needed to activate VIP. Without activation, I couldn’t even send a word. The problem is that after recharging, there is still a limit on the number of times I can speak. You only need to send a paragraph. , even if it’s a word, now I’ve lost all my money and I haven’t seen anyone yet. 】

[To put it bluntly, this is a scam. It keeps tricking you into paying money to chat. In the end, not only did you not see the person, but you also spent a lot of money. 】

[Brother, let me tell you the truth, this so-called local dating app is fake, and the person you are chatting with is actually a big guy who picks his feet. Don’t ask me how I know this. 】


"Ah, very good."

After listening to Pu Xinnu's confession.

The robber leader was very satisfied: "Since you deceived these things, I will keep them for you!"


Pu Xinnu hesitated to speak. These were her trophies over the years. She would definitely not be willing to hand them over like this.

The robber leader didn't bother to talk nonsense to her. He directly took out his pistol and pointed it at her: "What? Do you have any objections?"

"No, no."

"That's good!"

As soon as the words fell, the two robbers quickly put their things into the trunk of the car and then drove away.

However... not long after the two robbers left, Yang Canghai and others arrived at the scene.

Seeing this, Pu Xinnu quickly complained to Yang Canghai and others.

"Comrade police... listen to me, just now two men in police uniforms took my things..."

"okay, I get it."

Before she could finish speaking, Yang Canghai nodded.

"You know? What do you know?"

Pu Xinnu was slightly startled.

How do you know this before you have finished speaking?

Yang Canghai did not explain, but took out a pair of exquisite silver handcuffs from his waist, and cuffed them directly on Pu Xinnu's wrists with her blank expression.

He has been watching Chen Feng's live broadcast, so he must know about this woman's fraud.

Pu Xin Nu: "???"

Yang Canghai said with a serious face: "You are suspected of Internet fraud, please come with us now!"

at the same time.

The two robbers were humming a tune while driving. It was obvious that they were in a very good mood at this time.

First he robbed the bank, and now he robbed so many luxury goods. This time it was a bloody profit!

If they can still get the money on Chen Feng's bank card, they will definitely not have to worry about it in the next life!

"Second brother, are you sure you are going in the right direction?"

The robber leader felt something was wrong.

From just now, he could faintly hear the sound of police sirens.

The little robber smiled and patted his chest, and promised: "Don't worry, I have been planning this escape route for a long time. Even if I scratch my scalp, I won't be able to think of it!"

As everyone knows——

Everything they say and do is seen by everyone.

【God is so unexpected! 】

[Police uncle: Ah, yes, yes, we couldn’t have imagined it even if we scratched our heads. 】

[Hey, have you all heard? The Puxin girl just now has been taken back to the police station by the police uncle. 】

[That’s for sure, what she did was a fraud! 】

[All I can say is, yes! 】

[Police Officer Yang: I picked up a head for nothing. 】


That is when everyone is laughing and joking.


The robbers' car was stopped again.

This time, it was a spirited young man who stopped the car.

The spirited young man ran to the car window in panic and knocked, saying, "Comrade police, help me!!!"

The robber leader was a little impatient, but he still subconsciously asked, "What do you want?"

The young man said, "Comrade police, you must help me with this matter, otherwise someone will die in a minute!"

"Someone will die?"

The two robbers looked at each other and were a little stunned.


The young man took a deep breath and told everything.

"It's like this, comrade police, I just went to the toilet to talk to my girlfriend on the phone, and when I was flushing the toilet, my phone accidentally fell into the toilet."

"Look, can you help me get it?"


The robber leader's mouth twitched.

"Is this what you said, something that could kill someone?"

The young man nodded and said, "Yes, if I don't reply to my girlfriend's message in time, I'll be done tonight!"

The robber leader gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you just take a hook and hook it out yourself?"

"But... that's a toilet, I'm afraid it's dirty."

The young man's words instantly broke everyone's defense.

[A mobile phone fell into the toilet and asked the police for help? ]

[Although they are fake police, I still want to say that this guy is probably not spreading salt on his crotch, is he bored? ]

[I finally know why the police are so busy even though there is no case...]

[The police are busy for a reason. ]

[I saw before that a naughty kid called the police to teach him because he couldn't do the questions. ]

[What is this? Yesterday, I was eating durian at home, and the police came to check the water meter for no reason. ]

[Why? ]

[My neighbor reported a gas leak in my house. 】

【I will play a single 6. 】


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