"Get lost!"

The two robbers spit out a word to the spirited young man, and then drove away from the scene directly.

But along the way, the car was stopped every now and then, and they were all some weird reporters.

"Comrade police, my baby who was just born a few months ago is missing, can you help me find it?"

"Baby? What baby?"


"Comrade police, something was stolen from my house."

"Excuse me, what was stolen from you?"



Faced with all kinds of weird cases, the two robbers almost collapsed.

"Second brother, what bad ideas do you come up with?"

The robber leader couldn't help it at the time.

In less than a few minutes, they were stopped several times in a row.

If this continues, will they still escape?


The little robber didn't say anything. He originally planned to use the police car as a cover to escape from the police's sight.

But the current situation is somewhat beyond his expectations.

"How about changing cars?"


The robber leader couldn't stand it anymore.

So, the two put on their hoods again and hijacked a van on the road.

"You better behave yourself!"

The robber leader moved the things in the car into the van, and then said to Chen Feng who was tied to the back seat.

Chen Feng is their future cash cow, so they must bring him along.

"You better not let me find out and call the police secretly, otherwise I will make your brain explode immediately!"

[This robber is good. ]

[In such a long time, he is also the first person to threaten Brother Feng twice. ]

[Haha, it's also fortunate that Brother Feng's camera is positioned, and now Officer Yang is on the way. ]

[It has to be said that these two criminals are unlucky. They encountered so many cases along the way. Otherwise, it would take Officer Yang a while to catch up. ]

[Is there a possibility that so many accidents happened on the road because of Brother Feng? 】


After threatening Chen Feng, the robbers drove the stolen van on the road, and the road ahead was unobstructed, and no one stopped their car.

But just as they were about to turn.

An old lady rushed out from the middle of the road at a brisk pace.

Seeing this.

The young robber in the driver's seat subconsciously braked!

He didn't hit her.

"Grass mud horse!"

"Old woman, are you going to die!"

The young robber was also frightened, and he stuck his head out of the window and yelled at the old woman.

Facing the young robber's roar, the old woman was unmoved.

She deliberately walked to the front of the car and took a look to see if there was a dashcam installed in the car. After confirming that there was no dashcam, she threw the basket in her hand into the air under the stunned eyes of the robber, and then lay on the ground with a 180-degree rotation.

The two robbers: "???"


"Someone hit someone!!!"

"Help! Someone hit someone!"

After the old woman fell, she cried with a sad face.

At this moment, anyone who is not mentally retarded can see that this old woman is obviously trying to scam someone!

[Scam? ? ? ]

[This old woman is amazing. She was walking briskly in the last second, and lying on the ground in the next second? This is not how you act, right? ]

[What's even more outrageous is that she even checked if there was a dashcam in the car! ]

[It's outrageous to open the door for outrageous things. It's outrageous! ]

[If it weren't for Brother Feng's camera, I would believe it if she was writing a novel. ]


At the scene.

The robber leader got out of the car and looked at the old woman lying in front of the car and said angrily: "Old woman, get out of here!"

"Fifty thousand!"

The old woman lay on the ground and pretended to be in pain and said: "I can't get up without fifty thousand!"

"I tell you, I have a dashcam!"

The robber leader tried to take out the dashcam to intimidate her.

"Hey, you still want to deceive me? Your car doesn't have a dashcam at all!"

The old woman said proudly: "And I tell you, there is no surveillance around. If you don't pay today, don't think about leaving!"

"No surveillance, right?"

"Old woman, I didn't expect you to be so professional?"

At this point, the robber leader suddenly took out a pistol: "In that case, I'll show you what it means to be a thief and give up the money quickly!"


The old woman was dumbfounded when the pistol was pointed at her.

And at this moment, a siren sounded in the distance.

"Fuck! Police! How come they caught up so quickly?"

Hearing this voice, the young robber panicked.

"This damn crazy woman!"

The robber leader gritted his teeth.

If it weren't for the cases encountered along the way and the old woman who was scamming, how could the police catch up with them so quickly?

I wanted to vent my anger on the old woman, but when they were not paying attention, the old woman had already run away.

"Forget it, don't worry about her, let's retreat quickly!"


"Comrade police, comrade police! Someone hit someone!"

After the old woman escaped from the robbers, she stopped one of the police cars and hurriedly said: "And they had guns in their hands. After hitting me, they threatened me with guns!"

"Okay, you don't have to explain, I know."

Officer Yang nodded, then directly handcuffed a silver bracelet on the old woman's wrist, and finally said: "Get in the car, I'll take you to see them now."



[Fuck 666! ]

[Another head picked up for nothing? ]

[This robber has already sent two waves of assists in a row! ]

[Hahaha, he's going crazy! ]

[If this continues, Officer Yang's performance will explode! ]

[Do you think there will be more later? ]

[Don't predict, or I'll kill you later! ]



Under Yang Canghai's command.

The road of the two robbers began to narrow.


The two desperate people came to a nightclub bar.

And Chen Feng was also held hostage by them all the way.

As soon as they entered the nightclub, the two robbers took out their pistols and shouted at the people who were dancing around:

"Raise your hands!"


At the same time.

A private room at the back of the nightclub.

A man with a green dragon tattooed on his left side and a white tiger tattooed on his right side was playing poker with several young ladies.

He was the owner of this nightclub.

The next moment, a younger brother rushed in in a panic.

"Brother! It's bad!"

"Something's wrong!!!"

Hearing this.

The nightclub owner looked a little unhappy and said in a cold tone: "I remember I told you many times that you should knock on the door before entering. Since you broke the rules, be prepared."

"If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

It can be seen that the nightclub owner is obviously angry.

After all, this game is about to end, and being interrupted suddenly also makes him very unhappy.

And just by listening to the tone, it can be seen that the nightclub owner must be a person from the underworld.

The younger brother took a deep breath and said in fear: "Someone...someone smashed our place!"


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